Practice Match Pt.2

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There were two chairs seated on each end of the scoreboard. Kiyoko took a seat and motioned for you to do the same. The room suddenly grew quiet as you could tell the boys were now ready for the match to begin. You got chills as the atmosphere switched from friendly to competitive real quick. Almost like deja vu from the first time you witnessed the boys practice. 

You watched as six of the twelve boys from your team made their way onto the court. They were Daichi, Hinata, Kageyama, Tanaka, Asahi, and Noya. As they were walking Kiyoko spoke, "That's our starting lineup, each of them plays the first set and in between serves we swap them out if we need a certain play to be done." Her words processed in your mind as you looked at each of them, now standing in two rows. 

I wonder when they will swap Tsukishima in for someone... That thought was floating around in your mind as you listened to the captains and referee speak to each other. Ever since that day at the beach, you couldn't get Tsukishima out of your head. You were keeping yourself busy after that as a way to not think about it, but everything always led to him. The image of him, his hands, his hands in your hands, his smile when you made him laugh. You wanted to see that side of him more, and you knew there was a moment when playing volleyball where he almost showed that side, even if only for a moment.

But now wasn't the time for these intrusive thoughts, the game was starting and you had to keep your focus on the match. Although you always went to practices and watched each of the members play this was the first time witnessing them in a real match. Nekoma's team looked a bit intimidating so you couldn't imagine what the guys in the front row were thinking, but you still had faith, faith in your team, and that they would give Nekoma a good match. 

With the sound of a whistle, the first serve went over the net to Nekomas' side of the court. The match had officially begun and in no time the ball was being passed over and over again like a game of monkey in the middle. Except that the prime goal this time was to not let the ball hit the floor on your side of the net. Both teams had gone into fighting mode, spiking and receiving the ball like their lives depended on it. 

Not long after the match had started Hinata and Kageyama pulled their signature quick attack, shocking Nekomas team to their core. The play that the two of them had come up with was built off the trust of Kageyama's serve to Hinata, which made it even more deadly for the other team. To be completely honest the first time you saw their quick attack you had goosebumps all over your arms. You even went as far as to check Hinata to see if he was some type of robot designed solely to be able to jump like a spring, high enough to spike one of Kageyama's sets. 

The match had taken a turn evidently in Nekomas favor, They had figured out the way to stop your team from getting points was to shut down Hinata's lightning-fast spikes. It was their setter, Kenma that boy you had seen in your hometown, he was the reason they had been able to turn the tables on your team. You were impressed by his quick adaptation to the game and were able to come up with a way to stop your advances to win. 

When you first met Kenma it didn't seem like volleyball was something he was passionate about. It felt like more of a hobby to him, something he didn't even mention unless someone had brought it up in conversation. But now it was different, there was a certain look in his eyes when playing against Karasuno. It was the desire to win, he was playing to win. It was then you realized... Nekoma's volleyball team really is great. 

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