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Early in the morning, Namjoon walked in to see Yoongi and Jimin cuddling as he chuckled, going over to Jimin and shaking him gently to wake him up. "Jimin, time to wake up. It's 8 in the morning." he said, watching as Jimins eyes opened. Jimin groaned and sat up as he rubbed his eyes, looking at Namjoon.

"Good morning Namjoon. Breakfast ready?"

"Yes it is. I'll wake Yoongi up and then we can all go eat."

Namjoon went over to Yoongi and shook him gently, trying to wake him up. "Yoongiii..time to wake up bud." he said softly, then heard a groan and a 'five more minutes' as he chuckled before looking up to see Jimin putting his clothes on. He looked down at the blonde haired male as he gawked a little then smiled softly, rubbing his back. "You can rest for a couple more minutes."

Hearing a small 'thank you', he smiled more and walked over to Jimin, patting his shoulder. "He let you?"

Jimin looked at him and smiled, nodding. "He said he wasn't afraid anymore. And god, does he sound wonderful in bed. His moans sounded like music to my ears, and I did go gentle on him. Then he asked me to go faster and harder so I did. Poor boy, he's probably in so much pain, I'll tend to him in a bit..let's go eat breakfast." he said. Namjoon nodded and walked off with him to the kitchen, then felt a small chill down his back, but thought nothing of it.

A few hours later, Yoongi woke up to a pain in his lower back groaning softly as he sat up, the blanket falling from his head. He looked around and didn't see anyone then pouted. "Jimin-hyung? Namjoon?"

He didn't get a response. He furrowed his brows and slowly put his legs over the bed and gently got up, looking around for his butler outfit. Not finding it, he sighed and yawned, stretching a little before he whined a little. Seeing a maid dress, he pursed his lips before putting the maid dress on as he put some boxers on gently. Putting on his socks and shoes, he slowly walked out to see where Jimin was. "Hyung?"


"Yes dear?!"

Yoongi heard footsteps. "Fu-" he said, walking back into the room and stood by the wall, sliding down it a little. Hearing someone come in, he looked at the door and saw Jimin there in his uniform, then tried to get up. "Hyungie Hyungie." he exclaimed while holding his arms out.

Jimin looked down where the voice was coming from and saw Yoongi in the maid outfit, cooing softly and picked the blonde up to bring downstairs. Feeling arms and legs wrap around him, he smiled and pat his back as he walked into the kitchen, setting him down on a chair. "You feeling better honey?"

"Uh-huh. Couldn't find my butler outfit..found a maid dress instead."

"It's getting redone. It somehow got a tear in it, not your fault. One of the maids are redoing the hole and then it'll be fixed! Nothing to worry about, lovely." Jimin said, cupping Yoongis cheeks gently. Yoongi giggled and nodded, then looked at Namjoon as he waved at him. Namjoon waved back and smiled, "How are you feeling?"

"Good..tired..everything in between hurts."

"What you get for saying harder and faster."


Jimin laughed and pat Yoongis shoulder, "It's alright. Next time I'll go easier." he leaned in close to his ear. "Or maybe not if you be a good boy for Hyung~" he smirked, kissing the males earlobe before getting up and walking to the fridge, leaving Yoongi flustered and confused as he turned to Namjoon.

"W-what does he mean..?"

Namjoon choked on his water and started laughing and coughing, hitting his chest. "Oh my god-" he stopped choking as the laughter died down. "You're still innocent after having your virginity taken away?"

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