Chapter 9

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                 Zane honestly wanted to tell Remus to go f**k himself, but, knowing Remus, he'd be into that. Or at least the idea. He drank some of the water bottle, and then saw a drop of blood drop onto it. Right, he got injured. He sank into the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see the damage. Dang, Remus got him good. Zane, luckily had the ability to summon bandages. What he didn't have, however, was the skill to put them on. He wasn't gonna focus on that right now, as first he had to clean the wound.
                It took him a good minute to do so, he kept wincing at any contact with the wound and his shaky hands weren't helping anything. Now that that was done, he was gonna have to figure out how the heck he was going to do this. He summoned the bandages, and took a deep breath. He was going to try his darn hardest to do this somewhat ok. Here he goes.

He had no clue what he was doing
Bloody bandages were messily put over his head and over the wound, and Zane looked like an absolute wreck in the mirror. God, he really needed to get better at putting bandages on. Either that or have someone else put them on for him. Scratch that last idea, he worked solo. Who would want to associate with him anyways? Remus was the only one he could think of and.... Yeah no. He had no choice but to deal with this.
He tried to mess with it a bit to make it better, but to no avail. In fact, he might've made it worse. Why? Why did he have to do this? He kept trying to mess with the bandages, desperate for a better result. He was getting frustrated. Little did he know, footsteps were approaching the very door he was behind.


Virgil still had Janus in his arms, the other side having long fallen asleep. Virgil decided he should leave now, and carefully put Janus on his bed. He left a note for Janus, just in case he wondered where he was after he left, and quietly shut the door with a soft click! Once Virgil was out of Janus's room, he heard a small rustle sound from the bathroom.
He got curious, and wondered if Remus was in there. Virgil then saw, out of the corner of his eye, Remus sitting on the couch, watching some murderer documentary or something. So it wasn't Remus... Was it that other side Janus mentioned then? Zane? It was a possibility. There was a bit of panicked breaths from there, and Virgil could only wonder what was going on. Curiosity got the better of him, so he started walking towards the door. He gave a little knock! knock! He wasn't just going to barge in
Virgil heard a quiet gasp from the other side of the door, and waited for anything else to happen. He was kinda having second thoughts about this. Why was he doing this? Just for curiosity's sake? That's stupid. What if the person in there doesn't want anything to do with him? What if he was just making the situation worse? Why would they want him? It's not as if they know him. At least, he hopes not, since he doesn't know them. Then, he heard a voice.
"Who.. Who is it?!" The voice seemed like it was trying to sound stable, maybe even threatening, and was failing at it. He could definitely tell it was one of the sides. Y'know, Thomas's voice and everything. Virgil wasn't expecting an answer, and now, he was going to have to give one.
"You wouldn't know me if that's what you're trying to figure out. I just heard noises and came over here to find out. Can I come in or?" Virgil was surprised at how confident he sounded. He was not confident at all. The exact opposite in fact. There seemed to be a hesitation on the other side of the door. Virgil understood. I mean, how were you supposed to answer to that?
"I.... I guess." The voice, once again, tried to seem stable, and probably tough this time, and he wasn't doing too bad. Better than last time. Virgil turned the door handle and found the boy trying to mess with messily put on bandages, presumably trying to make them better. He was failing however, failing badly. The bandages were also bloody. Virgil noticed more bandages on the counter.
"Here, let me help you with that" Virgil took off the bandages currently on the other's head and threw them away. He was surprised by the wound, but continued on, putting others on his head. They were snug, but not too tight, which is how you're supposed to bandage wounds. The other seemed surprised by this, as Virgil could see his expression in the mirror. He finished up, and was pretty proud of his work. He has, however bandaged two people today, and that was kinda concerning.
"There you go" Virgil announced, and the boy seemed relieved. "What's your name by the way? Haven't seen you around here" Virgil asked. The boy seemed to put up a persona, and Virgil wondered why.
"I could say the same for you" He said in a cold tone that Virgil was not expecting. Virgil was taken aback. "The name's Zane, and you? Oh wait, Virgil?" Virgil was about to answer before Zane answered for him. First he knew Janus's name, now his?! What the?!
"And how do you know?" Virgil responded, trying to be calm and collected. Zane just smirked.
" A magician never tells their secrets" Zane responded, and Virgil could tell he only said this to avoid having to tell him. Virgil had to admit though, Zane was smart. Just not the best at putting on bandages.
"Why do you put up the persona?" Virgil asked. This question seemed to stun Zane. He was probably not expecting it
"What do you mean..?" Zane was obviously trying to sound sly, kind of like Janus, but was failing miserably.
"You know exactly what I mean" Virgil said, trying to sound sly himself. "Why do you do it? Is there any sort of gain? Do you like doing it? Do you feel obligated to?"
Zane seemed like he didn't know what to say, and again, just seemed stunned. He truly wondered why, but he had the feeling he wasn't going to get an honest answer. I mean, he probably would lie as well.

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