That voice

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Lizzie's POV: I attempted to sit up, sighing in annoyance as Hope placed her hand on my back, helping me lean against the headboard. "Do you need anything", Josie asked, fixing the blankets on my bed as she moved to grab my pillow before I stopped her.

"I g-get that y-you're trying to help, b-but I'm fine. Really", I told them. 

I did feel better. Much better. My head was barely pounding anymore, and I could finally breath without feeling the urge to cry. "Here", Hope offered, handing over a glass of water as I eyed it cautiously. 

"Not thirsty", I denied, pushing the cup away. In truth, I didn't want to risk dropping it and just causing more problems. I looked up, catching Josie's intense gaze as I glanced down at my hands.

"Could you give us a minute", Josie requested as Hope set the glass down on the table.

"Josie, you know I can't", Hope sighed, shaking her head sadly. "'You're lucky that nobody has tried to make you leave yet", she told me, causing Josie's eyes to narrow. "You're not supposed to be in here", Hope reminded, causing her to roll her eyes. "Your father said-"

"I don't give a damn about what my father said", she shot back, causing Hope to straighten up as if expecting a fight. "I've waited for this moment for the last two years", she said, sparing a look over her shoulder at me as I looked between the two almost nervously.

I could almost see the decorations. Could see Hope suspended in the air. That voice. "You're late to you're own funeral", she smirked. That cold voice that wanted nothing but to get rid of me. To kill me and anyone dumb enough to get in her way. 

I closed my eyes, willing the tears away as the shouting continued. "S-stop it", I breathed. "Stop f-fighting, please", I pleaded.

"I know that, but-"

"No", she gritted, taking a deep breath as an attempt to keep herself calm. "No. You don't know anything", she glared, taking a step forward. 

The same voice who used to be the person I always relied on. Who could never hurt a fly. Who always had my back. Who would kill herself to make me happy. The one person I loved more than I loved myself. That I would protect with my life. The same person that I hurt the most. That I killed on our seventeenth birthday.

"Stop it! No m-more yelling", I shouted, feeling my headache quickly return. "N-no more yelling, please", I begged as they talked over me. 

"Just because you invaded my personal space and got me to spill my heart out or whatever, doesn't give you the right to think you know me", she hissed. "You don't know anything about me, Hope", she exclaimed, as Hope's muscles tense. "I understand that you all hate me. That you want me to suffer for what I did-" 

"You don't know anything about suffering", she scoffed, causing Josie's eyes to hardened. 

Throwing the blanket's off me, I jumped out of bed as I landed on my feet. I took a step forward, forgetting where I was as I tried to break the two apart. I immediately realized my mistake as I felt my legs collapse, sending me crashing to the ground before a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, preventing me from falling. 

"Whoa. I got you", they assured as the room fell silent. "You have to be a little more careful next time, Blondie", they joked as I stared up at them in shock. "You could've really hurt yourself", they smirked as dark veins grew under their eyes. Impossible. There's no way that....

I mean, they weren't....

What the hell is going on?!

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