Chapter 1

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You hated your seatmate.

When you entered, you three headed straight to the office where they handed your schedules and classes and sent you on your merry way. Von was in Class 1-3 since his studies were of average and a bit below. Yuri and you were in the advanced classes, with him in class 1-4 while you were in 1-5. So, you were in different classes, only getting to see each other during break and after school.

Your classmates were overall okay, some of the girls were nice and became something similar to sisters, while some of the boys were cool with you. But this one guy keeps hitting on you no matter how many times you repeat that you were a boy, his IQ must be below zero for him to not get the point. And worst of all, he was your seatmate.

"Hey L/N."

You looked up, unamused at your seatmate. A boy with a brunette with an undercut, sharp jawline, and narrow green eyes grins as he gets your attention. Edgard Vonlou, your german seatmate. " What?" You asked, bored, putting your pencil down on your drawing.

" How about you change your pants for a skirt, so maybe we get to see those nice legs of yours." He smirks, his german accent heavy. You felt like 5 years regressed from your life span. " I'm a boy and how do you know I have nice legs?" "Nah, you're just gender-confused. And I know your legs are nice since your face is."

You felt your right eye twitch in irritation. And to be specific, it's the dry irritation that's like salt. "Wow, you must have more brain cells than I thought for you to know what the word gender is." The bell rang and you quickly yeeted yourself out of the room for a break. You met up with your friends at the canteen, where they saved a seat for you.

" What's wrong with you?" Yuri first asked as you sat beside Von, the other boy on the other side. You bit into your chocolate treat before speaking. "This simpleton keeps hitting on me when I repeatedly say I'm a boy." Von leaned on your arm, snuggling into it. "Aren't you gay, though?" "Yeah, but he flirts with me cause he thinks I'm a girl. It's annoying."

"Hey L/N!"

And speaking of said simpleton. . .

You three all turned to see Edgard, a table beside you, other boys-possibly friends- were either chatting away or looking back at you. Edgard made a come hither finger as he spoke. "Why not seat with us instead of those two burnt people." You blinked before huffing in annoyance, deciding to ignore him as you turned to your friends again. "Don't mind him."

Sadly, Von seems to either not hear or ignore your words as he started to stand up, growling all the while. You pulled him down by his blazer. "I said, don't mind and ignore him," Von grumbled incoherently, making you sigh. Yuri seems to be finished with his glaring as he turns back to you. "Itong lalaki ay isang puta, mayabang at bobo siya."

You hummed in agreement. "Anyways, what club are you going to join?" Von let out a tired 'Eh' as he leans into your bicep, nuzzling into it. Yuri scratched his head. "Don't know, haven't thought about it."

"Well, maybe we could join the same club? If that's okay with you two?" You suggested, leaning onto your hand. Yuri shrugged. "Sure." Von lifted his head. "Okay." before putting it back where it was. You tapped your finger on the table. "What club though?"

"We should try sports, that way we wouldn't have to do the workout video that Alexa chose." Yuri grinned. You shivered at the thought, you definitely would do anything not to hear someone talk encouragingly while working out. It was better that way. "What sport though?" You asked.


"Edgard said he was joining that."

Yuri scowled at the name. "Great."

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