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   Emerging from the bathroom we are met with blaring music and some how even louder noises coming from a nearby bedroom. I gag and make a face at Nick and he mimics me, "Ewww who would even want to do that. It's so gross and unholy." He sarcastically proclaims.

   "While you were having premarital sex I was busy mastering the blade." I hit him in the ribs with my hand likes karate chop. He feigns having just receive a fatal would and nearly runs into a group of girls standing against the wall.

   We begin to make our descent down the dangerous steps and this time Clay grabs my wrist to lead me down, I turn around to Nick and do the same. It's kinda like a kindergarten chain. As we walk down we have to step over half filled red solo cups and I accidentally spilled one on a couple. I try to apologize to them but Clay just keeps it moving. Once we reach the end of the stairs and steers us towards the kitchen.

   He lets go of my hand to walk over to the fridge, however my hand stays around Nicks wrist. It feels nice to have it there, natural even. I sneak a glance at him out of the corner of my eye and he's already looking down at me. I quickly try to look away but I know that he saw me looking. I decide to face him head on, I move in front of him and try to get in his face.

   "What's the ish bro? Do we have a problem here? What I can't hold my bro's hand now, you're really pissing me off now bro." My old frat boy persona is already coming out, God let him live another day and he's going to make it everyone's problem.

   He moves his free hand up in defense, "Nah nah no ish here bro I think it's totally rad that you're homiesexual. Aren't we all atleast a little bit?" He looks down at our hands and begins to shift. "However that is not holding hands," he repositions our fingers to lace together. "This is holding hands."

   I make an overdramatic gasp and put my hand over my mouth, "Oh my god bro. Is this a... broposal?"

   "Ew ew ew that was low hanging fruit, your bro hand holding is benched." He releases my hand from his.

   Before I have a chance to come up with a witty response Clay appears out of thin air I suppose because I didn't even see him approach. He clears his throat to gain our attention and holds up two white claws. "Want this you basic bitches?"

   I fake being offended, "How dare you, Clay, assume that I'd want to drink such a girly dri- yes of course I want that shit please hand it over." I make grabby hands and he plops it down into their grasp. Nick takes his and I look at the flavor on my can, Black Cherry. I peak over at Nicks can and he has a Raspberry. I need that fucking Raspberry, I'm not drinking no nasty Black Cherry. "Oh do you want this one instead?" I hold mine up and he reads the label.

   "Black Cherry? Why , what's wrong with it?"

   "Oh nothing I was just asking if you wanted to switch... maybe... possibly... please switch with me." He laughs and grabs my can and swaps it for his.

   "I suppose I can do that, if this shits nasty I'm gonna chug it."

   "Oh! That's a great idea!"

   Clay starts waving his hands, "No no I don't think that's gonna be a good idea. I got you white claws so you can start slow."

   Nick is the first to start whining, "But Daaaaaad..."

   "Come on Dad I wanna be like the other kids, I just wanna be normal for once. You suck, worst dad ever." I join in on the whining and he just stands there and shakes his head. I sigh accepting defeat, or so he thinks. I pop open the tab on my can and 'accidentally' trip and spill some on myself. "Damn I'm gonna be all sticky now." I frown and look up at him with puppy dog eyes, "Can you get me a napkin?"

   "Yeah sure, but you need to be more careful. You're not even drunk and you've already spilled 2 drinks." He laughs at me and walks back behind the counters. As soon as he turns his back I'm taking this white claw to the face and tapping on Nicks arm to get him to do the same. He rushes to pop off his tab and joins me in the chugging. Out of the corner of my eye I see Clay coming back towards us. I chug like I've never chugged before, the fear of my actual dad seeing me do this takes over my brain.

   As soon as we are in his line of sight his speed increased. I finish just before he reaches us and Nick is close behind, I crush the can in my palm. Clay just stands there and shakes his head.

   "Are you mad?" Nick asks, hoping that he'll get the answer he's looking for. God I can see it from a mile away.

   "No kids... I'm just disappointed." And there he delivers exactly what Nick wanted.

   "Hi disappointment, I'm Dad." Nick makes himself crack up but I only roll my eyes and hit his arm.

   "Hey that's definitely ow hanging fruit, ew ew!" I mock him like a little kid and we start bickering. Clay tried to make us up and seems like he's getting actually frustrated. It's time to stop the shenanigans for a hot second.

   "Dude you gotta chill, why don't you have like one beer to relax. You'll still be fine to drive hours later." Nick pats his hand on this best bros back.

   Clay thinks about it for a moment before accepting the proposition. This time we all travel into the kitchen and peer into the soft glow of the refrigerator light. I pull out my favorite can of beer, if one can have a favorite they all taste like ass. I tolerate it the most. We all chose our beverages of choice and I get a big grin on my face.

   "Okay hear me out bros... Shot gun?"

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