Chapter 4

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" I CHALLENGE YOU TO AN ARM WRESTLING MATCH!" Suzuki points at you as he declares, eyes narrowed. This is the 3rd time he challenged me. You couldn't help but deadpan at this ridiculous idea of his. But, you digressed.

Your classmates surround you as two of your female classmates push two tables together. Propping your elbow on one side while Suzuki on the other, your blazer's sleeves were rolled up while the delinquents were held by someone. The class president placed both hands on Suzuki's and your interlocked ones, refereeing the match. "Ready?"

You stared blankly at his eyes while the delinquent glares at yours.


You both pushed your hands into each other, determined to win. Scratch that, you were only using 50% of your strength since you were a lazy boy. You only used it to keep you up, while watching Suzuki struggle to bring you down. It was amusing, your lips quirking into a half-smile, but you held it in since you didn't want to seem like you were mocking him.

Finally tired of this, you abruptly brought down you pushed the delinquent's hand down to the table, a loud bam echoing in your classroom. Everyone in the room was rock still, shocked at the strength you possessed. Suzuki was the first to get over his shock, immediately glaring at you with burning anger. "Are you mocking me!?"

Quite the opposite to be honest. You blandly met his gaze, feeling nothing but fatigue cause dealing with this was mentally draining and a bit of apathy. "No, I just wanted to see if you can win. Plus I was lazy." Standing up with your things, you patted his head on your way out. "But that doesn't mean that I'm better than you, there are things that I can't do while you can."


You tossed the ball for the rest of the players to practice on their spiking, one by one spiking the ball. When Suzuki wen next, you made sure to give a toss that'll match his strength and timing. When he spiked the ball perfectly, you sigh in approval, how unfortunate that the delinquent didn't seem to feel the same way as he marched up to you with a glare.

"Are you taking pity on me!?" He shouts at your face.

You blinked in surprise as you answered. "No, I wasn't."

"Then why was that ball so easy to hit!?"

"I timed the ball on where you'll spike, so it will match your hand." You furrowed your brows in confusion.

"And you did that without any guts!?" At this point, he was grabbing you by the shirt.

"Hey, no fighting here." Tamaki tries to disperse the fight. "Hiro, Y/n is not looking down on you, I assure you of that."

Suzuki either ignored or didn't hear as he continued to shout at your face. "You and your fancy jumps. Your sportsmanship! You're just a midget with no guts!"

"Hiro, that's enough," Kazumi warned.

"Where did you learn these techniques? Where did you learn to jump so high? Where and why aren't using most of them? You're just wasting these gifts!"

You had enough.

A growl threatened to escape your throat as you brought your hands to the delinquents, raising your feet to push yourself from the boy. Adjusting your position, you managed to push him off you, feeling two pairs of arms catch you. "Y/n." Von's voice rang in your ears. You looked up at the boy with the blonde mohawk, gritting your teeth, you felt like your eyes wanted to pierce right into his soul.

He doesn't know anything. He doesn't know what you three have been through, nor what you witnessed. Anger crashed in your being like a storm with thunder, waves crashing into you, and needing to be released. You clenched your fists, trying to let the anger simmer down, but it was hard.

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