The last words

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                     Patience P.O.V

                  It had been 2 weeks and I still was not talking to that fuck nigga. In my opinion that nigga could get hit by a car and I wouldn't even shed a tear. FOURTEEN WHOLE DAMN DAYS!!! it was one of the longest and hardest two weeks had witness besides losing my uncle. My brother would tell me that he called, and each time I'd tell him to go fuck himself and to stop callin my phone. I know some might think that's a bit much but NAWL because he led me on for four years and now, I'm stuck here crying over this dumb shit so if he ain't care about my feelings then I don't give a shit about his and that's just that. I miss his ass, but I would never go back I watched my mom go through that shit and I was not about to do it for all I care he could suck my ass on a good day. he had tried to talk to me at school and I would look at his ass like he was some nigga off the street that I had never meet. Well as for me and my stepdad's cousin he cool people I finally talked to him Monday after he asked me why I was being so mean to him. I told him he was too damn old to be asking me why I'm being mean to him like he was in the damn 4th grade. he then laughed and told my brother I was a firecracker and messed my damn leave out up. Then we played the game all day just the three of us it was dope ig. It was the first time I had smiled, and it felt good. That was also the longest my brother had been in the same room since k died. I had no idea that letting my guard down was the worst thing I could have done. I never knew the people close to you to be the ones that hurt you the most. And If I would have known that monsters came in all shapes and sizes maybe just maybe I would have stayed away from this nasty ass nigga. Then again you know what they say that devil has a way to get you to trust him he was once a beautiful angle. I wish I would have known that me having a heart and wanting to see the best in people even when I don't fuck with their vibe would be my downfall. shit was crazy how people can just fuck with people with a big heart. My uncle K always told me that my heart would be my downfall because it was so big.

                                                                               Monday, October 29th

           It had officially been two months since I talked to that nigga and his pet. The first month was hell he would try to talk to me, and I would just walk away. then I would just go home and think about all the things we went through together. How I was there for him when his grandmother died. I would call him and stay on the phone till he fell asleep so he wouldn't feel alone. I was not able to attend the funeral but I called him right after and I remember him crying his heart out to ME not her but to ME and he still choose her. I remember when my uncle k died, he came to the funeral and he held me the whole time as I cried into his shirt. then after we went to my room and he sang me to sleep as I cried. So yes, it took me a min to get over him, but I am better now. When I walk past him, I don't feel the need to look back just to see him. I can go days without thinking about him. It is almost Halloween and I'm ready to go home and not have to see this dude for two days. As I walk out the school doors ready to walk home because I had decided that I need it to lose some weight because I was done with the jokes from everyone and them giving their damn opinion that I didn't ask for. As I'm walking, I hear someone screaming my name and I'm like wtf is going on I don't fuck with no one from this school. turning around and guess who tf I see Damon with his ugly/fine ass asking can he talk to me. I want it to say no and walk away but it was the look and his eyes that told me that it was important and a part of me still cared about him. As he is talking, I find myself staring in his eyes I realize why I fell in love with him in the first place. it was because of those big brown eyes and the way his nose turns up when he's trying to hide his emotions or how when he laughs his eyebrows go up. I was brought out of my daze when I heard him say or u listen. I then saw that he was crying. Nawl my bad ,wassup? he told me how he was sorry and how he didn't mean to hurt me. I looked at this dude like wtf you crying for I should be the one crying you don't get to cry because you did this shit. At this point I was tired of biting my tongue for people, so I precede it to go tf off on his ugly ass. When I got done, I was crying I mean full blow crying in front of this nigga yet again. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder. then I just walked away with him crying and screaming my name. I didn't know that would be the last time I saw or heard from him. That night my dad came running into my room saying he need it to talk to me, he was giving me this look it was the same look he gave me the night my uncle was killed. and I knew that what he had to say was going to change my life. That night Damon had got shot 10 times at a party and he died. I sat there not saying a word for hours as my dad held me. no sounds were heard but my breathing.

                     I want it to cry I want it to scream, show some kind of emotion, I had so much to say but nothing came out. I just sat there thinking about everything we had been through from the first word we said to the last thing I said and that's when it hit me. my best friend was gone and at that moment everything that happened seemed pointless. I was never going to be able to hug him while we watched power and hear him sing the theme song to the top of his lungs. I felt something on my face, and I saw it was my uncle Andrew wiping my tears as I cried in his arms. he was there for me that whole time. never would have thought that he would be a reason I cried. As he talked all I could remember was the last thing I said to him. I told him to stay the hell away from me. All I could do was cry and scream yet another person so close to me had died. the love of my life was gone and the last thing I told him was to go to hell. The whole weekend I didn't come out of my room for anything other than to take a bath or use it. I said nothing to no one. He was my person, and he was gone. I was never going to be able to listen to his voice or see those big brown eyes. I grabbed my phone and went to my videos and the first one was of him dancing on his bed singin Adele someone like you and momma d comin to the door laughin tellin him to shut the hell up and get off that bed. then he starts it tryin to make her dance with him she wanted it to be mad but you could never be mad at Damion for long. he then grabbed me while I gave the camera to his mom and we danced while she recorded. I remember that day like it was yesterday that's the day we had our first kiss it was the day we said we loved each other. we had danced and danced then a slow song came on and we dance, and I felt my heartbeat. he looked at me and we both moved in and kissed. that night we talked about it but we decided that we should be just friends and that right there made me cry all night, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

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