Chapter 7

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It was the day of the Interhigh and pumped was an understatement to describe your teammates. The moment they got off the bus, Suzuki and Von immediately raced towards the entrance of the building, all the while yelling, leaving the rest of you behind. You blinked at them, astounded at their behaviors. "They remind me of insects for some reason."

You heard snickers and stifled laughter around you. "Insects." Yuri huffed out. "Has L/n-chan realized their past species?" The twins laughed. You felt a hand land on your shoulder followed by the vice-captain's voice. "I can't agree with you more, L/n." You heard hints of amusement and mockery, but it's not directed at you. A hand was placed on your head, patting it a few times. " You'll see them blossom into a new species soon, Y/n," Takeo stated, followed by Aoi. "Take-Chan is right, they might become butterflies soon!"

Another round of snickers and laughs.

When you entered the building, you saw several volleyball players from different teams. The players were undoubtedly taller than you, but some were taller than Tamaki! They could rival Takeo-senpai!

Your advisor looked at the timetables. "Our first match is with the team from Tanukima, they're one of the powerhouses around here besides us." Wait, did you hear that right? "Sensei, did you say we're a powerhouse?" You didn't know if you're ears were playing with you, but apparently not since your advisor smiled at you. "Yes, I think we're one of the top 3 or 4?"

Von screeched beside you. "THAT'S WHY ALEXA WANTED US TO GO HERE!" You deadpanned as you whacked the back of the male's head. "Von." "I'm sorry." He apologizes, not wanting to be scolded again. You heard the twins snickering from behind. "You're like a mom."

You turned to them and gave them a pointed smile. "Well someone should help Kazumi-senpai punish these naughty children, right?" The twins paled in fear while Kazumi chuckled behind them. "Right you are, L/n-Kun."


Coach Ito let out a hearty chuckle at the scene. "These kids. . ."

The first team you went up to was fairly easy, though their speed is an adjustment you had to make, you were able to score two sets in a row. You didn't like it. It was too easy. Like a simple stepping stone on a river. You wanted a challenge, something to test your limits, to test your skills.

The rest of the teams you went up against were good, but not hard for you to go adrenaline rush. It made you irritated, you didn't want your school to seem powerful. Strong, yes, but not powerful. You wanted someone, just someone to equal you.

You got your wish during the semi-finals.

The team you're going against is the top 2 in the area, they're Jaguars by their school symbol and colors. While your team was a colorful one, each shirt with your blazer color, jersey number, and sign. You heard others call you the rainbow team or the Stars, which is the funny cause in your point of view. You're still dirty stars.

This team gave you something to work your brain and body, their power relies on their 1 and 7, their setter is tricky as their libero is capable of receiving Suzuki's spikes. Others might find it troublesome and frustrating, but for you. . .

You found it exhilarating.

"What are you grinning for, L/n-chan?" Jiro, the younger twin, asked when he noticed your smile. You didn't know if it was the adrenaline or if it is the feeling of playing against a powerful opponent, but one thing is for sure. . .

"Just happy that someone is challenging."

They were tied in sets and were tied for points in the third set. You heaved while the smile was still in place, you haven't had this fun in a while. You didn't care if you'll win or lose, you're just here to become stronger and to overcome challenges. You were currently their libero for this set, so your colors are reversed. When the opposing team spiked the ball to your side, you received it with your leg where it curved to Kazumi. The vice-captain readies his hand and at that moment, three players ran towards the net; Tamaki, Jiro, and Takeo.

A synchronized attack you realized. When Kazumi tossed the ball, it flies past Tamaki, Jiro, till it's spiked by Takeo

"We made it to the semifinals!" Suzuki exclaimed, jumping up and down. Von joined the delinquent wannabe. "Yeah, dude!"

"Ōdōtaina's number 10 is something to look out for."

Hooray, you got people talking about your team.

" Their delinquent is powerful but he looks stupid."

You held the back of Suzuki's shirt to prevent him from attacking the gossipers. "Don't mind them." "HOW CAN I NOT MIND THEM WHEN THEY INSULTED ME!"

"Prove them wrong."

It's as simple as that.

"Oh, Ōdōtaina's volleyball team has such handsome members."

"But their number 10 is so pretty!"

"The one with the glasses looks so cool!"

"Their manager is cute, maybe I should get her number."

You watched as Takeo and Kazumi senpai had to hold the twins and Tamaki back from the man who made that last comment. You glanced at Haruhi, patting her back while she watched in confusion. But soon, another comment had your team riled up.

"Their number 10 looks like a girl."

"Maybe he is a girl, pretending to be a boy!"

"Should I ask him out?"

You watch in surprise as your team made a defensive circle around you, Von and Yuri included. Takeo in front with Aoi-senpai on his shoulders while your adoptive brothers at his sides, the rest covering the other sides. Even Kazumi-senpai!

"You're not getting our Y/n-chan!" Aoi huffed cutely.

Man, you sure have protective teammates.

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