The Start Of Something New

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"Mom!" you called from the living room as you packed your backpack on the couch. Today was not only your first day at a new high school but even better it was already the middle of the first semester. Granted you didn't really have many friends at your old school but even so, you missed your two best friends from Kanagawa. They were the only true friends you had since elementary school and now you would be leaving them to start a new life in Miyagi. Although they promised to visit next month during a break you knew it wasn't the same as before. Nonetheless this is the start of something new so you put on your brave face and finished packing.

"MOM!" you screamed for the second time, not a second later did you see your mom hopping through the hallway while trying to put on her heels for work. She was the main reason you had all moved to Miyagi in the first place, yet you couldn't be mad at her, she was trying her best to provide for two children. And although you weren't making it exactly hard on her, you could still tell she was having a hard time adjusting to a life without your father.

"Sorry sweetheart I'm running late, please make Daniel and yourself breakfast, I love you♡" As she practically sang those last words in the next three seconds she was out of the house and into the car, backing out of the driveway and on her way to her new job. She had recently applied for a teaching position at a nearby Junior High School and was finally getting settled in at her new workspace. You still had about 30 minutes before your bus came so you quickly made breakfast for your younger brother and as for you, well you just took a snack bar from the cabinet and some milk while running out the door. The bus was only 5 minutes away and you still had about 3 blocks to go. Luckily you made it just in time and hopped on the bus. While catching your breath your eyes scanned the outside of your window and something had caught your eye.

The trees were decorated in a mass of beautiful colors you had never seen before. Memories of your past days running to the convenience store straight after school flashed through your mind while you gazed at the trees pondering if maybe you just never noticed how pretty they really were. Just as the bus started to drive away you made up in your mind that this time you wouldn't let these kinds of moments pass you by. With this new-found courage to make your life as memorable as you please you silently smile to yourself.. this was the first time you had done so since you moved here. The bus ride was peaceful and you let your imagination run wild as you thought of different scenarios that would occur on your first day. Nevertheless, you weren't someone to get easily intimidated or nervous so you sorted out your thoughts just as the bus arrived at your stop.

Karasuno High School you read as you walked up to the gate of the school. There's no going back now.. You adjusted your skirt and tie before taking the first step onto the campus one step, two steps, three steps until you were already on your way to class. If you recalled correctly you were in class 1-4 the college prep classes as most of your time was spent studying or working. The school halls were full of students who were either on their way to class or lingered in the halls presumably to skip. Oddly enough you felt everyone's eyes on you as you made your way to the classroom. Don't overthink it's probably because they know I'm a transfer student, keep your head high, and don't let it bother you. [authors note: hell yeah you're a bad bitch]

You found your classroom rather quickly as the sign was surprisingly large. You opened the door and were greeted with probably the most lively classroom you could have imagined. You definitely didn't expect this from a prep class but nonetheless, you were not displeased. As you made your way to a window seat in the front of the classroom you felt eyes shooting through the back of your head. Calm down you knew everyone's eyes would be on you. Just as you got seated a wave of fresh vanilla caught your attention. You slightly turned your head back to see a tall blonde guy sit down in the seat directly behind you, he didn't seem to notice your glances since he was already infatuated with the book in his hand. You turned back to your own desk as class began and couldn't stop thinking about your mom and what her days have been like so far. It's not like you were worried per se but you still felt a little uneasy about her being alone. And just like that class had ended and lunch had just started. Nearly less than 5 seconds after the teacher left the room two girls came running up to your desk which resulted in you jumping a little.

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