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The next day, the sun was shining bright over the purple haired mafias eyes, making him groan and flip over onto his side, not realizing Yoongi was gone. Once he realized, he shot up and looked around, trying to find the younger. "Yoonie?"

He looked up, down and around but didn't see him. Thinking of yesterday, he ran downstairs to see Namjoon carrying a tired Yoongi, pacifier still in his mouth as Namjoon was sipping some coffee. Jimin sighed in relief and sat down at the table as he put his hand on his head.

Namjoon looked at him and put a cup of coffee in front of him. "I thought we could have a day off, not do any work. I can have the four girls do some stuff, there are only three guys here and we work the hardest."

Jimin nodded and took the cup of coffee, taking a sip of it. "And what did Yoongi do this morning?"

"Crawled to my room crying because of a headache..so I had him take liquid medicine then he wore himself out with some more crying." Namjoon explained, bouncing the little in his arms gently. Yoongi whined and stuffed his face into Namjoons shoulder and then kept quiet, the only thing that could be heard was soft sucking coming from the pacifier.

Jimin cooed and got up, walking over to the two and rubbed Yoongis back gently to soothe him. Said male picked his head up and looked at Jimin, pouting behind his pacifier. "Dada.."

"Hey bubba. You tired?"


Jimin cooed again and stroked his hair gently, smiling. Yoongi leaned into his touch then looked at Namjoon, hugging him and hiding his face in his shoulder. "Aww~ little one is embarrassed."

Jimin looked at Yoongi then saw him cover his face with his hand. He smiled and took the little from Namjoons arms, hearing him start to cry and try to get back to Namjoon. He let him cling back onto Namjoon and stroked his hair gently to calm him down.

"Papa..hurthi" Yoongi mumbled and yawned softly, sniffling a little. Namjoon sighed softly and bounced the little in his arms, smiling. "I know..we'll take more medicine later..would you like any water? Juice?"


Jimin walked over to the front door and grabbed his keys. "I'll be back, I'll get some juice for the little one." he said, walking out and smiled. Namjoon waved and craned his neck to look at the younger in his arms.

"You're too cute little one~ Dada will be back soon with the juice for you, yeah?"

Yoongi nodded and looked at Namjoon then raised his hand to grab his nose, tugging on it a little. Namjoon gasped before faking his pain, scrunching his face up. "Owiee! My nosey wosey! What ever shall I do without a nose?" he said, pouting. Yoongi gasped and wiggled a little, getting down and running off to the corner. Namjoon chuckled and walked over to the smaller, pulling him into a hug.

Yoongi whined and tried to get out of the hug then stopped and kept pouting as he hugged Namjoon gently. The front door opened as Yoongi looked towards the door and saw Jimin. He gasped and waved a little, getting excited. "Dada! Dada!!" he squealed out, looking at Namjoon as he pointed to the older who had a bag in his hand.

Namjoon looked back to Jimin and fake gasped, "It is! Look at that, Dadas home! Let's see what he got." Holding Yoongis hand, he walked over to the purple haired male with him and stood in front of him. Yoongi looked up at Jimin and smiled brightly behind his pacifier, pointing at him. "Hey bubba! I got you something, I bet you'd like it."

Yoongi gasped softly and squirmed in his place, getting more and more excited. He held his hand out for the bag then got it taken away. Jimin chuckled and squatted down to look up at him. He got out some boxes of juice and gave one to Yoongi, looking up at him. "Here you go little prince. Juice just like you've requested~"

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