Chapter 2

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            Deceit checked the time. 6:55. He got his P.J.s on and went to tell Remus to get his on. He wanted to be on time. Remus got his on and they made their way to the light side of the mindscape. It was now 7:01, and Deceit couldn't help but laugh at the scene before him. Roman and Virgil had been apparently making a pillow and blanket fort, well that got destroyed. Roman and Virgil were having a pillow fight. He then looked towards the kitchen.
            Patton and Logan were being adorable as well. They were fighting about which snacks and drinks they should have, Logan leaning towards the more healthy spectrum. They weren't really fighting, it was more like play fighting. Logan gave in. Probably because he knew how annoying Patton could get.
           Deceit just stood there not knowing how to make himself known. Remus sure did though.
           "We're heeeeeerrrrrreeeee~!" Remus said, making his presence very well known. God, him and Roman were so dramatic.
           "Oh good! We were just getting everything ready!" Everyone looked towards the two. Roman snickered a bit, seeing their matching P.J.s When Roman noticed that 'Snake' was spelled as 'Snek' he burst out into laughter.
            Virgil noticed what Roman was laughing about he snickered a bit as well. "So you guys matching." Virgil smirked.
            "Yes" He said. "I remembered we had these and they are soft as heck so." Deceit paused for a moment then said "And before you say anything Patton, heck is not a bad word, so I can use it." Virgil snickered a bit at this remark. As much as Virgil hated the dark sides, he couldn't deny that this was actually pretty hilarious. And unusually calm. Virgil thought too soon.
           Remus had hit Roman with his mace, doing less damage this time. Roman seemed as if he expected it.
         "REMUS WHAT THE HECK" Remus snickered. "I thought. We addressed. That you were not. goING TO HIT YOUR BROTHER!!"
         "Yeah well, I did!" Remus snickered once more. Deceit facepalmed. "Let's just start the movie already!!" Remus whined.
"Well, we have the snacks and drinks are ready!" Patton exclaimed. He looked over to the mess of pillows and blankets on the couch. "I guess this will do!" Patton said and laughed a bit. Patton smiled warmly.
Everyone found their places. Patton and Logan were sitting on the right side of the couch, while Virgil and Roman were sitting on the left, claiming they were only sitting next to each other because they were the only spots left on the couch. Deceit immediately saw through that lie. Patton and Logan shared a blanket while Roman and Virgil had separate ones, refusing to share one with the other.
Deceit and Remus were on floor, which was a mess of pillows and blankets. Remus was on top of them, while Deceit was engulfed in them. Deceit, being part snake, was also partly cold-blooded. The fact that the fan was on didn't help anything. Deceit kept a small hole in the blankets, so that he could see the movie.
           The night was peaceful, Remus focusing on the movie like Patton thought. It was actually a good night for Thomas, all of his sides getting along for a night. The movie nights happened every Friday, and Deceit actually enjoyed it.
The happiness didn't last though. Soon enough, the movie nights started happening less frequently. From them happening every week, to every two weeks, to every three weeks, to every month. Deceit noticed this but just told himself that they were just getting busier. Deceit kept lying to himself.
Deceit now stared at the same bed he had been staring at when Patton had made the offer. Remus could probably care less about them happening less often. It bothered Deceit a lot though. He even started questioning if the warmness of their smiles, their remarks and comments, was actually as cold as him when watching the movie without a ton of blankets on him. It sucked, questioning if everything you know was real. If any of the happiness was real. Or if it was all fake.
He now lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. It's his fault, he shouldn't have gotten attached. But why did it feel so good! So good to be with them! So good to be accepted..... He cursed himself for being like this. This is why he kept his walls up. Why he didn't let anyone in. It would just hurt him. He learned that with Virgil. Why did he make the same mistake again! This is why Virgil hated him isn't it. He chuckled.
          He let the pain get to him. He deserved this, didn't he? A knock pulled him out of his thoughts. He thought about the knock for a moment. It was sharp and to the point. Not Remus's, not Virgil's, and definitely not Patton's. He sighed as he went to go open up the door.
         "Hello," He said in a dark and sinister tone. "I just decided to drop by.." The man was wearing all black, making him look like some villain you took out of a comic and took off the mask of.
        "Who are you?" Deceit asked. He certainly didn't know him, and he knew all the dark sides. This was followed by laughing.
         "Deceit, Deceit, Deceit. Or should I say Janus" He grinned mischievously.
          "Wha- how do you know my name?!" Deceit was shocked. He only ever told Virgil his name. Remus didn't know, and neither did the others.
          "That's not important... Anyways if you want to know who I am," he chuckled. "Well, I'm Thomas's Depression." He said with a cunning tone. "The name's Zane."
"Z-Zane?" He cursed himself for stuttering. "Why have I never seen you before?" He knew all the other sides, but why not him?
"Because, I'm tucked away. By who of course? You and Patton." Wait what?! He didn't even know this guy!
"Wait what?! How did I hide you if I don't even know you?!" He was confused.
"You subconsciously did it. You are not only Deceit, but also self preservation. And I am depression. See how those kinda conflict?" Zane chuckled a little.
Deceit didn't know what to say. It was true though, he was self preservation. "So, I subconsciously kept myself from even meeting you?"
"Bingo." Zane started at Deceit with his ice-cold grey eyes. It wasn't uncommon for dark sides to have one different colored eye. Deceit himself had a yellow eye, Virgil had a piercing blue eye, which he hid with a colored contact, and oddly enough, Remus had nothing out of the ordinary. But Zane had both of his eyes different than brown.
              "Why are you just introducing yourself now?!" Deceit had started to get antsy around this guy.
               "Because Patton's been repressing me less lately and I took this as a chance to meet my quote on quote 'opposite' " Zane smirked.
                "Ok but, that doesn't explain how you know my name!" He was getting really anxious around this guy.
               "Oh, well, lets just say I had some connections with Virgil." The dark side smirked. Wait, Virgil couldn't have possibly done that, could he? He swore he would never tell anyone else. Was that what he did when he entered the light sides?
              "Just leave!" He said, having had enough of this other side.
              "Fine, but you'll see me sooner or later.." Zane said as he snapped himself out of the room.
               Deceit was now left there with his thoughts. Did Virgil really just betray him that easily? Virgil knew how anxious Deceit was about the others learning his name. Virgil was too for christ's sake! At least Virgil was a better name than 'Janus'.

~•~•~•<Meanwhile back at the ranch>•~•~•~

Virgil had sensed some anxiety around. Who the frick was up at this time? Well, except for him. He checked Logan's room. Nope. Patton's room. Nope. Roman's room. Definitely not. Who the frick could it possibly be?! He followed the anxiety he sensed and ended up at Deceit's door.
Wait what? Deceit? Deceit was never the one to be anxious. He would calm Virgil down when he was having a panic attack or something. Virgil didn't sense any anxiety when Deceit was in the episodes, so he didn't suddenly change when the old dark side had left. Unless, Deceit had a way of hiding it.....
He was going to knock on the door then hesitated. Virgil knew how things went. Someone would knock, they would ask who it was, the someone would say who they were and ask if they were ok, they would lie and say their fine. Virgil knew it all too well. So he tried to see if the door was unlocked.

~•~•~•<Meanwhile back at the ranch>•~•~•~

Deceit heard someone start to open the door. God dang it, he forgot to lock the door after the encounter with Zane. He surely could lie his way out of this right? That's what Deceit thought before he saw the black and purple.

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