Nice to Meet you

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It's been an hour since you arrived at the infirmary and Tsukishima had just left. You could still feel his presence even after he had left the room. He agreed to let you accompany him to practice which you were overjoyed by but still a little nervous. You accompanying him would mean you were going to be meeting the whole entire team. There was a female manager at all the practices though which helped calm your nerves. 

After a few more minutes of lying down, you headed back to your class. Gym had already ended and everyone was in the classroom by the time you walked in. "Oh, Y/n are your fingers feeling alright?" The teacher exclaimed as you headed to your desk. He looked so worried and you felt bad so you just told it off as no big deal. The class continued as normal but your mind was somewhere else. Your eyes kept drifting outside, watching the trees brush in the wind and seeing as the leaves on the ground were swept up in the breeze. 

Soon after class had ended and it was finally the end of the day. What you had been so eagerly waiting for, the boy's volleyball practice. You turned back to see Tsukishima packing up his books and smirked. Let's see just how good this giant is at volleyball. He finishes packing and gestures for you to hurry up and follow him. You two walk down the hallways and out the doors to the school's back entrance. "So how long have you been playing volleyball?" you asked, quite amused at the thought of him as a little kid getting mad if he didn't block a ball. "I've been playing ever since middle school, just not on a team usually with my brother-" he stopped and turned to look at you "Why am I even answering your question?" You roll your eyes "I'm going to pretend like I didn't just hear that." The two of you continue walking together until you reach the doors of the gym. 

Alright, here we go, keep your cool. Tsukishima opens the doors and instantly your eyes lit up. Everyone was already in the gym practicing their serves and receives. They all looked so cool and you couldn't help but let out a small gasp. A friendly face comes to greet you at the door. "Hey Tsukishima I didn't think you of all people would bring someone to watch our practice," she said in a confused tone. "Hi, I'm Y/n, and sorry if I'm interrupting I just really wanted to watch your practice." You kind of laughed at how ridiculous you sounded, "Well that's fine by me, let me just introduce you to the guys." She said as she welcomed you into the gym, the floors were so shiny you could almost make out your reflection in it. 

"Everyone this is Y/n" she introduced you as you smiled and did a small wave at the guys, now all staring at you. One of them came running up to you at the speed of light. "Pleasure to meet you gorgeous!" You laughed and asked him what his name was. "I'm Nishinoya but you can just call me Noya." You nodded and suddenly a familiar face came into view. It was the same orange-haired guy that you had bumped into in the hallways earlier today. "HIII MY NAMES SHOYO!" he practically screamed as he ran up to you just as fast as Noya. "Ah yes, I believe we met earlier this morning in the hallways," you said as you looked at him smiling. "O-Oh right, sorry about that again I guess I was in a rush." he looked at the floor scratching the back of his head. "Don't worry about it, plus that pork bun was delicious!" His head shot up at the mention of pork buns, "Right!" You two laughed and you felt already a bit closer to the team Kiyoko introduced you to all of the team members and you kindly smiled and talked amongst them before practice had begun. 

At that moment a tall surprisingly attractive man came in. [dude don't lie coach ukai is hot.] He looked to be in his mid-twenties but you hadn't seen any teachers that young before. "Alright, fellas have you guys warmed up already?" He paused and then looked straight at where everyone was gathered. With you, in the center, you nervously walked toward him, "Sorry if this is sudden I really wanted to see your practice. I hope you don't mind. I already agreed to help you Kiyoko with your equipment and such." He gently smiled and agreed to let you stay for this practice. You let out a sigh and thanked him while heading back to Kiyoko you could feel the mood in the gym shift. It was unfamiliar to you but you could sense it had gotten a lot more serious now. 

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