Returning to village

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They get extracted by an anbu black ops team and they make it home boruto is stable but his condition is not good currently that are in a hospital 🏥
Boruto: (laying in bed unconscious wrapped in gauze with scrapes and cuts all over his body and face)
Sarada: (sitting next to boruto) (holds his hand) boruto please get some rest you gonna be ok (kisses his forehead) just rest (inside she is hurt by almost seeing her husband be beaten to death)
Three hours later it's almost midnight
Boruto: (turns in his sleep)
Sarada:ohhhh (brushes his hair) you idiot 😌 (sees him wince and his face looks in pain) baby 😰 are you still hurting (scared) I'm so sorry boruto (tears) maybe I can do something I just want to do something (cry's) I feel so useless, your stuck here in pain after fighting for your life and I couldn't help you with any of it
Boruto: (still turns and twitches almost like a bad nightmare)
Sarada: (climbs in the bed) (hugs him) I might not be able to help but I'm still gonna be here for you like I promised (hugs him tight)
Boruto: (stops turning and calms down)
Sarada: it's ok I'm here my love

Skip to morning

Boruto: (opens his eyes) hmmm (tries to move) ahh I'm so sorry (feels arms wrapped around him) Sarada?? You slept next to me (looks in her smiling face) I love you (kisses her)
Sarada: (wakes up) hey darling kiss me again
Boruto: (kiss)
Sarada: 😍🥰🥰😍😍😘
Boruto: did the doctor tell you when I could leave
Sarada: ya he said you should be fine and can leave when you feel strong enough
Boruto: perfect I could leave now
Sarada: are you sure 😔let's see if you can walk
Boruto: (stands up) (a little shaky) ok I think I...(falls)
Sarada: (catches him) uhhhhmmmm boruto😳
Boruto: (face in her boobs) sorry 😐
Sarada: well... can I carry you home
Boruto: ya if your strong enough
Sarada: (carries him on her back) I'm not weak (smiles)
They get home
Sarada: phew (puts him on the couch)
Boruto: thanks babe (grabs her hand pulls her onto his lap) here's your reward (kisses her passionately) (runs his fingers through her hair and explores her mouth with his tongue)
Sarada: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Boruto: (stops kissing her)
Sarada: (daze) wow 🥰 that was incredible
Boruto: no problem babe
Sarada: oh it's almost time for lunch
Boruto: do you want to go out
Sarada: no I'll make you something
Boruto: like what
Sarada: hmmm we just went to the store so how about burgers
Boruto: sure
Sarada: (dashes into the kitchen) ok now to make the perfect burger for my boruto (starts getting all the ingredients and starts cooking) 😁😊 I hope he likes it
Boruto: (talks to himself- I was kinda looking forward to spending time with Sarada after this whole thing)
Sarada: finished ok (takes boruto the burger) (slips) (drops food) (falls on boruto)
Boruto: 🤕 oww
Sarada: I'm sorry honey I'm so sorry 😣 I messed up again I'm such an idiot (sad)
Boruto: don't worry babe it was an accident
Sarada: ya but I just wanted to do something nice for you and I messed it up
Boruto: it's ok Sarada (grabs her face) your even tastier (kisses her)
Sarada: 🤯🤯🥰😍😍😘😘🥰😘🥰😘😘😘🥰🥰😘🥰😘😘🥰🥰😍
Boruto: see dont worry about the little things
Sarada: I guess your right (looks to see the mess) hey wait the burger landed it's ok (grabs it) here baby
Boruto: (take a bite) I take it back
Sarada: thank you.... I think 🤔
Boruto: your an amazing cook you should eat too, your pregnant now, don't you have craving
Sarada: I haven't had them really
Boruto: well we should still split it (takes half) here (hands it to here)
Sarada: thanks
They eat together all cute and feed each other
Sarada: when you were in the hospital I did some reading and apparently pregnancy as some side affects
Boruto: like what
Sarada: It said I might get moody and my feet will swell and Ill start sweating and have weird cravings
Boruto: that's fine
Sarada: well I just wanted to warn you because I don't want to scare you away
Boruto: how could you scare me away I love you no matter what and having you and our baby makes me the luckiest man on earth
Sarada: thank you 🥺
Boruto: when does morning sickness start
Sarada: soon and I know it's gonna suck
Boruto: well I'll be right their with you
Sarada: that helps
Boruto: I never heard about the moodiness though
Sarada: me neither but apparently it can go from happy to horny to crazy in a few seconds
Boruto: really well I'm used to horny
Sarada: only because your a perv
Boruto: hehe
Sarada: well at least sorry in advance for anything that might happen
Boruto: don't worry this will be a cool new adventure for the two of us
Sarada: ya except I'm gonna be doing most of the work and you will be my slave for chores and food......among other things (looks him up and down)
Boruto: really 😂
Sarada: what I'm gonna have our baby I need my boy toy (smirks)
Boruto: not today though next time I'm still a little sore
Sarada: ok but be ready 😈👅
Boruto: 😳

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