Practice Match Pt.3

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It was the last set of the game... Each team had won a set and now it had made it to the tiebreaker. The boys were playing so aggressively you were scared someone's arms would break from their spikes. Both teams were playing great and you could see just how much effort your team had put into practices. It was finally being shown on the court, and you couldn't help but feel like a proud mom watching her children grow.

They had put their all into the match but it just couldn't compare to Nekomas experience and more time practiced with their team. So with that, Nekoma took the last set from your team. But you were still proud of them for fighting and never losing their motivation to win. Hinata on the other hand hadn't changed the look on his face since the minute the game started. He was eager, probably more determined than anyone in the gym to win even though it was only a practice match.

He was bouncing up and down like he hadn't just played 3 straight sets of running and jumping on the court. He was so full of energy, challenging the other team to another match. Which led to the others starting to engage in pointless banter. It was refreshing nonetheless how everyone was so friendly just after the match. You could see the captains joining in, Daichi going head to head with Kuroo announcing he would win against them next time.

Laughter erupted from the scene and you were unable to take them all seriously. They may look scary when they are on the court, or when the teams are grouped together. Yet when it came to getting along that was never a problem.

You and Kiyoko walked over to the boys to praise them for their efforts. When you made your way over to them they all looked tired but still talked like normal. Kiyoko spoke, "You guys really did play great today, g-good job." She stuttered the last words due to Tanaka and Noya jumping up from where they once laid face down. Their spirits were over the moon from Kiyoko's praising, it was so adorable how much they depend on her for their own happiness.

All the boys were sitting in a group on the gym floor but you noticed someone missing. You glanced to your left and saw him, sitting by himself drinking from a sports bottle. Tsukishima looked surprisingly normal, he wasn't catching his breath or anything almost as though he hadn't put his full efforts into this game. You decided to walk over to him, but not before grabbing a towel that had been soaked in cold water and rung.

With a swift motion, you lightly threw the towel over his head while you made your way over to sit next to him. He didn't move an inch while grabbing the towel and wiping his forehead. Seems like he put enough effort to sweat while playing but not more than the other guys... does he not take this game seriously just because it's a practice match? "You know even though they took that last set I think you played pretty well during the whole game." He stayed silent for a few seconds, you couldn't tell if he was listening or not. His head was still down when he suddenly lifted it, still not facing you but staring straight in front of him. With a tired voice, he just said "I could have blocked more of them."

At least he actually cared about them winning, but what was with this depressing setting right now. You thought of a way to comfort him but not to the point where you made him feel like he didn't do a good job. "You can't change the past but only work harder for the future, so what will you do? Will you stay sitting here thinking about how you could have done more or will you actually do more?" Surprised by your sudden words of encouragement Tsukishima finally looked at you. Your smile was one of his favorite things about you, he was mesmerized by it staring into your eyes.

Your stares lingered for a few moments, you almost lost your train of thought. You quickly sprang up, still looking him in the eyes. Your smile never fades as you tell him "Just keep it in mind okay... I'm going to go over and congratulate the other team so go join the others." This pissed him off, he wanted you to himself at that moment but couldn't stop you from leaving.

You run over to Kenma and the two boys he was talking with. Lev and Yaku were both really talented players, and you were amazed by them during the match. You start-up a conversation with them as easily as it was for you to talk to everyone else. "I still can't believe you're a first-year like me, your blocks were so cool with height like that!" Lev was a quiet guy but once you started talking he warmed up to you a bit. "And your receives were super fast. I really thought our spikes were going to get past your team but I guess we have to work harder." Yaku was flattered by the compliments since his team rarely hyped him up as you did.

Soon your day had come to an end and you all got ready to get back on the bus. Kenma grabs your shirt as you were getting your bags together. "H-hey Y/n today I really enjoyed your company so i-if you want to talk more we can exchange n-numbers." Your smile grew as you took out your phone and handed it to Kenma, he was so refreshing to be around because he never told you that you talked too much and he was always listening even if he didn't talk much himself. He gave a small smile as he walked next to you while you packed the bags outside on the bus.

Nekomas' team waited for you lined up like how they greeted you. So your team lined up and bowed, thanking them for having you and playing a match with you. With that your team piled back into the bus, you were sitting next to Kiyoko but you had the window seat this time. You saw all of them still looking at the bus as it pulled out of the parking lot. You waved bye to everyone through the window, you saw them waving back at you while Yamamoto yelled for you guys to visit again.

You only had so much energy for one day and this time you were at your limit. Nekoma's volleyball team... you made up your mind. They are good rivals and even better friends, you couldn't wait to play against them again. Your shoulders slouched down as you laid your head against Kiyoko's shoulder and your eyes closed. The day was officially over with a long bus ride ahead.

The Kiss Of Tomorrow✧||Tsukishima x Reader||✧Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant