Prologue (Edited)

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Run. Faster before they catch you.

You peered over to your sides, still seeing two of your friends running. "Why did you have to get ice candy from them?"

"Cause it looked yummy!" Von dodged a bullet.

" Don't you know the saying 'Don't Take Candy from strangers' ?!" Yuri shouted from your side as you three turned a corner. From there, you jumped 4-8 feet higher than anyone your height could achieve, landing on the ledge of a nearby window. You extended your hand towards your smallest friend, Yuri, pulling him before grabbing hold of Von, the tallest out of you three.

Once you were all in, you went through the window and squatted down. Yells of men and footsteps pass by where you're hidden, you look at the room you landed in. A bedroom with cracks at the painted walls, a drawer near the bed, a closet at the side. Abandoned. Perfect.

"Are they gone?" You whispered at the boy with dark chocolate skin and dark hair, Von. He peers over the window before looking back at you and nodded. You all jumped out of the window and headed home.


"Von, no sweets for you for a week." Alexa crosses her arms.

Von whines at her being 'unfair', which Alexa retorts back. "If it wasn't for Yuri and Y/n, you would've never come back. And you did it for what?"

"Why not?"


"Why not?"

". . . Why though?"

Yuri yawned. "He did it for ice candy."

Alexa stared at the tall male with deadpanned grey-blue eyes. "When we move to Japan, you're not allowed sweets for a month."



After Arriving in Japan

"Remember, no making trouble in this country. We're having a fresh start, got it?" Alexa then eyes specifically at the dark chocolate boy who was recently sulking. "Got it?"

Von grumbled a 'yes'.

"Alexa, what school are we going to?" You stretched your arms after a job of unpacking the boxes, Yuri following after you. " Ōdōtaina in Saitama," Alexa replies, checking her bag for anything missing. "Eh? Ang Layo!? We're in Miyagi, can't we just enroll in one of the schools here?" Yuri tried to reason.

"It'll be a good exercise for you three, besides, you got used to waking up at 3 and walking from Muntinlupa to Las Pinas. Right?" She then added. "And I don't trust the environment of the schools here, it has."

Alexa is just despicable at times, but you know she means well. But dang that's even farther than the one in your home country.

"Luckily for you, you'll be using the train to travel, I already paid for your tickets so that should be good enough." Alexa then adjusted her glasses before turning to you." I hope you polished your Japanese."

"Eh? We were supposed to learn Japanese?" Von said in the background.

Alexa deadpanned at the formerly sulking boy. " I told you to learn the basic Japanese a week before we left." You combed through your h/c locks, chuckling. "I taught you the introduction and simple words, remember Von?" The said male furrowed his brows in thought before his eyes lit up and an open smile lay present. " Oh nga no."

Alexa shook her head. "Say your greetings."

You went first. " Hello, my name is L/n Y/n. Please take care of me."

Yuri went next. "Hello, I'm Acosta Yuri. Hope we get along."

You all turned to Von, who was struggling with the pronunciation. "Hello. . . I . . Am . . Bondoc. . .Von. "

Alexa sigh. "Good enough."


Waking up at 4 am was annoying to the core, especially when you were dreaming about something good. After fixing your bed, you headed downstairs and into the kitchen where two of your 'brothers' were already grabbing a quick breakfast.

"Morning guys." You walked toward the fridge, opening it before searching for anything to eat. "Magandang Umaga, Y/n." You heard Von greeted before going back to chomping on his banana. "Hey." Yuri was probably finishing his toasted bread. At last, you picked the leftover sushi you had from last night, a portion of it still good. Getting a plate and utensils you dug in, maybe when you're in Saitama, you three could buy a proper breakfast there.

After eating, you bathe and get dressed, fix your things, then head out. The three of you had your tickets, so getting on the train itself wasn't a problem. Though, the uniform was unique in ways from other schools.

Ōdōtaina High is a school whose sign is the zodiac sign circle, apparently a play with the English translation of Ōdōtai which means Zodiac. The founder was a man who had 12 children with all the 12 different star signs, hence the name and logo. The uniforms were a typical blazer and dress shirt with stereotypical black pants or skirts. But the school also has an odd system with the students. The color of the blazers will depend on your star sign. Stereotypical, you guess. But it seems kinda fun.

Since you're a Scorpio, your blazer is dark blue with the school's crest on the chest pocket, your sign in the center of the circle. Von is a Leo, hence, his blazer color is dark green with his sign in the center. Yuri is a Libra, wearing a medium blue colored blazer with his sign in the center of the circle.

Though you know the school's system of color-coding, you were still curious about what it looks like. As the three of you got off the train, you navigated through the city with google maps-though you had to hold Von like an owner with a leashed dog since he keeps wandering in different directions. You made a quick stop at a nearby convenience store for a little extra food before continuing your way.

"Just a few more turns and we'll be there." You informed your companions. Von was sucking on a banana, making you whack the back of his head. "And Von, please stop making weird sucking noises."

The said boy rubbed the back of his head, a goofy grin on his face. "Eh, sorry. But it's funny how the people look at me." "Then go back to the zoo where you belong."

"So mean!"

Yuri laughed at the scene.

"You're no better, Yuri."


You rolled your eyes. "Anyways, I wonder what our school looks like."

"I read that they have, not only a junior high school, but also a kindergarten, elementary, and high school," Yuri informed, throwing away the plastic of his biscuits.

Hmm, that means you could still have a high school there. Though, you'll have to see the building first.


" IT'S HORRIBLE! IT'S WORSE THAN I COULD EVER IMAGINE!" Von wailed with his hands on his head. You pinched his ear, unamused. "It's not even ugly."

It was true. The building was big for sure, with a wall and gate surrounding it that has the school's logo. The outlines varied in different colors depending on the star signs, and the building has symmetry in its design.

Students filing in the building, some take their time as they stare at the three of you. You could guess why. Besides your two friends' skin color and dark eyes, along with your heights, you were feminine than most guys. A slender body, longer than most boy's hair-it was probably at chin length- and big almond-shaped eyes. Yeah, that was you.

You sigh as you stare at the building.

"New country, new home, new school, new life."

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