You should've left when you had the chance

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Josie's POV: Anger flowed through my veins as Hope eyes filled with pity. "You're lucky that nobody has tried to make you leave yet", she told me, causing my eyes to narrow. "You're not supposed to be in here", she reminded, causing me to roll my eyes. "Your father said-"

"I don't give a damn about what my father said", I shot back, causing Hope to straighten up as if expecting a fight. "I've waited for this moment for the last two years", I said, sparing a look over my shoulder at Lizzie before glaring back at Hope. "And I'll be damned if I let you or anyone else tell me what I can or cannot do", I spat.

"I know that, but-"

"No", I gritted, taking a deep breath as an attempt to keep myself calm. "No. You don't know anything", I glared, taking a step forward. "Just because you invaded my personal space and got me to spill my heart out or whatever, doesn't give you the right to think you know me", I hissed, clenching my fists at my sides. "You don't know anything about me, Hope", I exclaimed as Hope's muscles tense. "I understand that you all hate me. That you want me to suffer for what I did-"

"You don't know anything about suffering", she scoffed, causing my eyes to hardened.

Stepping closer, I opened my mouth to yell at her before pausing when a slight movement caught my attention. Turning my head, I froze as I spotted Penelope Park holding my sister up to prevent her from falling.

"Whoa. I got you", she said. "You have to be a little more careful next time, Blondie", she joked, looking down at my sister with a small smirk. "You could've hurt yourself", she stated as dark veins grew under her eyes. 

I rolled my eyes at Penelope's dramatic display before noticing that Lizzie's face turned ten shades whiter. "Penelope, cut it out", I warned.

"I don't know", Penelope said, pushing a stray hair behind Lizzie's ear. "She does look kinda cute doesn't she", she asked before tilting her head to the side thoughtfully. "Although, that probably has something to do with the fact that I didn't eat breakfast today", she hummed. "I am quite hungry", she grinned, showing off her pearly white teeth.

I grit my teeth in irritation as I noticed the terrified expression on Lizzie's face as she practically trembled in Penelope's arms. "I said that's enough", I snapped, taking a threatening step forward as she chuckled lightly. 

"Relax", she said, helping Lizzie back into bed. "I was only joking", she admitted.

Moving to step around Hope, I growled in frustration as she grabbed my wrist. "Josie", Hope said slightly calmer causing me to roll my eyes. "Please just...", she got out before her body dropped to the floor limply.

"You should've left when you had the chance", I sighed, stepping over her body carelessly.

"Damn", Penelope whistled. "I didn't think it was possible for you to get any hotter", she chuckled as I picked up the glass of water before a small gasp caught my attention.

I shifted under Lizzie's intense gaze as I made my way over. "It's a simple sleeping spell", I admitted, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "She'll be awake in a few hours", I explained. "She might have a slight headache, but with her being a tribrid, the headache should go away pretty quickly", I explained. "I didn't kill her or anything", I defended, looking into the glass of water as a thought suddenly occurred to me. "You do remember that Hope's the tribrid right? That she's actually a Mikaelson", I asked her in concern. 

"H-how c-c-could I forget", Lizzie commented before looking down at her hands anxiously.

"Here. You need to drink this", I said, holding out the glass.

"N-no, thank you", she murmured, refusing to look me in the eyes as I shared a look with Penelope. 

"Could you take Hope back to the school", I asked politely. 

"Of course", she nodded as her face took on a more softer expression. "Here's the notes for History of Magics", she said, handing me a notebook. Walking across the room, she picked up Hope bridal style before simply carrying her out of the room as I smiled to myself in amusement. 

Turning my attention back to Lizzie, I lay a hand on top of hers to stop her from fiddling, causing her to freeze up. "You know that I wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt anyone right", I asked her softly. "To hurt you", I added as she nodded shakily.

"I-I know", she answered, looking back up at me tearfully. My heart clenched as I noticed the lost expression in her eyes.

"Look at me", I whispered, taking her hand in mine. "I know that everything seems impossible right now. It might even seem like you're in a completely different world, but we will get though this", I assured. "And I will be with you every step of the way", I promised. "But I can't do that if you won't tell me what's wrong", I told her softly, causing her eyes to water as she glanced down at the glass of water. 

"I...I c-can't hold t-the glass", she muttered. "I-i-it's's t-too heavy", she admitted, causing my expression to sadden.

"It's okay", I smiled sadly as I guided the cup to her mouth as she looked over at me curiously. Nodding encouragingly, I smiled to myself as she took a small sip out of the cup before her eyes seemed to sweep the room.


Lizzie's POV: The room looked much brighter now that it was in the middle of the afternoon. It was slightly colder too. I shivered, taking another sip from the glass before giving a small nod as Josie set the glass down on the bedside table. My eyes wandered around the room, before catching Josie's gaze, causing me to pause. I panicked as I realized that she was waiting for me to speak. To say something, but I couldn't form a sentence. My lungs burned and my throat ached from the episode earlier today. 

This didn't feel right. 

Or maybe this felt so right that it made me sick to my stomach.

It wasn't right because Josie, my sister, my real sister, wasn't here helping me drink from a glass. She can't be the real Josie. And it's so wrong that she is here when the real Josie Saltzman is dead.

I killed her.

I killed my sister.

So this can't be real.

This has to be a trick.

Some sick, twisted, plan to make me suffer for murdering-

"Lizzie", Josie frowned. "Are you okay", she asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Y-yeah...", I nodded quickly, trying to show that I was fine, but that couldn't have been further from the truth.

Inside, I was shaking.


Stuck between getting lost in my unforgiving memories and struggling to remember them. Because the longer I'm here, it seems as though my life, my other life, was just a dream that I'm waking up from. It must've shown on my face, because Josie gave me a worried look, obviously not convinced by my words. "Are you sure", she asked.

"Yeah", I said, forcing a smile onto my face, wanting to reassure her. "Just lost in my thoughts", I admitted, causing her face to drop.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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