9: Decisions Part 2

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It was silent. Defender stared at her bandmate with her mouth slightly agape, while Heartbroken smiled awkwardly at the lack of response.

"Are you alright?"
Defender took a moment to wake herself from the inner shock she had just experienced but then folded her arms while shaking her head in disgust.
"You can't be serious; this is not a good idea. What kind of superhero team makes teammates make life-altering decision like that?" In response, Heartbroken sighed in defeat.
"I know, and believe me, I'd rather it wouldn't come to this, but it doesn't seem I have any other option." Defender tried her best to keep a straight face but her tears won over. Heartbroken held her arms out for her troubled friend. Defender embraced her friend while sobbing onto her shoulder.
"You just have to find a way. Please," Defender pleaded.
Heartbroken began to envision possible answers, but none of which ended well. Then, before Heartbroken decided to answer Defender's question that there was no solution, her brain thought of another answer. Perhaps she could compromise. Now that someone else knew about the heroes, it would be easier for someone to provide an excuse for her absences while she trained at the school. However, it would all depend on if Jay agreed to the plan. If not, then Heartbroken would be saying goodbye to one of the groups.
"I think I have a solution." Upon hearing such news, Defender squeezed her friend tightly in happiness.
"This is great news! What is the plan?"
"I would ask you to be my alibi. I already leave for short periods to write, but I will probably need to provide an excuse for why I am dirty or injured. Not only that, but Jay would have to agree with the plan itself."
"Who's Jay again?"
"He is considered the leader of the group and he's also a descendant of Jason from the Greeks story Jason and the Argonauts."
"Right. Jay sounds uptight and a robot."
"I know. But, Jay does have a lot on his plate."
"Very true."
They shared a laugh at the comment. A moment later, Heartbroken gave her friend a look.
"Does that look mean you need me to cover for you, now?"
"Sort of; I promised Athena I would return to the brownstone. And it's already been over two hours."
"I see," Defender mumbled.
"Look, I know this isn't exactly what we expected to happen when we toured here but let's look at the bright side, ok? At least I am staying with the band."
"Yes, that is true. It will take time for me to adjust to this. I bet the same could be said for you. You were restless during the entire meeting. I feared you would tip the chair over from all your wiggling."
"I'm glad I did not."
After one last hug, Heartbroken bid her friend goodbye and headed toward the elevators.

Although, once outside the building, she realized there was a problem. How in the world was she going to get back?
"Fantastic, just fantastic. Maybe I should call for a cab, it will be dark soon, and I doubt this place is safe at night." Finally, after 20 minutes, a cab appeared outside the doors. Heartbroken removed her mask and took out her ponytail, hoping not to be recognized.

'The last thing I need is a paparazzi mob. Not to mention, it would blow my cover.'

Thankfully Heartbroken was not recognized by the cab driver. When asked where she'd like to go, Heartbroken requested the school since that was the only place besides the brownstone she knew of (and had an address for) where the team would hang out. A short ride later, the cab arrived outside of the school. After paying the driver, Heartbroken made her way to the front doors. She quickly put on her mask and re-tied her hair. Quietly, she opened the door and peeked around to see if anyone was in the halls, but it was silent. Knowing that the coast was clear, Heartbroken searched for the janitors closet. After finding it and going through the portal, Heartbroken went to see Hermes; after all, he was the god of transportation, communication, and so on. But she had no idea where he would be, so she mindlessly wandered the halls. After half an hour, Heartbroken decided she would have to stay at the school until tomorrow since it was clear that she would probably not find someone this evening. At that very moment, she bumped into a centaur.
"My dear, are you alright?" The centaur asked.
Heartbroken stared at the creature in amazement until she realized that she had been asked a question.
"I'm sorry; I am alright, except I am lost."
"I'd say so. Why don't we talk in my office?"
"That would be wonderful, thank you."
The two began to walk down the halls and toward the centaurs office.

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