11. Breakfast

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After the group arrived back at the brownstone, most of the team decided to sleep as it was late, and they needed their rest for school the next day. However, Heartbroken pulled Jay aside before he went up and asked if they could discuss "arrangements."
"Is something wrong?"
"I talked with one of my bandmates and told them about the team and the gods. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't lie about why I would be hanging out with you guys. I'm sorry."
Jay sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He felt Heartbroken might share their secret, but he'd stayed hopeful that she wouldn't. So now he'd have to deal with the consequences.
"Please don't be mad!" She continued. "I only shared it because of the pressure not to tell. But also because I was acting weird, according to my bandmate," She laughed nervously. Jay sighed and sat down on the couch. He motioned for Heartbroken to join him.
"I understand it's difficult. But, heck, none of us can tell our families what's going on. Well, except for Herry, but his situation is different."
"I'm sorry, Jay, I had no idea. But I'd like to keep it a secret from the team. I don't want them to freak out."
"Don't worry, but we'll need to let them know at some point. Keeping a secret that could jeopardize the team won't be good."
"Well then, I should tell you that my bandmate was very interested in Herry."
"Interested? How?"
"She was only interested in Herry's ancestry. That's all."
"Oh, ok."
"And the only thing she will do is cover for me during missions or offer excuses why I might return dirty or injured, but I hope that won't happen as often."
"I wouldn't count on it. This job can get pretty messy."
"Well, so much for that wish."
The two laughed and Athena approached while carrying blankets and a pillow.
"I'm sorry but there isn't a spare bedroom at the moment. I hope the couch will be alright."
"Don't worry, I'll be ok."
After ensuring that Heartbroken was settled in, Jay and Athena bid the singer goodnight.

In the morning, well at 4 or 5 am, Heartbroken woke up and began making breakfast.
Thirty minutes later Athena walked into the kitchen.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh! Athena! Good morning. My apologies, I thought it would be nice to cook breakfast for everyone. But if you'd like to take over—."
"No!" Quickly, Athena recomposed herself. "It's quite nice to not have to do it. You can't imagine how stressful cooking for seven hungry teenagers can be. Speaking of which, you might want to make extra portions for Herry."
Heartbroken nodded as she continued to prepare the food.

After another hour, the other teenagers of the house began to descend down the stairs.
"Mhm, what smells so good?" Theresa asks.
"That would be breakfast. Here, take a plate and help yourself." Heartbroken smiled as she handed the blonde a clean plate.
Along the counter lay a plethora of food ranging from bacon to a large stack of waffles.
Once everyone had their pick of food, the group migrated to the dining table.
"Thanks Heartbroken, the food looks great!" Jay complimented.
"I'll say!" Herry exclaimed as he stuffed his face.
The rest laughed at the boy's antics. Both Atlanta and Archie decided to race to see who'd finish first. Bad idea. Both teens leaned over the table while holding their stomachs in pain.
"Anyone up for seconds?" Heartbroken smiled. Everyone shook their heads, claiming that they were too stuffed, all except for Herry who reached over for another plate of eggs and waffles.

At 7 am, the team headed off to school.
"Are you sure you'll be alright on your own?" Atlanta asked Heartbroken while she packed her backpack for the day.
"Oh of course! I have Athena to keep me company and it'll be a good chance to write a new song."
Everyone waved goodbye to the singer and their goddess caretaker as they drove to school in Herry's truck.

"Everyone waved goodbye to the singer and their goddess caretaker as they drove to school in Herry's truck

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Ok. I cannot explain how frustrating this chapter was. Wattpad would keep deleting my work so I turned to Google Docs but it gave me trouble too. So all in all, this chapter was a difficult one. Also, I figured I'd give the team a little breather before diving into the angst. That's right, it's all downhill from here! Stay amazing and see you next chapter! Bye!

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