Whatever It takes

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     There I was in my bed higher than a kite and usually, I'll be happy, but this came with a price. Look at me..... what has become of me. the person I hate I have became. I don't even remember the last time john slept in here with me. yep, that's right john knows about me and his brother. he found out a while back when he figured I was back on that stuff, and he knew I was not getting it from anybody else. he has not talked to me since only a hey and bye, but we stay together because he doesn't want to hurt little Ms. Princess herself.  Why was it always her everybody worried about how that little bitch  felt? it's never how I felt, they always put her first. me and her never really ever had a connection like me and my son. when she was first born, she cried until she got with her dad, by the way, he was looking at her I knew that she was going to be the center of his world. I knew from that day I lost john. Now before you get to judging me you have to understand that I am the outcome of an abusive father and a crake head mother. This is and all I knew, but does that give me a reason to act like this?  you had to protect the ones you love with all you had even if it meant you had to sacrifice yourself.  So naturally, when I saw what that sick fucker was doing to my child, I had to do everything I could to help them. then there was only so much I could do like take her everywhere with me then I would sleep in her room with her. there was only so much I could do tho but I knew I couldn't let that happen to my baby, so I offered myself for her. It was the only way I knew how to help her and help my husband stay out of the streets. I was helping everyone, and no one once tried to help me. I knew it was time for me to tell my husband what was going on because I could tell he was getting tired of me just giving him head. there was no more I could do. so, I called her brother and told him I need it to tell him something and he needs it to come home.  I didn't know what was going to happen when I tell them, but I just hope that he understands where I was coming from and see that I was just trying to help everyone. I was only trying to help.  to some, I could have done more but I was not good at anything else but laying on my back. I was doing what I could do for my kids even if it was my way, she was safe and that's all I could do.  I am always going to put them first before myself and that is why I am here. there was so much I would have done differently but we were here now and to say that I was not ready for the outcome of the.  This shit was becoming too much and I was not ready for all this shit to fall on me. so I did the best thing I could for myself and that was run. So I packed everything I could grab and I write John and them a note explaining everything with Phat and left.  I needed to get myself together and be a better person.  

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