12. Visions

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Everyone disbanded and headed to their classes to start the day. Neil, Atlanta and Theresa had English class with Professor Hermes. Since he's all about trade, travel, luck and languages, the list goes on. (Yes that's a line from the show! Give yourself a pat on the back if you remember the episode!) Odie and Archie had science while the rest were stuck either with math or art. However, throughout the day, Theresa was plagued with violent visions about the fate of Heartbroken. She had to ask at least three times per class to use the restroom so she wouldn't freak out her classmates too much. By lunch, she was completely exhausted.
"Is everything ok Theresa?" Atlanta asked.
A small nod was all that Theresa could muster. Fearing that her friend may be unwell, Atlanta convinced the blonde to visit the nurse and at best, go home. When Theresa left, Atlanta made sure to pass along the condition of her friend to Jay, who was beyond concerned at the news.
"I hope she hasn't caught something. We were supposed to visit Hera today."

The nurse decided that Theresa should go home since quote; "she was very pale and feared that it could be the beginning of a virus." Since Herry was in class, the telepath was forced to walk home. Before leaving, she considered going to Persephone and asking her why her visions were being so potent today, but decided against it. Perhaps the visions were because of a possible virus.

Finally, Theresa made it home, just in time for her to faint at the entryway. Not long after, Heartbroken found her after having gone to the kitchen to get a soda.
"Oh my gosh! Theresa!" Heartbroken rushed to the blonde's side. "Oh dear. Athena!"
Twenty minutes later, Athena and Heartbroken had Theresa all situated in her room.
"I shall visit Persephone. She's Theresa's mentor and she may be able to help." Athena quickly left the room. Heartbroken only nodded as she continued to apply a wet cloth to Theresa's head. At that moment, Theresa sprung up from her bed, screaming.
"Theresa! Theresa, it's ok! I'm here! Your alright!"
"But you won't be."
Heartbroken stared at her friend with wide worried eyes. "What are you talking about?"
Theresa grabbed hold of the singer's hands, tightly.
"All day I've been seeing horrible visions of what could happen to you in the future. Almost all of them end with your death."
"My-My death? Wait, you said almost all of the them. What about those that don't?"
"They're muddled and make no sense." Heartbroken gave her friend a worried look and then gently coaxed her to lay back down.
"So your psych?"
"Well, not that I don't fully believe you but do you think the virus could be why your visions are all over the place?"
Theresa only nodded. Not long after their conversation, the blonde fell asleep. Heartbroken descended down the stairs to go make her friend a bowl of soup.

One of Theresa's Vision's

"Everyone! Run!"
"Not so fast kids!" A great explosion trapped the entire team. A swirl of darkness descended upon them. The darkness laughed. It attacked and injured everyone. The only one still standing was one female. She shot arrow after arrow but the darkness seemed unfazed. She screamed one last time as the darkness consumed her too. A figure stood over the fallen heroes.
Each hero was covered in their own blood while the figure held a weapon soaked in it too. The figure crept from out of the shadows to reveal a grinning Cronus. He held Jay up who was struggling to breath. With one sharp blow, he struck the leader in the heart.
"Once again, the prophecy is broken." He cackled as he continued to slain the remaining teens.

I wasn't sure whether to include the super angst stuff yet so I decided to focus on Theresa and her visions

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I wasn't sure whether to include the super angst stuff yet so I decided to focus on Theresa and her visions. Although I have labeled this book PG, there will be heavy violence in later chapters. Don't worry, I'll give a warning beforehand. Thank you all for your support! Stay amazing and see you next chapter! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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