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We start walking together down the street, music can be heard faintly in the otherwise quiet neighborhood. The area is nice, just your average suburban, white picket fence dream. Nick and Clay are walking on either side of me, they're talking to each other but I remain silent. Just thinking. I don't know why but I actually feel comfortable with them already, and protected. I can tell they're genuinely good guys and they won't let anything happen to me. A sudden thought rushes to the forefront of my brain.

"Oh shit." Comes out of my mouth involuntarily, they both turn their heads to look at me.

   "What's wrong?" Clay is he first to ask, the same thing comes out of Nick's mouth only a few seconds after.

   I pat all my pockets and sigh, "Nothings wrong I just realized that I should have brought my pepper spray or kitty cat keychain." My anxiety starts to turn up a few notches.

   "What's a kitty cat keychain?" Nick laughs.

   "It's this cat keychain and you like put your fingers through the eyes of the cat and the ears are pointy. So if you ever have to defend yourself, you know you just... kinda stab them." The entire time I'm explaining this I'm mimicking the stabbing motions in front of myself.

   "Oh I see, it'll be fine though. Clay and I won't let you out of our sights. Right bro?" Nick looks clear over my head at Clay.

   "Of course, I won't be drinking or anything so you'll be fine. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." His eyes stay locked on mine and I can tell he's sincere. So genuine. It makes my face heat up and I can't help but smile. I better not be wrong about them, I don't want to die. And due to the fact that we were looking at each other I failed to see a lift in the sidewalk. The tip of my shoe catches on the crack and I trip forward.

   I push my hands out in front of me just in time for me not to bash my face on the ground. My hands and knees take the full force of the fall, I stay there for a second before I feel hands on my back.

   "Oh my god are you okay Y/N? Okay that one is a freebie, I can't keep you from happening to yourself." Clay says as he helps me back to my feet, they're both laughing at me.

   "Haha very funny laugh it up." I brush my hands together to get the dirt and loose rocks off. Surveying the damage on my hands I conclude that they will be fine. No permanent damage, just a little red and they sting now. My knees on the other hand. I grab onto Nick's arm to keep myself steady while I lift my leg up to look at my knee closer.

   There's a small amount of blood dripping from an open scrape. I pick up the opposite leg and it's the same on that side. "Damn Y/n, um Clay do you have napkins in your car at all?" Nick leans over to look at my legs and shakes his head. Immediately Clay is speed walking to his car to see if he does. While we wait for him to return I hear Nick chuckle.

   "What's funny?" I look up at him confused.

   "Nothing's funny, you're just uh... you're still holding onto my arm." He smiles teasingly down at me and I immediately feel flustered. Not him too, god why do they both have to be so hot and funny. I quickly remove my hand from his arm and start to stutter out an apology. "Hey don't apologize, I wasn't saying it like it was a bad thing." He starts to rub the back of his neck, his words were quiet but they had a heavy impact. He kinda likes me. Score!

   Just then Clay returns with a few Taco Bell napkins in hand, he stands in front of me. "I got them!"

   "Oh thank you!" I go to reach for them but he pulls them out of my reach. "Hey not fun to mess with the injured person here." He smiles and starts to kneel in front of me, he lifts up my leg and I'm forced to grab ahold of Nicks arm again. Jesus what kinda situation have I gotten myself into?

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