Practice Match Pt.1

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"Hey, Y/n can you help me load the duffle bags into the car?" Kiyoko asked as she already had two bags in each of her hands. "Sure-" you responded but were cut off by Tanaka and Noya running past you both and grabbing the bags from your hands. "Woah there ladies leave that to us, just get yourselves on the bus and prepare to see our greatness on the court," Noya said as he looked right at you. 

Kiyoko just ignored his comment and took back the bags. "If you both have so much energy why not save it for the actual match. This is our job so move along." She was speaking in an almost repetitive tone like this has happened before. "You heard that Noya Kiyoko wants us to save our energy, oh my goddess!" Tanaka was dancing and flailing his arms around exaggerating his obvious crush on Kiyoko. You thought it was adorable how persistent and dedicated he was to Kiyoko and only Kiyoko. 

You chuckled while shooting a small smile at Kiyoko while you put the rest of the bags on the bus. Everyone was getting ready to head to Tokyo where Nekomas school would be holding a practice match. You had grown up not far from Tokyo so this felt like a ride back home in a way. Once everyone got seated on the bus did you start to finally feel the butterflies in your stomach cease. For some reason even though you weren't playing in the match yourself you were still nervous as ever. 

Kiyoko looked over at you whilst the bus started to move out of the parking lot. "You know the team we are having a practice match with today... they have actually beaten us many times." You looked at her face as she remembered the defeating losses they had taken to the team. "I have faith in our team, even if we do lose today I know we will give them a run for their money and wish they never had prepared for what's coming." She laughed at your obvious attempt to comfort her mind but she did appreciate your enthusiasm. 

The whole bus ride there was full of shouting and laughing, mostly from the boys that didn't take this time to rest up and conserve their energy. As the bus ride came to an end you made out the shape of the building in the distance. Which was in fact the gym of Nekoma High School. There outside a group of high school boys in red tracksuits were waiting by the doors. The bus grew closer until it was finally parked right in their parking lot. 

As if on cue the whole bus grew silent and you could see the look on the third year's faces. It was a look of pure determination. But it quickly faded as they got off the bus one by one, putting on a big smile as they got off. Once everyone was off the bus you and Kiyoko handed out the duffle bags and made your way to greet the opposing team at their doors. While walking up to the entrance they started walking in a line just as your team was. They stopped, you stopped there was visible tension in the air. Like they each wanted to say something to one another but were waiting for the other to speak. 

This obviously didn't last long as one of their team members whines out to their caption. "Kurooo this isn't fairrr, I refuse to believe that Karasuno has two beautiful managersss. Where are our stunning managers huh?" Their caption gave him an obvious look as to say, "Now is not the team we can whine about it later." Just then Tanaka and Noya stood in front of you two and started bickering with the guy who made the previous comment. 

Kiyoko just looked at you and as to answer whatever questions were going through your head just said. "They do this almost every time." You sighed but smiled at the thought of Tanaka and Noya "protecting" Kiyoko from any guy that tried to make moves on her. The arguing continued between them but you caught a glance of someone familiar. You moved your head slightly looking past Tanaka's back as you saw him. 

You immediately perk up and shout "Oh It's you!" causing everyone to stop what they were doing and look at you. You made your way over to the boy, he had blonde dyed hair with brown roots showing. "I had no idea you played for Nekoma!" He was smiling at you and responded "Sorry I guess you just never asked." You continued to talk as everyone just stared at you in disbelief. Even their caption questioned you. "How is it that you know our setter?" You looked at him then back at the boy and explained your encounter. 

~ Flashback to a Few Months Ago ~

You were up and riding your bike in the early morning as usual when you noticed someone walking around aimlessly almost as if they were lost. You stopped on your bike and went over to ask them if something was the matter. "Hello, I couldn't help but notice you looking a bit lost. You're not from Kanagawa are you?" Your question had been answered in a slight nod without making eye contact with you. You smiled as you put your bike to the side and sat down on a bench. 

"So where are you from?" You were always talkative to people you've never met and this boy seemed like one that wouldn't talk to someone he didn't know. Surprisingly he sat down next to you, still keeping his distance as he spoke. "I-I am from Tokyo-" he spoke in a gentle and shy tone which piqued your interest even more. "No way! I love going to Tokyo." you saw him slowly look up at your face as you were smiling at him. 

You noticed his bag he was carrying and saw a track jacket peeking out from inside it. Your curiosity got the better of you and you started questioning him. "Oh I see you've got a sports jacket in your bag, which sport do you play?" your question seemed to make him a little nervous so you tried not to pry too much. But after a bit, he finally answered. "V-Volleyball." he waited for your response but when he noticed it was surprisingly silent he looked back up at you. Shocked by your facial expression he blushed and looked back down. You were sitting there wide-eyed with this look of utter amazement in your eyes. It took you a second but you came back to reality. 

"That's amazing. I bet you are really good! I've always wanted to play but I'm not very good I don't think." you said while chuckling to yourself. He was playing with his fingers while still looking down. You didn't know if it was because you were praising him too much or there was something about volleyball that made him feel this way.

 "You know I think it's amazing that you play volleyball, I've always thought it was the most determined and skilled people that dedicate their time to practicing and perfecting their skills for themselves or their teammates. And I can't help but think you really like it even if you don't play for yourself." This comment struck him in a way you didn't know at the time but he was grateful to you that he wasn't pathetic for only playing for the sake of his friend. The fact that you thought he was amazing made him feel a lot better. 

~ Back to Present Day ~

"Yeah, that's how we met. He wasn't much of a talker but I enjoyed the conversation we had before he got a call and direction to head back to where he was supposed to be." you were laughing and smiling like usual as you looked at him. "Oh but I never did catch your name, mind me asking?" you asked while looking eagerly at him. "K-Kenma" he responded, immediately looking down at the floor. You beamed with joy as you walked off with him and two other boys while chatting and laughing together. 

"Y/n does seem to know how to get people to laugh together," Hinata said as the rest of the team was still standing in the parking lot. "If someones able to make Kenma talk, they're alright in my book," Kuroo said while grinning. "Okay let's head inside every one the match will begin shortly," Kiyoko announced as she started to walk off towards the gym. Everyone followed soon after and the excitement of what was about to unfold was slowly growing. 

You were already in the gym as you separated from Kenma and his teammates to put down your things on the other side of the gym. Kiyoko found you and brought you over to the scoreboard, showing you how points were distributed in games. She was teaching you all the rules you would have to know while the game was in session. The boys were taking off their jackets and sliding on their knee-pads. Knowing the match was nearing closer all the nerves you had been trying to get rid of came rushing back. You knew soon Karasuno and Nekoma would be facing off in an official practice match and just that thought kept you on your toes. 

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