A Surprising Invitation

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It's been 2 days since Tsukishima walked you home from your little "hangout" after school. You felt good about being the only one to make him smile. It felt as if you both had a special type of friendship now. Those two days you weren't able to say more than a "good morning grumpy" when greeting him at his desk or a "have a good practice! Make sure to not get hit in the face." While running out of the classroom at the end of the day. You were pretty busy since your brother had to stay home sick those two days. After school you would rush home to take care of him when the neighbors couldn't. You were always the one to take care of your family when they were sick, but you didn't mind.

Time passed as quickly as usual, class was coming to an end and lunch was near. You had your notebook open self studying for your classes. You always studied in class since at home you got distracted too easily. The teacher dismissed himself as class ended and your best friends were about to approach you for lunch. Their eyes widened as a new face approached your desk before them. It was Tsukishima, you hadn't noticed since you were still writing in your notebook but looked up once a hand was placed on your desk.

"Oi idiot, it's lunch time.." he spoke in a teasing but calm tone. You looked at his face and he was avoiding your gaze. You played into his embarrassment, "If you're going to talk at least look at me dummy." He turned his head to face you and his glare was unbelievably blank and cold. "Oh gosh, nevermind" you laughed and he turned to walk away but you grabbed his wrist and he froze. "Sorry I was just joking. What is it?" you spoke to him gently as you knew he wouldn't respond to you unless you seemed to be serious. He walked towards your desk and gripped onto both ends as he leaned closer to you. Your eyes met directly in front of each other, you two stayed in that state for a moment before he broke the silence.

"I want to have lunch with you, meet me on the hill in the back of the school." And just like that he backed away and left the classroom. Walking past your friends he looked at their confused faces and smirked. You were still in the same position from moments before and your eyes still had the image of Tsukishima that was so close to your face. What.. the.. Hell was that? Your friends ran up to your desk and shook you a little. "Y/n!" Aiya screamed as she shook you and checked to see if you were still dazed. "Hey Y/n what was he talking to you about?" Miyuki asked as she held Aiya back. "O-Oh um he just asked me to have lunch with him.." They gasped in unison almost like twins and started babbling about how he never does that sort of thing.

"Seriously Y/n if you're able to get Tsukishima to fall for you, you're officially a goddess in my book." Aiya spoke and as the words left her mouth you had a sudden realization. He wants to have lunch with me..could it be that he had actually fallen for me? I mean who wouldn't but still I had no idea, could I really be this dense? "Do you really think that?" you responded to her wild imagination and she nodded. "Let's not feed her your crazy fantasies, Y/n just simply go and have lunch with him and see what he's about. I'll control her for now" she said as she pulled Aiya into a tight hug while Aiya was trying to loosen her grip on her. You nodded to her then gathered your things and smiled at them. "Don't worry, no one can steal me away from you two." You said, grabbing their cheeks and then walked out of the classroom, heading towards Tsukishima.

He told you to meet him on the hill in the back of the school. You had only been there once and to be honest it was only when you were running away from Aiya while she tried to take a picture of you when you squeezed the bottle too hard and the juice had exploded in your face. I wonder if he wants to talk to me about something important. We have been friends I would say and he has never invited me to have lunch with him... You were lost in thought while you had instinctively walked the whole way to the hill. There you saw him from a few meters away, sitting in the grass with two bottles next to him.

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