Chapter 8

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For a while they just stayed like that, hugging each other. Eventually they had to part, however. Deceit didn't want to, but he knew that they couldn't stay like that forever. How badly he longed to though, just to stay there in each other's arms forever.
Once they parted there was an awkward silence, them looking at each other, unsure of how to break it. Deceit started messing with his sleeves then noticed the bandages on his arms. He was frozen for a moment. Virgil wasn't supposed to find out. No one was. But he did. He found out. He knows now. Panic filled Deceit as he came to this conclusion.
                 "Hey, what are you getting so worked up over?" Virgil asked. He noticed Deceit looking at his arms, and he had his answer. Virgil just hugged Deceit, not sure what else to do. He felt the other hug back, clinging onto him a bit.
Deceit just clinged onto Virgil, it feeling nice to be in the other's arms again. He still was a but panicked, but it lessened as he melted into the embrace. He hated and loved how good it felt. Virgil was warm.. He loved the warmth...
                  Virgil just let him stay like that, clinging onto him. Even if he wanted to have Deceit get off of him, he wouldn't. He seemed in such a fragile state, he simply couldn't do that to him. Virgil wasn't used to this one bit. He was used to seeing Deceit as he presented himself. He always seemed so tough. Like he could never be offended. Obviously that wasn't true. He didn't have to be a lie detector to know that. He just slowly moved his hand to Deceit's hair, his hat having long been discarded on the floor, and ran his fingers through it. He didn't know why he did it, he just did. Deceit seemed to get startled, but quickly after, he relaxed.
Deceit didn't expect Virgil to start running his fingers through his hair, and he got a bit startled at first, but he had to admit, it was nice.. This honestly felt like a dream. Him, in Virgil's arms, Virgil running his fingers through his hair. He didn't know how it could get any better. Oh yeah, Virgil was also warm. Has he thought of that too many times? Probably. He hoped this wasn't a dream. He would die inside if it was. Even if it was, he was going to savor it while he could.
He started to hear a faint humming, and realized that Virgil was humming a song. He could tell what song it was. He had heard it so much. It was a Panic!At the Disco song. What did he expect honestly? The humming was nice though. Reminded him of how he'd sing to Virgil to calm him down. He was wrong. It did get better. Deceit was loving every second of this. He never thought this would happen. And yet, here they were.
Virgil looked at the other side in his arms. He seemed so calm. Deceit had his head in Virgil's chest, still clinging onto him, as Virgil himself ran his fingers through his hair. Virgil had a weird euphoric feeling from this, he had no clue why. He was just hugging Deceit, him clinging back, and running his fingers through his hair, Janus having his head in Virgil's chest. It just gave him an odd buzz of happiness, it was bugging him how he had no clue why it was happening. Janus looked so peaceful.. And so relaxed... Hmm.. Cute
Where the heck did that come from?! What?!? Well I mean... He kind of was... Shut up! Virgil had no clue what to think, he just tried not to think of anything for the time being. He just continued running his fingers through Janus's hair

~•~•~•~<Meanwhile, back at the ranch>~•~•~•~

              Zane kicked his legs back and forth, lying  on his bed. He knew he scared Deceit. He knew he weirded out Remus. He just honestly couldn't get himself to care right now. They wouldn't care about him either way. Geez, all those years in that room really did a number on him, huh? Well, it was a good 16 years. Or so he found out. He didn't really have much track of time there. He sighed, and stopped swinging his legs. He really did lose a lot of him in that room. Why did it have to be so white and blank? Why did he have to be stuck in there for so long? So many questions, so little answers.
             He shuddered at the thought of ever being in there again. He almost went crazy in there. Well, he probably was at least somewhat crazy from that. He'd probably have a breakdown if he ever were to be placed in there again. It was honestly so annoying that he could have such a weakness. Heck, just put him in a blank, white room, and he'd immediately be at a big disadvantage. It was so stupid. Luckily no one knew him that well. To anyone else, he was an anomaly. Just some guy they know nothing about.
             It was comforting. Knowing they'd never know his disadvantages. He hated being at a disadvantage. He hated people taking advantage of him. He never wanted to feel like that again. Like he was under the control of someone. LIKE HE- Wait, since when was he hitting his head?
            He pulled his hand away from his head, and got it out of the fist it formed. He still kind of wanted to do it. He had some form of self control. Let's just avoid thinking about that from now on.
He knew that wouldn't work, but he could hope, couldn't he? God, why was he talking about hope. He had been hoping for years to get out of there, and it never worked. That was, until, he woke up here in the Dark Sides, with no clue what to do. God, his whole existence as a side was just feeling helpless and he hated it. So much for not thinking about it anymore. He knew repression didn't work. Why was he surprised?
Zane blew some of his hair out of his face. He needed to get his mind off of this. He still just had to lie there for a good few minutes before getting up. He started to walk down the hallway of the Dark Sides, then quickly looked around to see if anyone was around. No one, luckily. He continued walking, deciding to go to the kitchen. Water would be nice. Once again, he looked around carefully, until deciding to enter the kitchen.
              He grabbed one of the water bottles in the fridge, having to use his hoodie to open it. He sat on the counter as he drank the water. It was nice and cold from being in the fridge. Everything was chill. Literally. Until....
              "HI!" A voice from above startled him. His water bottle fell to the floor, and so did he. Fortunately, his water bottle had the cap on it, so if didn't spill. Unfortunately, he hit his forehead on something? He wasn't sure... He was sure, however, that it was bleeding. He looked up to see the side who decided to scare the s**t out of him. The one and only.
               "Geez! Didn't mean to scare you that much!" Remus was on top of the cabinets, laughing. Zane just rolled his eyes. Did he really think this was funny? "I knew I'd get someone!" Remus chimed from above. Zane just wanted to disappear right now. He still wanted to drink his water though. He wanted to take that with him to the void. ((God, Zane is a mood))
                 "Awww, are ya lost for words?" Remus teased him. God he really liked annoying people, didn't he? Zane might as well give him something, otherwise it seemed like he'd never see the end of it.
                 "I will admit, that was clever" Zane said in his villainous voice, "But I just wanted to f**king drink some water." he said, dropping any kind of tone he had previously. This seemed to shock Remus for a moment before he just started laughing. Zane picked up his water bottle and started walking away
                  "C'monnnn don't leaveee!" Remus whined. God, he was annoying. "Where are you even goinnnngggg" The way he dragged out his words just- Zane couldn't describe it .
                 "What makes you think I'm gonna tell you?" Zane said, picking back up the villain act. In reality, he just wanted to go drink his water in peace and maybe deal with whatever injury he had on his forehead.

    God. How was he supposed to deal with Remus.

Ya girl's back and hopefully won't be gone for too long afterwards! I added some character to Zane, hoped you like it.

T i t l e  i n  c o n s t r u c t i o n  (But it's Sanders Sides so yay)Where stories live. Discover now