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Jimin and Namjoon were looking for ways to get rid of Yoongis father as Jimin kept checking in with the blonde haired at the hospital, bothering his sleep and hearing him groan over the phone.

“Hyung, I need to sleep. I’m fine.”

“I know, I just want to make sure you’re okay. Goodnight, Yoongi.”

“Goodnight Hyung.” And with that, Yoongi hung up on him, the dial sound there. Jimin sighed of relief and put his phone away, looking back at the computer. Namjoon walked into the room with a water bottle and a sandwich, putting it on the table next to Jimin. “Have you found anything on Mr Min, sir?”

“I have. He works at a CEO company. No wonder he has that big house..maybe I could shoot from inside of the house but I’ll have to poison him first like you said.”

“That’s a very good idea sir. Poison him and make it seem like it was a suicide, you’re smart.”

Jimin chuckled and shook his head. “No Namjoon, you’re the smart one. I can’t take credit of all of these plans..you get credit too.”

Namjoon got soft and smiled at him, leaning on the table. “When does Yoongi get out? He seems like a nice guy.”

“Ah..tomorrow. I get to go get him and he has to be on crutches for a long time. About 6 months I believe.”

Jimin rubbed his face then looked back at the computer to see Mr Min staring into the camera, trying to turn it off. “God damnit. He’s going to turn off the camera, glad I hacked into his phone too just in case if he does anything.”

His phone rang as he picked it up, putting it to his ear. “Park Jimin.”

Jimin-Hyung, they let me out. Disturbed my sleep but wheelchaired me outside. Please come, it’s cold.”

“On my way. Goodbye, Yoongi.” he hung up, looking at Namjoon. “Go start the car please, I’ll go get him.”

“Would you like me to tell the maids to boil some soup for him?”

Jimin nodded, rubbing his face then got up from his chair to stretch. “Please do. And give them a warning if I don’t see a pick up on their jobs, I’ll have to fire them.” I may just make Yoongi a maid or a butler. He looks like he needs a job. He thought, smiling to himself.

“Yes sir. I’ll get the car running.” Namjoon said, walking off to go get the car ready. Jimin grabbed his phone and texted Yoongi that he was finally coming, then walked out to the car. He got in the drivers seat and closed the door before waving at Namjoon, driving off to go get Yoongi.

Once he got to the hospital, he got out and looked around for the boy with the blonde hair. He found him and got up, going over to him. “Yoongi-ssi.”

Yoongi looked up once he heard his name then smiled. “Hey Hyung. Sorry for calling you so late.” he yawned. “I hope I didn’t bother you..I know you need sleep. You know what? I should’ve called you in the morning-”


He looked into Jimins eyes and kept eye contact with him, blinking a little. Jimin inhaled then exhaled, “It’s okay..I get it. It was an emergency, you’re cold and I need to get you home so you can warm up, I have some soup boiling for you at home and maybe we can set you up with a job at my mansion.”

He smiled when the blonde got confused, then went behind him and wheeled him to the car, helping him into it as he put the wheelchair and crutches into the backseat. He walked to the drivers side and got in as he started the car. “Yoongi?”

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