Welcome to the Team

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~ Time Skip to Monday ~

The gym was quiet as Coach Ukai explained a new strategy the team would be incorporating into their next practice match. You were standing next to Kiyoko as you listened to the coach's words just as carefully as the team was. Everyone was so focused on the plan that no one noticed when Kiyoko and you left to go outside. 

She had asked you to come with her to wash out the water buckets at the nearby water fountains. Kiyoko seemed to be in a good mood today so you decided to bring up what had been on your mind for a while now. "Kiyoko, I have something I want to tell you," you announced as you turned to face her. She looked at you with an awaiting expression, ready to hear what you had to say. "About what you asked me a couple of weeks ago.. I've decided I really do want to become an official manager for the team." You were smiling at the thought of being able to watch volleyball and spending time with the team like family. 

Kiyoko looked surprised at the sudden mention of you joining the team but soon after smiled back at you. "I'm so happy that you will be joining us. I can't wait to spend more time together Y/n, I think everyone enjoys you being around." she excitedly told you as you got embarrassed by her kind words. She was always so kind and welcoming to you that you felt at ease when she was around. 

"Same here, I feel like every time I come to practice being around you guys brightens my mood and I really feel a close connection between us almost like family." That last sentence filled you with joy knowing it might just be true. Kiyoko giggled as she replied, "Oh Y/n you are already part of our family even before you decided to become an official manager." Her warm smile calms your nerves as you both finished washing the buckets and headed back to the gym. 

You join the others back in the gym as practice advances to everyone working in pairs to spike and receive the ball to each other.  You were standing close by to most of the groups as you observed their form and arm placement to receive and spike. Noya and Tanaka were a pair that caught your eye. They were a great pair in the sense of energy. Both of them were just as eager as the other to never let the ball hit the floor. Although this eagerness ended up causing Noya to spike the ball a little too hard towards Tanaka. 

As he shifted to his left to return the ball his reaction wasn't quick enough and the ball redirected off his forearms heading straight for you. They yelled out for you to watch out which triggered your reflexes. Since you were in fact paying close attention to their group you reacted quickly to this attack. The ball was heading for your stomach so in a desperate attempt to save yourself you stretched out your arms just like they had and stepped back. Making contact with the ball as you bumped it up causing it to lose its speed mid-air and come to a fall in front of you. 

The two headed over to where you were still squatting and started to profusely apologize. Not without Noya screaming about how quick you were to receive the ball, catching everyone's attention in the process. You weren't unfamiliar with random things being thrown your way since when your brother was younger he had a habit of throwing his toys, hard. "Don't worry about it, had I not been used to random things flying my way that would be a different story." They both laughed and nudged you teasing about how you could totally play for them. 

Everyone continued their practices after accepting the fact that you weren't hurt anywhere. As for you, you walked around the gym looking if there was anyone that needed your help or assistance. All the groups seemed to be doing well so you decided you would treat them before making your big announcement. You made your way over to Kiyoko to tell her you were going to get the guys drinks from the vending machine. She agreed and let you leave for a few minutes. By the time you came back with all the drinks, the guys were sitting on the court stretching and laying down out of breath. 

You laughed at the fact that they all seem exhausted so giving them the drinks would make more sense.  You had bought energy drinks for everyone except Kageyama which Kiyoko informed you that he got his strength from milk, not sugary drinks. You went up to everyone and started handing out the drinks as they praised you while you just laughed and told them they did a good job. Kageyama was thinking to himself, probably planning something to do with his quick- so you made your way over to him. He didn't seem to notice you since he was sitting down so you knelt down next to him and held out the flavored milk.

Seeing his favorite drink in front of him being held out by you made him blush. "Here, Kiyoko told me that you liked flavored milk more than other sugary drinks. That's probably why you're so tall" you chuckled to yourself as you gently smiled at him. He reached out to take the drink from your hand. Yet someone took notice of this exchange and decided to walk up to the two of you. By this time you were already standing so when someone came up from behind you, you tensed up. What's with this intoxicating scent of sweet but salty.. vanilla?

He peered over your shoulder to an energy drink in your hand and reached for it. His face was now closer to yours and you turned to see Tsukishima smirking while he grabbed his drink letting a whisper leave his lips. "Thanks." With that, he walked away leaving you confused and startled with blush painted across your face. Ohhh he's GOOD. You thought to yourself as he had just tried to embarrass you and give himself a good kick out of it. Now plotting your revenge you handed out the rest of the drinks to the remaining team members. 

During the practice, you had talked to Coach Ukai about becoming an official manager for the team. He agreed quite enthusiastically as he liked the idea of the boys trying their best because they now had two managers to impress. You thanked him profusely for allowing you to join and the excitement inside of you grew larger. You couldn't wait to tell the team of your plans to join them.

Coach Ukai's usual speech at the end of practice continued but this time there was another announcement to be made. He called your name to speak as he gestured for you to stand in front of everyone. Some of the guys were confused but you just looked over to Kiyoko as she smiled, giving you a thumbs up. You nodded as you walked over to stand in front of the whole team. Alright, Y/n this is what you've always wanted so just say it as it is.  

"As everyone knows I was offered the choice to come by for a few practices a week to help out in the manager position. Well from here on out I will no longer be coming for just a few days." you paused and looked at all their faces. Only the ones that listened closely heard the "just" so you knew by the smiles on their face that they knew what you were going to say next. Some of the others like Noya and Hinata were almost in tears as they enjoyed the time spent with you at practice. You giggled to yourself and composed your expression to the one everyone knew so well. With a gentle voice, you announced, "This is due to the fact that I as of today will be an official manager for your boy's volleyball team, so please do your best every day because I will be there watching." 

Everyone was filled with excitement because of your choice to stay with the team as they embraced you with open arms. Literally, Hinata and Noya along with the others ran to you as they pulled you into a group hug. You felt at peace when you were with them and wanted to stay there forever. The third years' congratulated you on joining the team. Suga bear-hugged you then immediately told you if any of the boys acted inappropriately towards you, you had the right to punish them with 100 diving laps. You laughed together as the atmosphere of a real family welcomed you. From the corner of your eye you could have sworn you saw Tsukishima smiling, like a genuine smile. Maybe it was your mind playing tricks on you but you didn't care. You were happy. 


"Let's do it!" Hinata yelled as he jumped around the gym while Kageyema chased him trying to kick his back. Laughs and smiles filled the gym and this was all you ever wanted. Tomorrow you would be facing Nekoma High's volleyball team at a practice match... Let's do this! 

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