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The lighting of the club and music thumping in the background is all noisy mesh to you. Sure it strained your eyes a bit and the music almost made you deaf, but you adapted to it. Especially with the drunk customers, you've been getting lately. Cleaning a cup, your eyes roam the place as you let other bartenders handle the customers.

There were new customers lately, first, a group of men clad in suits with dark purple ties came in and claimed a booth. You noticed an eagle on their chest pockets, you didn't have time to ponder when your eyes met red narrow ones. They regarded you with mischief but at the same time analyzing you. His head was also red and in a straight-up fashion. It reminded you of Hisoka from HxH.

There were men similar to what they were wearing but with different colored ties and different crests on their chest pockets. In a booth near the bar table is a group with black with yellow striped ties and an owl crest. Another has red ties and crests of a cat, they were seated beside the owls. The one near one of the pole dancers had cyan green ties and a plant crest.

You couldn't help but be curious about them, especially when they gave each other wary glares at each other. You flicked a lock off your shoulder from your long ponytail and attended a grumpy drunkard. You felt like you're a bunny in a wolves' den, and you're trekking quietly. You flickered your eyes to the cats, to meet cat-like golden hazel eyes instead. You knew the bedhead, but he didn't know you. The said bedhead gave you a lazy grin, but you knew something was scheming underneath it.

The jingle of the bells signal that someone has entered. You broke your staring contests to be met with a tall man with a blonde undercut and eyes far apart, in his hand was a suitcase. Behind him was a lanky man with thinning grey pepper and salt hair and sky blue eyes. The undercut's eyes roamed the area before landing on you, he grins as he walks to you, slamming the case down.

"So, you're the one who took down 'Hunter'." His spit sprays when he speaks.

You arched a brow. "I don't know what you mean, sir. Would you like a drink?"

"I would prefer to gamble."

Your lips quirked, whispering of your co-bartenders faded into the wind. You huffed a laugh. "So you're heard of me?"

"Heard you took down skilled gamblers and made them pee in their pants."

You narrowed your eyes in amusement, giving a sharp grin. "What's the game?" Gasps arose from the club, from the customers, workers, dancers, etc. The undercut smirked before holding a pack of cards.

" Two cards Indian Poker. Wanna play?"

You hummed, contemplating before you saw someone from behind him. You smiled. "Jabami Yumeko," The undercut froze before turning around, much to your pleasure." have you come to join us?"

The said girl with long dark hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and a voluptuous figure wearing a red blazer hat hugged her form and a black skirt with stockings. She gave a cheerful smile in return. "Of course Y/n-Kun, how can I refuse!"

Undercut smirked. "Jabami. . . Yumeko. . ." Ah, he recognizes her.

You could see the fearful whispering around the club, but what caught your eye was how the men in suits didn't have a silver of fear. None at all. They even looked intrigued.

You turned your attention to the people in your front, grinning pointed. "So . . ."



"Shall we start?"

The customers have made space for you three, lending you a table. Like a triangle, you sat at each corner, cards in hand and hidden from each other. Your eyes slide to undercut, whose previous fear melted to weariness and caution. Everyone knows Yumeko and her undeniably superhuman skills at gambling, your reputation in gambling isn't big, but that doesn't mean that you're not feared.

Your manager was the dealer. "Let's begin our game of Two Card Indian Poker," He then gave a card to each of you. "I'll give each of you a card, take a peek, then have them face their own." You took a peek at your card, a twitch of a smile, before putting it face down on the table. " For your second card, place it on your forehead without looking." You were given your second card, while it's back face to you, then picked it up and placed it on your forehead.

"I bet one of my chips." Undercut- Shigure- stated, a snarl on his face.

"I call one of my chips!" Yumeko said. You eyed her, curious about her move, nonetheless, you called. "Fold." Yumeko must have a plan or must have noticed something wrong.

"Please show your hands."

"I have a pig, 7 and 8," Yumeko stated.

Shigure held his cards with two fingers. " Three-nine suit here. I win."

He's getting arrogant, perfect, that arrogance will be enough to bring down. You smirked as your manager announced him as the winner. "Aren't you being timid?" Shigure grinned, eyeing Yumeko and you. "I thought you were skilled gamblers, but you two are just timid."

You glanced at Yumeko and shared a shark grin. This was just getting started.

Yumeko placed down her card. "I got a pretty good card. So I bet one of my chips."

"Looks like we got a decent game." He placed two of his chips. "Raise! Two of my chips!"

"Raise, three of my chips."

You chuckled internally as Shigure looks taken back. You let your eyes roam before noticing Shigures stare at you. Or rather. . .

Behind you.

You met eyes with Yumeko and knew she noticed. The person behind you was the lanky blue-eyed man, his companion. You wonder. . .

"I call, two of my chips." He laughed before holding up his cards. "I'm pretty lucky."

Yumeko casually holds up a

"Got a four-ten suit."

You waited patiently for the chance. The moment. This moment is like being underwater, a room of water where it's slow and hard. It entices you to wait to find out what happens next. You felt the rush of adrenaline as the game continues.

You placed your chips. "I bet one of my chips."

"Call. One of my chips." His smile reminds you of a gorilla.

"Call. One of Shigure's chips."

You decided to be impulsive, give him fake confidence. "Raise. Five of my chips."

"I call-" You huffed a laugh as he delays his call. " Not. No way I'd do that." You stared dead in his eyes, seeing his manic looks. "I've seen through you, sluts." Wow, creative insult. "L/n, Yumeko, you two are working together." You gave him a look of fear, while you're just laughing giddily inside.

He's falling for it.

He gave a smile similar to those titans from the anime Attack on Titan. " Bad luck. Everything you do, older and experienced gamblers will see right through it. I fold.

"Fold." Yumeko followed.

You huffed through your nose a laugh. Very well, regardless, I'm glad that you're in this game cause now I have some bullets." Using one of your hands, you flipped your unrevealed cards.

"What the hell are you talking abo-"

You flipped your last card, revealing an A. You were graced to see the look of fear and despair on his face, you couldn't handle it anymore. You laughed, abruptly standing up while your cards fly. The adrenaline rush and excitement made you giddy like a kid on Christmas. Your sadism not helping as it made you unstill and fidgety. " I had a PIG!" You laughed at his despair.

" IDIOT! "

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