Chapter 1

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           Deceit was currently staring at his bed. It had been a week since Remus decided to mess with the light sides. A.K.A. Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts. Three months ago, Deceit had shown up again, this time more prominently in the episode. He honestly wish he didn't. He was still seen as the bad guy, no matter his attempts. And he knew that's how they saw the dark sides. Bad sides. That's all they thought of them.
             He sighed. Over time it became so hard to keep this up. He just felt so drained. The walls he had built up felt like they were gonna crumble, and Deceit almost wanted them to. He was a bit worried about showing himself with his walls let down. Then he realized something, and he laughed quietly to himself. He didn't have to keep his walls up if he didn't have anyone to keep them up against, right?
             Deceit heard a knocking. But it was.... different. You see, he knew what any of the dark sides knocks sounded like. This sounded different. It sounded soft, and kind. He was confused as to what this meant. Surely enough though, he composed himself, and put on his act. It was sort of like putting a mask on. Once he opened the door Patton was there, smiling. He was stunned. Why was Patton here? In the dark side of the mindscape? What did he want? Why was he smiling..... so warmly towards him?
"Hey kiddo!" Patton had said with every bit of enthusiasm as usual, as if he was talking to Virgil or some other light side. Wait. Did he just call him... kiddo???
     "Why aren't you here?" He lied as speaking the truth would hurt him, and with everything going on, he didn't wanna deal with that.
     "Well, you see kiddo, there is something I decided to plan! It's, well, kinda a movie night between the dark sides and the light sides!" Patton was nervous, as he didn't know how Deceit would react. "I just thought, that since we would be focused on the movie, it would be some calm, leisurely time between us!"
     "Good luck with that, Remus will never calm down as long as he lives." He spoke the truth without even realizing, a sharp pain going through him as he tried to act like everything was fine.
       "I actually thought about that! Remus can get fixated on a certain thing, like with the Jeffrey Dahmer thing. Well, in this case, maybe we could get him to fixate on the movie!" Patton replied back, not seeming to notice Deceit slightly flinching after telling the truth.
       "That's..... actually a good idea." How much had Patton thought it through? Deceit didn't think of that. It was actually a very good point.
        "Thanks! I've been planning it since the day after Remus showed himself." Patton explained. Wait, the day after Remus showed himself? That was like, 6 days ago! How much thought did Patton put into this?
      "So, are ya going to come?" Patton asked, nervous of what he was going to say. You could tell by him messing with the cardigan that was wrapped around his neck.
      "No" Deceit lied. Patton knew how to filter through Deceit's lies, and he was glad at the response.
     "Alright! Make sure to bring Remus with you!" Patton said with enthusiasm, leaving the dark part of the mindscape and entering the light side.
     Deceit sighed. It was just a movie night. No hate would be thrown towards him right? That was unlikely. There was always hate being thrown at him. He just hoped Patton told Virgil he was coming, so that he didn't get that look of surprise and anger from the anxious side. It always made him flinch back in surprise and always reminded him that the other side was not a dark side anymore, and despised them.
            He sighed. Wait a second. FRICK HE FORGOT TO ASK WHEN THE MOVIE NIGHT WAS. He couldn't just waltz on down there to ask, as that would be awkward. He didn't wanna skip it either, as that would make them think he was inconsiderate. God he was in a mess right now. Speaking of messes, his room was a mess as well. He was just glad Patton didn't ask about it. He neatened up the room, and then pondered on how to get out of the mess he was in.
           Deceit cautiously made his way to the light side of the mindscape, hiding behind a wall. He saw Patton! and everyone else..... They were eating lunch, conversation thrown here and there. Deceit tried to make himself as hidden as possible. But, alas, someone saw him.
          "What are you doing here." Virgil growled, looking straight at him, the others looking in his direction. He squeaked at Virgil's stern voice. He then realized what he had done and tried hiding more behind the wall in embarrassment.
           "You need anything kiddo?" Patton asked. Deceit was still not used to Patton calling him kiddo, as he had only ever called the light sides or Thomas that.
           "U-um I was h-here to ask w-when the m-movie night w-w-was" Deceit cursed himself for stuttering. Virgil had a look of confusion. Deceit? Stuttering? Actually seeming like he cared about what Patton had planned?
           "Oh yeah, sorry kiddo! I kinda forgot to tell you. Anyways, it's tonight! So find your most comfortable P.J.s and join us! We'll be starting around 7, 7:30." Patton replies, having this all planned out. Deceit nodded as a thank you and went back to the dark part of the mindscape.
            Once he got back to his room, he flopped onto his bed. He always had to mess things up, didn't he? Deceit started looking through his closet for his "most comfortable P.J.s" as Patton phrased it. He found some grey sweatpants and a dark yellow long sleeve shirt that said in black, "Snek boi right here. If Rat boi is lost please return." He smiled. Remus has a matching one that was green instead of yellow and said "Rat boi right here. If lost return to Snek boi. He then had to suffer the sharp pain from smiling. God, why smiling of all things?
              Deceit tried on the P.J.s, making sure they still fit. He had worn them a while ago, so he wanted to make sure that he'd be able to wear them. The minute he put them on, he realized how soft they were. It wasn't like, soft on the outside, no no no, it was soft on the inside. He was definitely picking this one. He took off the P.J.s, getting back into his regular clothes.
               He knocked on Remus's door. It was opened immediately, and he was greeted by the energetic man he was bringing with him to the movie night.
              "Hey Remus, you still have these?" He gestured to his pair and Remus immediately went to looking for it. Deceit smiled, Remus luckily hadn't been too struck down by Virgil leaving and stuff like that. If he did, he got back up pretty quickly. Remus then came back, the P.J.s in his hands. Deceit decided to tell him about the movie night.
             "So Patton invited us to a movie night tonight and he said to wear you most comfortable P.J.s. I found these and thought we could be matching." He waited for the other side to respond
              "Yes! Ooh this is gonna be fun! What movie are we gonna be watching?! What snacks and drinks is there going to be?! Can I hit Roman?!"
              Deceit stopped him for a second. "Whoa there Remus, take it down a notch. As for your questions, they will be answered later. Except for the last one. The answer is no."
              "Aww.... You're no fun!" Remus pouted. Deceit couldn't help but laugh a little at the other side.
             "Anyhow I gotta go, I'll pick you up at 7!" Deceit said, about to walk away.
            "Oohhhhh are ya taking me on a daaaaaate~" Remus mocked, just being his old Remus self.
            "You know that's not what I meant you little rat!" Deceit hissed towards him. Remus just laughed. Deceit left, annoyed with Remus.
           He laid back onto his bed while staring up at ceiling. While doing this he pondered....

What was to come with this movie night?


I decided to re-write it so deal with it

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