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The blue and white booth seats squeak under our shifting bodies as we scoot into them. I slide into one side, Nick and Clay slide into the one across from me. Nick immediately starts playing with the different syrup bottle sat at the end of the table by the window. I laugh for a second before my head starts to feel like it's splitting in two.

   "You're hungover ?" Clay asks me , his voice laced with concern.

   "Yeah I'm hungover... I'm pretty sure I blacked out last night. All morning I've been trying to remember what happened , but all I get are fuzzy pictures."

   He looks at me and then looks away with a thoughtful expression on his face.

   I scrunch my eyebrows, "What?"

   "So you don't remember anything ? At all ?" He asks me slowly, he seems to be choosing his words carefully. It makes me feel uneasy , did I do something crazy last night ? Stripe and dance on top of tables ? Get into a fight ? Sleep with someone ?! Oh my god. Did I sleep... with Clay?!

   "I remember getting there, I had scraped my knees we went into the bathroom and fixed that. Then I remember that guy... fuck what was his name .... KYLE! Oh my god Kyle ! Loved him," I can't help but to laugh at myself. "I remember I nearly beat him at shotgunning that beer. Damn wait Clay you had a beer too, wooooow great DD-ing bro."

   He puts his hands up in defense, "Hey you guys can be very convincing ! Same with the blunt..." His sentence trails off at the end and I'm about to ask what he means when our waitress comes to our table.

   She approaches us with a bright smile, "Howdy ! Today I'll be your server my name is Jen, can I start y'all off with some coffee or maybe some waters?" The slight southern twang in her voice is pretty cute, it matches her sun bleached hair and freckles. Her pen and pad of paper are resting in her hands waiting for us to order.

   "Hiya Jen ! Id like a water and a coffee please !" I say my order and smile back at her.

   Nick and Clay mumble out that they'll get the same thing as me, Jen smiles and walks away from our table to check on her other seatings. I watch her as she talks to the other table, she smiles just like she did with us. Even cracks a joke , her laugh is so cute. I feel my mouth turn into a smile. All the sudden a hand shoots out in front of me and snaps. I'm pulled out of my daze and face the two boys across from me.

   They're staring at me mouths agape and Nick speaks first, "Um earth to Y/n! Way to stare."

   I shift my eyes around avoiding their stares, "What? Staring ? Me ? No never, I was just zoning out." Even as I'm talking my eyes flick back over to Jens retreating form.

   "Oh my god. Are you a lesbian ?!" Clay exclaims a little too loud. A few people even turn their heads.

   "Um no I'm not a lesbian, I just love love. Ew why'd I say that. Anyway, I don't really have a preference when it comes to stuff like that , I just don't care. If I like you and am attracted to you then it is what it is." I shrug and look between the two of them. Clay looks like this he's deep in thought, after a few seconds he just smiles to himself. I kick him from under the table and he grunts in pain.

   "What was that for ?!" He leans down to run his shin.

   "Don't think about me with another girl like that sicko." His face turns bright red at the words coming out my mouth.

   It's his turn now to avoid my gaze as he attempts to defend himself. His brain can't think of anything to say, mean while Nick is laugh his ass off at Clay.

   "Yo Dude you totally were thinking that! Shameless bro." He pats him on the back , Clay just rests his head on the cool table in an attempt to end the conversation. Just then Jen comes back over to our table with a tray full of drinks. Nick is still snickering at Clay who just quietly groans to himself.

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