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Yoongi woke up to a familiar pair of arms wrapped around his waist, yawning softly as he got up only to be pulled back down onto a lap before panicking slightly. He then felt a hand on his head, stroking his hair then relaxed a little as he leaned against the person stroking his hair.

“There’s the little baby. How’d you sleep, hm?” The person said, the voice belonging to Jeon Jungkook as Yoongi looked up and saw Jungkook then freaked and tried to get out of his lap. “No! No please! Get me off please!”

“Oh love..I’m sorry for all that I’ve done with you in high school. From your little space to your big form..I’m sorry.” Jungkook said in a soft tone, watching Yoongi stop and stare at him in confusion and a bit of sorrow in his eyes, trying to process the words that the other said.

“J-Jungkook..y-you can apologize..but you can’t take b-back what hurt me..” Yoongi said, getting a little frustrated. Jungkook nodded, “I understand that my dear. I would love to see your little side again, I regret ever yelling at you in that side..I was just busy that day.”

“With what? Your hoes?”

“No. Work. You remember your brother?”

Yoongi gulped and nodded, “T-the one  who..died in a car crash..” he sadly looked down, fiddling with his fingers. Jungkook nodded and stroked his hair, “I actually lured him to the crash. My fault, I totally get if you never want to speak to me anymore.”

Yoongi looked up at the other and got up immediately, grabbing his crutch and hitting him in the head with it. “You did that?! Jesus Christ can I get a break from my life? Have it NOT break into pieces?!”

“I-I just didn’t want you to be in pain when I was going to tell you that day!”

“Fuck that now! Fuck off and I never want to fucking see you again! Jimin-Hyung!!” Yoongi yelled, walking off to the elevator to go upstairs to his room. Jimin quickly followed Yoongis voice, seeing him walking to the elevator. “Yoongi? Yoongi!”

Yoongi looked back at the older with pain in his face, then stood there and hiccuped slightly, pouting like he was about to cry. “H-Hyung. Hyung please.” he fell to his knees, clutching his chest as his crutch fell to the ground. Jimin gasped and picked him up, cradling him as he held him close before rubbing his back gently. “Shh..Hyungs got you. Hyungs got you.”

As he heard Yoongi break down, his heart shattered to hear the younger in pain as he wish he could take it away. He just sat there with the blonde in his lap and kept rubbing his back soothingly. He stayed quiet so Yoongi could let it all out and let his emotions out. After all, he knew the younger was holding in so many emotions that humans could never hold back before.

Hearing the crying die down, he smiled and stroked Yoongis hair gently before kissing his temple. “It’s okay..you did well. Are you ready to talk..?”

Yoongi nodded and hiccuped softly, looking up at the older. “J-Jungkooj..h-he..h-he killed my b-brother..l-led him into a car crash. I-I thought i-it was a normal c-car crash..” he broke down crying again as he held onto Jimin, whimpering as he tried to breathe. Jimin pat his back gently and traced circles into it, trying to calm him down.

“H-Hyung I-I..I c-can’t b..breathe..”

Jimin took action and picked him up, walking quickly to his room then sat him down on the bed, taking the black jacket off as he undid his shirt before putting the white short sleeve on him, fanning him slightly. “You’re doing so well Yoongi..you’re doing well. Look at you, so pretty. Here, let’s get you into some shorts, yeah?”

Yoongi nodded and hyperventilated, whimpering softly as he tried to breathe normally. “H..Hyung-ah..hyung..”

“Almost there buddy, almost there.” Jimin softly said, cooing at the smallers form. He put comfortable basketball shorts on the younger before standing him up, fixing the shorts to make sure they were straight.

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