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Sound begins to muffle around me as I slip into unconsciousness. I stay laying in the bathtub of some random frat house in Florida for what seems like an eternity. Somewhere along the way I see the light leave from behind my eyelids, someone must have shut off the light for me to get some better sleep. Thank you kind person, I am forever in your debt. The cool feeling of the enamel tub soothes my burning hot skin, but that alone can't stop me from sweating. I half wake up to shed my top layer, clumsily ripping off my flannel.

I slip back into sleep for a while longer before I see the light return behind my eyes. Sounds become closer and closer and before I know it I'm being shaken awake. My eyes blink open slightly but the newly introduced light makes me squeeze them shut and try to shield the light away. Once my eyes can finally focus I see Nick kneeling in front of me with his head turn towards the door. He's talking but I can't hear him yet, or maybe I'm just still asleep. I can barely tell.

Suddenly Clay comes rushing into the bathroom and moving to Nicks side. He too kneels down and puts his hands on my shoulder, I can also see his lips moving. Now I can hear the sounds but my brain can not translate them into words that mean anything.

"Huh?!" I snap suddenly getting frustrated that my senses aren't working. My own voice seems so loud and hoarse.

Clay turns to Nick who stands up and follows the orders that Clay is giving him. Once he's done telling Nick what to do he turns back to me and without saying a word lifts me up out of the tub and throws me over his shoulder. I let out a groan and once I'm up on his shoulder the dizziness comes back in full force. Being so high up is only making it worse, as Clay turns to leave the bathroom I see Nick grab my flannel that was left abandoned in the tub. He follows us as we go down the steps and straight out the front door.

We begin the walk back to the car and the sway of his steps is making me feel like I'm gonna throw up again. Nick is walking behind Clay so we're facing each other, I lift my head up and give him a little wave. He looks just as bad as I do, totally sloshed, he's just able to stand up straight. Once we reach the car Clay softly lowers me back to my feet, my knees start to buckle so he leans me against the side of the car. He unlocks it, opens the passenger seat door for me and plops me in.

I watch him shuffle Nick into the back seat, once he gets him clicked in he lays flat down across the seats. I start to laugh and he just glares at me. "My head is killing me Y/n, shut the fuck up." I turn forward and wait for Clay to get into the car, he opens his door and silently slips in. He quickly starts the car, checks his mirrors and starts driving down the street. I keep looking at him out of my peripherals, once and a while he'll flick his eyes over to me.

"Claaaaaaaayyyyy I'm hungryyyyyyyy!" Nick groans from the backseat loudly. Without missing a beat, my very drunk brain is somehow able to make me turn my body around to look at him directly in the eyes.

"Hi hungry I'm dad." A giant grin spreads across my face and he throws his head back and groans even louder.

"What do you want to eat?" Clay asks us unamused, I can feel my face contort due to his lack of interest.

"What's your issue-"

"TACO BELL!" Nick shouts right in between our heads, I jump back into my seat to get away from the loud sound.

Clay finally cracks a smile, "Taco bell it is. Y/n, are you hungry?" He looks at me as he stops at a red light and despite the fact that I was irritated with him not even 3 seconds ago, his stare makes my body heat up. All I can do is nod, he smiles smugly at me he's too full of himself I have to inflating his ego. When he turns back to the road he pats my knee with his oversized hand. He goes to move it away but I shoot my hand up to hold it where it is and look at him worried that he'll move away. He silently chews on his bottom lip and squeezes my knee, my stomach begins to do flips as we turn onto a busy street lined with gas stations and fast food places.

"EWWWW, get a room!" Nick flops back into the back seat and shouts at us.

"Oh hush Nick, you wish this was you." WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THE EGO.

"We've already been over this, and the answer is YES!" All I can do is laugh and shake my head at him, I mean. It's not out of the question. Nick's cute too. 

"What do you guys want?" We are quickly approaching the bright Taco Bell sign when Clay asks. 

   Nick is the first one to answer, he nearly starts shouting "I want a Baja blast freeze and a Doritos locos taco supreme, a burrito and quesarito and crunch wrap.... and uh I think that's it." It looks like Clay was about to keep that all straight in his head. 

It feels nearly instant that we arrive to the amazing place where they prepare the tacos. I don't really understand how we got here so face, maybe I fell asleep for a second? I cannot tell anymore. All I wanna do is go home and pass the fuck out. 

We pull into the drive-through and Clay immediately starts rattling off all of our orders, but I can't focus on what he's saying. The feeling of needing to vomit is bubbling up inside me, and I try to keep it down the best I can. Pulling away from the menu board we make the turn towards the window to pick up our food. As the car stops and Clay and the lady in the window exchange money its becoming more and more apparent that I won't be able to keep it down this time. I start to fumble with my seatbelt trying to pull it off of me to exit the car. 

Clay grabs the large brown bag of food and turns to hand it to me, "Here, can you hold this?" Just as the words leave his mouth the feeling is at the forefront of my throat. I lean forward and vomit onto the floor in front of me. Clay hands the bag to Nick and the backseat, turns back to the lady in the window and says, "Could we get a couple more napkins please?"

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