6: Oracle

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Heartbroken tried her best to squirm out of the captor's hold, but he let go before she could give a proper fight.
When she had managed to recompose herself, it would be an understatement to say she was more than shocked to see. "Neil?" The platinum blonde model produced a half-smile which then turned into a solemn expression. "Listen, you're a famous person like me, so—I was wondering if you'd like to go shopping?" Heartbroken became extremely confused, "wait, hang on, just one moment. Shopping?" The model nodded. "Yep, and I need someone to go with me!" Neil declared. "Sorry, dude, I'm not the biggest fan of shopping." The blonde was appalled by the statement. "Wait...What?"

The sound of Neil's scream caused the rest of the team to panic, sending them into a mad frenzy up the stairs.
"What happened? Everything ok?"
Heartbroken was irritated, not by Jay but by the platinum model standing before her. She couldn't believe Neil dragged her here forcefully to ask if she'd accompany him to the mall.
"We're good, Jay. Merely sorting a few things out." Heartbroken replied bitterly.
Theresa raised a brow, "Neil, why did you drag her up here?"
Neil folded his arms and huffed.
"Theresa, would you mind going with me to the mall?"
Heartbroken felt she was at the edge of her patience, so she quietly stepped out of the room to recompose herself.
"Might be a good time to let the girls know where I am. No doubt they've started scouring the woods." The singer noted while making her way downstairs.

Athena was busy aggressively chopping up onions when Heartbroken walked into the kitchen.
"Oh boy, here it goes. Ahem, excuse me, Athena?" The goddess turned away from her battle with the onions while holding a sharp sword. Yes, sword.
"Hmm? Oh yes, what do you need?" Heartbroken stared at the sword nervously until she realized Athena had responded.
"I was wondering if you could inform Jay that I had to leave. My friends don't know I'm here."
Athena nodded in understanding; the gods had failed to send Hermes out so he could relate the news to the heroine's kin and friends. But in the gods' defense, the new addition was unexpected.
"Of course. When should we expect your return?"
Almost immediately, Heartbroken's face fell. Return? That was not going to be easy; she was on tour! On tour! She couldn't just up and leave the band for this league of heroes. Could she?
"Don't worry; I won't take long." Lying, especially to a long-lost relative, felt awful.
"Where are you going? If I may ask." Heartbroken fumbled over her words, desperately wanting to lie, but she couldn't.
"I'm going to this music company's headquarters. My friends and I were supposed to have a meeting there earlier."
Athena was genuinely satisfied with the answer, so she kindly said goodbye as the singer made her way down the steps. Before going any further, Heartbroken removed her mask so as not be overrun by a crowd of fans.

On the way to the music headquarters, Heartbroken was weighing her options. On the one hand, if she joined the heroes, she'd fight for the safety of the earth but at the cost of losing her band. But if she stayed with the band, evil would stand a better chance at winning. How could things get so complicated? Criminy, no matter what decision is made, there won't be a sugary happy ending. As the singer contemplated this, she accidentally bumped into an older man. "Oh my goodness, I'm sorry! Are you alright, sir?" The man stared quizzically at the girl as if he'd seen her before. "Sir? Are you sure you're alright?" Chuckling, the man motioned for her to sit on an empty stool next to a newspaper magazine stand. Cautiously, Heartbroken sat down.

Did the guy want to tell her off but need to sit first? Were his grandkids fans or something? Or was this a sales tactic? "None are correct, child." The man croaked, startling her a bit. "But I do have something to give." He continued, lowering his shades. "And that would be what, sir?" Chuckling, the elder looked around quickly before clapping his hands together. When he opened them, a bright blue orb appeared. "I know you seek answers to your questions. But since that's not necessarily my department, I can only give a hint. Do not hold back because that will truly define the ending." Heartbroken didn't know what to say, so instead, she jumped off the stool and ran. "Hmm, maybe I should have worded that better?"

 "Hmm, maybe I should have worded that better?"

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Oh man, it feels excellent to update, finally. Unfortunately, daily life was a mess, so it took longer to return to Wattpad than expected. But thanks to the weather, I'm stuck inside, which means a new chance for updates! So stay tuned! And as always, stay amazing and see you next chapter! Bye!

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