Chapter 2

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The rest of the school week has been eventful. The simpleton Edgard bothered you non-stop (it wasn't till you grabbed his hand and placed it between your legs, efficiently horrifying him), Volleyball practice was tiring but not boring with your dramatic captain, mischievous twins, and calculating vice-captain.

Your idiotic captain chased the twins after they tried to take you to do some prank of theirs, which includes trying to dump water on Haru, stealing Aoi-senpai's bunny, and tricking Von into stupid stunts.

Being you, you would fix the problems they would cause. And as punishment for them trying to rope you into their schemes, you pinched their ears till they're red. Aoi-senpai, who most called Honey-senpai, acted like a child - a baby to be more precise. He almost cried when he found his bunny, USA-chan, was gone, you had to sneakily swipe it from the twins before giving it back to him.

Kazumi-senpai is no-nonsense, one of the people you could relate to and not chastised for his actions. But despite being the vice-captain, he didn't do much when everything was in chaos. Arata, Haru, and Yuki were decently sane, you got along with them benchwarmers. But your most preferred senpai was probably Takeo-senpai (most people called him Mori-senpai) who was like a giant yet cuddly bear. He was a man of few words, always calm, and had this big brother feeling. You two got along really well to the point he would carry you when you were tired or just plain lazy to walk.

Yuzuki was still acting aggressively around you, yelling at you about your sets being too high or low, abruptly yelling that your serves are sloppy, etc. But you knew he was just being petty. He was just jealous that an average height person with a feminine face has great potential, which you doubt a thousand times. You tried to get along with the delinquent, giving him tips or pointers, but he just brushed you off.

You knew you were going to cooperate with him at one point, even though he dislikes you greatly. But the most frustrating thing about this week. F A N G I R L S. This club had freaking fangirls that caused most of the members to consist of good-looking men! You had to shove your way through the mob of fangirls just to get to the gym. Von and Yuri had begun gaining fangirls since they considered them cute or attractive. Yuzuki, sadly, had none.

You? You were they're so-called 'Dress up Doll'

You earned the nickname when one of your girl classmates asked you to try out an outfit they picked.

It was a panda onesie that was, scarily, your size. You digressed after they begged you to put it on, besides, you thought it wouldn't be that bad since it was just pajamas. You were wrong. They took pictures of you and posted them on the school's website for outside of school stuff, letting everyone see.

Oh well, guess you'll have to get used to it.


Saturday's are one of the best days, besides the holidays and summer days. Where you get to relax and worry about nothing, till Sunday comes and you have to cram the assignments that are due the next week.

But, you could care less as you felt the familiar touch of the ball in your hands before tossing it, Von jumps up and slams the ball down to the other side of the net. Practicing your volleyball skills in your background was relaxing yet something that kept you occupied. The sunlight kissing your light tan skin, the breeze letting your hair fly while giving you cool air.

"That toss was a bit low, Y/n," Von said, landing from his jump.

You muttered an okay before brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. It was your turn to spike the ball. You went a good distance away from the net, Yuri at the setter's position, and Von holding the ball. The moment Von throws the ball towards Yuri, you ran towards the net and jump. The timing was scarily accurate, the moment you were in the air with the spiking position, the ball was there for you to spike.

Plus, you might have added a bit too much oomph in your jump. Going higher than you expected since this wasn't your full energy.

"Y/n, you went too high!" Yuri panted in exasperation. "I almost had a heart attack when I threw the ball! I thought it wouldn't reach you!"

"But it did." was your response

"Be mindful of your jumps, dude."

"I will."

"Are you playing volleyball?"

The new voice had your heart jumped a little, whipping your head to the house on the right side. Therewith a height that seemed to rival Von's was a boy with dark hair with blue highlights, dark blue doe eyes, and fair skin. The boy curiously tilted his head as he waited for an answer.

You took the initiative to answer. "Yea-"


The Von had to interfere.

The boy shyly glances at the three of you, eyes averting. "Can I join?" His voice was soft yet loud enough for you to hear.

You slapped your hand over your tall friend's mouth before he could scare the taller boy away. "Sure." You didn't mind another player. When the boy went over, he introduced himself as Kageyama Tobio and he recently joined the Volleyball Club in Kitagawa Daiichi. After introductions were made, he asked you to show him the set you were doing.

You did it, minding your wrist and hand position, before letting your brain and instinct do the rest. When playing Volleyball or any activity that brings your adrenaline running, your brain and instincts go off without your acknowledgment. It's like a button for a robot to work. When Yuri jumped for a spike, you watched his hand as the ball lands on your palms, and at the moment he swung and the ball touches your fingers. You toss and he spiked.

You didn't know whether to thank the Philippines or not for making you analyze the situation for a short time, make your instincts react faster than usual, or have both your brain and instincts work together.

Kageyama beamed in awe. "So cool! I wanna try it too!" You couldn't help but smile softly at his adorable enthusiasm. "Go ahead." You let Kageyama take your previous position, ball in hand as Von readies his position. The moment you toss the ball to the bluenette, Von ran to the net, Kageyama positioned his hands as the ball falls into his hands. When Von was up, he tosses the ball, and Von spikes it. "Nice one!" The tall chocolate boy smiles, giving a thumbs up.

However, you noticed Kageyama's furrowed brows and lips pulled at the corners as he inspects his hands. Striding towards him, you placed your hands on his own. "Something wrong?" Kageyama's eyes met yours for a brief moment before looking down. "The ball wouldn't have met Von's hand if he didn't adjust. What did I do wrong?" You tilted your head. "Position your hands." He did as you told, while you inspect his hands.

Position. Check.

Fingers. Check.


"Your wrists are flexing your hands way at the back, it kinda strains it there." You brought your hands to him, adjusting the angle and stiffness. "There, try it again." Kageyama nods, a sure smile on his face. You toss the ball to him, Von running to the net, Kageyama positioned. This time, he managed to get a better set. "Nice toss, Kageyama." You grinned at the blueberry, whose eyes sparkled in amazement.

"Yeah, you're a fast learner!" Yuri patted his back. Or tried to. Height difference. Von jumped onto the tall boy's back. "Dude, what are you? A genius like Y/n?" You felt embarrassed heat rush through your body like a river, whacking the back of Von's head. "I'm not a genius, Von."

"Are too!"

"Am not."

"Are too!"

"Am not."

" . . . ARE TOO!"

"Am not."

Kageyama giggle graced your ears. "You're close." You turned to the tallest boy, after getting Von down from his back. "We're from the same country, same neighborhood, same school, then they became my adopted brothers."

Kageyama hummed. "Wanna continue playing?"

And from that day, Kageyama Tobio became your first friend in Miyagi.

Zodiac Pack - Discontinuedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें