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As we sit Nick down under a covered patio in the backyard its apparent that he needs to take a break. He flops down onto a small couch, there were still a selection of other seats to chose from. Most people are either in the pool or playing games on the grass. He sits down and starts to groan and hold his stomach. Clay looks at us, "Okay I think it's time you two got some water in you. You're not throwing up yet."

"Yet?" I ask amused.

"Yeah I'm sure one of you will throw up by the end of the night but it's fine because I'm mentally prepared for it." He bends down to get level with Nick, "Hey dude, I'm going to go get some waters for us can you stay here for a sec?"

Nick grabs a hold of Clays shoulder, "I got this bro, I'm good!"

"Good good," he stands back up and talks to me, "You sit down and relax too, I'll be so fast you won't even know I'm gone." He starts to walk away but I grab ahold of his hoodie sleeve before he can move too far.

"No I have to go wash my hands, remember?" He nods and we make our way back into the kitchen. When we re enter I see that there's a guy standing in front of the sink, sighing I tap Clays shoulder and point over to the guy.

He walks over to the guy, "Hey man could we use the sink real quick?" The guy has his arms crossed and just looks us up and down. He turns away from us and goes back to doing what he was before we interrupted him, absolutely nothing. "Dude come on, she needs to wash her hands."


"What do you mean no? It's a sink. You use it to wash things, that's it's purpose."

"And I don't care, I said no."

Getting frustrated I move in front of Clay to get closer to this guy, "Bro what's your problem? Are you the fucking bouncer for the sink?" His face immediately turns sour and I can tell I pissed him off. But yet again he just turns away from us. "UGH okay you know what? Fuck you." I move closer to him and reach around him to turn on the sink. Our bodies are touching and I nudge him over more so that I can reach the soap. I take a pump and wash my hands quickly, once I'm done I turn the faucet off and turn back to Clay.

He's looking at me in shock, I begin to talk, "Oh shit it looks like there's no towels around." I turn back to face the guy and shake my wet hands at him. Splattering him with water now he finally faces me, rage VERY apparent. When I'm done shaking my hands I dry them further on his ugly ass muscle shirt. "Looks like I found one."

The guy uncrosses his arms and Clay immediately pulls me away from him by the hips. He pushes me behind him as the guy stands to his full height, Clay does the same. This guy is probably like an inch taller than him, still much taller than me. I think I might be kinda stupid, this was probably not the best decision I've made.

"You need to control your fucking girlfriend." He gets in Clays face.

"You shouldn't have been such a dick in the first place and just moved out of the way so she could use the sink." He doesn't back away from this guys threatening aura. Even in my drunken state and with the threat of violence looming over us, I still get butterflies from Clay not correcting this guy when he called me his girlfriend. I have my priorities straight.

"Yeah you prick." I peak out from behind him and yell at this guy. Clay reaches around himself and moves me completely behind him again.

"Please stay out of this, let's just go. You washed your hands so we're good."

"Yes sir." He tries to move away from the guy but he steps in front of us again.

"Bro you REALLY need to get her in check. If she was my girl she would have been corrected by now, if you know what I mean. Or maybe you don't, cause I looks like you're just a fucking pussy." He pushed Clays shoulder hard. Like hard enough that it pushes him back and as well as me. I stumble a little bit and have to grab the counter. My level of drunkenness is now very apparent, the room is spinning and it's hard to see straight. "Look at her dude, just looks at her. She shouldn't be with a guy like you." He tries to move closer to me but Clay returns the shoulder push.

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