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   Once the interaction with my new 'friends' was over I went back to picking up sea glass and shells for a while. After I was content with my haul I decide to rejoin my family.

I walk back over to my beach towel and plop down sitting crisscross applesauce. Both my aunt and grandma are sunbathing. Out of the corner of my eye I see my aunt slightly turn her head and raise her sunglasses to look at me. When I turn my head to face her she hastily puts her sunglasses down and turns away. I roll my eyes and laugh, "I know you guys were watching."

   They both smile and jump up into a sitting position. "Tell us everything ! Who were they ? Did you give them your phone number?" My aunt starts the shower of questions.

   "They looked cute, the blonde looked kinda familiar. Oh dear is your back okay?" My grandma inquires, but before I can even answer her they begin to speak over each other to the point where I can't make out a single question.

   "Okay okay calm down? Yeah my back is okay, I just got angry cause like be careful ya know ? But their names are Clay and Nick. Clay is the blonde, Nick is the one with dark hair. They came over to apologize for hitting me with the ball and knocking over my jar. They said they wanted to make it up to me by taking me to a party tonight. Sooooooo I said yes." As soon as I'm done talking they're bouncing in their seats and squealing. I can't help but to smile, they're energy is infectious.

   I look behind them and see down the beach Clay and Nick looking over their shoulders at my family squealing. They look amused, Nick is patting Clay on the back. My face heats with embarrassment and I try to hush them. They quickly regain composure.

   "Oh my god that's awesome ! Good thing we went shopping, you've got some nice stuff to wear now." My aunt starts clapping her hands as she talks, "What time is it at?"

"Uh he said 10. They said that they would pick me up so we can go together, and that they'd text me around 10."

My aunt nods and goes back to laying in her chair, "Perfect, that means we still have time to sunbathe." I laugh at her but lay down to join them. It's always nice to catch some rays, I don't get the chance to do so back home.


We stayed at the beach until 8:30-ish, after we got home we ordered some pizza. While we were finishing eating my aunt speaks up, "So what were you thinking about wearing ? Do you want me to do your hair ?" I laugh and set my pizza down, I wipe my hands on my thighs.

"Um I don't think it's gonna be that kinda party, I'll text Clay and ask him." I pull out my phone and go to my contacts and look for his name. I quickly find it because it sticks out like a sore thumb, the name still makes me laugh a bit.


Hey what's like the vibe with this party?

Hey, it's gonna be chill
It's a frat party so as chill as those can be lol

Oh god a frat party
Am I gonna have to protect my drink from Chad, Brad and Kyle?

Omfg lmao no these dudes aren't like that
They're tech geeks

Ah perfect my people

If you're still down to go I'll pick you up at 10?

Hell yeah ! I'll see you then :)

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