Don't Look At Me Like That

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~Two days after the Practice Match~

The day of class presentations came before you realized it. You and Tsukishima had already finished that day at the cafe so you had totally forgotten. Only the project though, that day would always pop back up right before you would go to sleep. The first-day Tsukishima asked you to work outside of school together, you would never forget such a day.

The class had not started yet and the teacher had not arrived. Tsukishima asked you to go over the slides and make sure that everything was correct and organized. You turned in your seat to face him since he sat right behind you. He turned his computer towards you both and began reciting all the information you had written. 

Since you were facing backward you hadn't noticed the teacher walk in. Tsukishima noticed as the class began to go quiet yet you were still mumbling the information in front of you. In an attempt to get you to quiet down Tsukishima leaned forward. He was closer to you now than he had ever been before. His face made its way to your ear, the heat of his breath now tingling on your neck. His words seemed to take forever to reach you when he was this close but you made out a few of them. "...the teacher...walked in...turn ar-round" 

You could smell his scent from only a few inches from you. Just like on the first day of school you could smell a hint of vanilla and clean laundry. You were mesmerized but found the strength to do as he said and turn around. Just like that class began with your classmates going up to the front of the class to present. You listened to the others present and patiently waited for your turn. 

Finally, the teacher called you both up to present. Tsukishima got up from his seat and brought his computer to the front of the class. He was setting up the presentation while you walked over to the side of the screen, half memorizing what you wrote so you didn't have to look back. 

The presentation went smoothly as expected, you did most of the talking with Tsukishima chiming in on some of the important parts of the project. After the two of you had finished explaining the teacher dismissed you back to your seats. After everyone had completed their presentations he announced, "I will be grading your projects in full by the end of the week, but for verbal presentation, the group with the highest score would be YL/N and Tsukishima."

This didn't come as a surprise since he had grouped the two highest-ranking students together, Since you both had scored first he allowed you to skip out on cleaning duty that day. While exiting the classroom you mouthed a small "good luck" to Aiya and Miyuki. Tsukishima was walking in front of you as you both headed towards the gym for volleyball practice. 

When you two had arrived at the doors of the gym you looked inside to see that no one was there. Soon after realizing you had been let out pretty early and the rest of the team was probably still cleaning you headed inside. The gym smelled of cleaning supplies from the night before when you and Kiyoko had run up and down the gym with mops. The practices were always fun with the team together and you still couldn't believe you were one of their managers. 

You placed your bag on the gym's stage before heading to the closet to get out the equipment. While you were setting up the gym for practice Tsukishima had made his way next to your bag on the stage and sat down. He never was one to help out unless forced to so you didn't bother asking him. After setting up everything the rest of the team still hadn't shown up, you guys were still pretty early. You grabbed a volleyball from one of the baskets you pulled out of the closet and walked over to where Tsukishima was still sitting. So lazy

He had his usual white headphones on, probably listening to some random album you most likely didn't know. You laid down on your back, your hair sprawled out on the floor. Your feet a few inches away from Tsukishima's legs dangling over yours. You began to set the ball above your head, up and down to yourself. This was just something you did when bored or had nothing to do during practice. 

Tsukishima stayed leaning back with his arms to his sides still sitting upright. His head tilted slightly towards the ceiling. His eyes were open seeming to be staring at nothing. His collarbones peeking out from under his loose white t-shirt. You could make out his prominent jawline and Adam's apple, they seem to be carved perfectly for his face. He looks really charming when he's relaxed like this, without that scowl on his face. 

Lost in the image of him, fully relaxed he looked back down and noticed you were still setting the volleyball to yourself but now your head was turned to its side facing him. He could see your observation in your eyes. You didn't notice him looking at you until he spoke, "What?" Still looking at his features and not fully thinking you responded. "Nothing, it's just your features look so captivating when you're relaxed." 

Tsukishima still processing your words tensed up when you moved to sit next to him. You noticed this, his muscles in his arms tense when you finally stood up from laying down. He didn't know what your words meant, or what you wanted them to mean. But you still continued to stare at him even when you were sitting directly next to him. You swung your legs like a child when you finally looked down and said "Interesting." You chuckled to yourself and finally hopped off the stage leaving him still sitting there. 

You squatted down to get the volleyball that you had previously taken from the basket and headed to put it back. What did I just say to him?!?! I hate myself, can't you think before you speak! The color of cherry blossoms in the spring decorated Tsukishima's ears as he watched you. The flashback of you examining his face and structure flooded back to him and he didn't know how to handle it. 

In a few moments, the rest of the team would enter the gym, saving him from his previous thoughts. This ended the private time you and Tsukishima shared, and practice began... 

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