What in the world are these people giving me

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Lizzie's POV: Muffled sounds reached my ears as I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. My head pounded painfully as I attempted to open my eyes. They felt like they were glued shut, like someone had somehow stitched them together. Maybe it was because I've been crying, or maybe I was dead. Not to sound morbid or anything, but I hoped I was dead. I couldn't live with myself knowing Josie was dead, that I killed her.

I shifted my body around, realizing that I was trapped underneath something. What is this? It feels like...bed sheets.

I opened one of my eyes before immediately shutting it again.

Why is it so bright in here?

I cursed under my breath as my headache worsened before trying to move again. "Oh my God", I heard a voice say off to my right. "Lizzie", they whispered, before I felt something warm grab my hand gently. "Lizzie, can you hear me", they asked, as a sharp pain traveled through my skull, causing a whine to slip passed my lips. "Nurse! Nurse", they exclaimed, releasing my hand. "I'll be right back, okay? I'm going to go get someone", they told me, their voice seeming to fade before the sound of rushed footsteps reached my ears. "I think she's waking up", they said breathlessly.

"That's impossible", the other spoke up, before something cold touched my chest, causing me to jump as my eyes flew open. The coldness on my chest seemed to disappear as the blur quickly took a step back. A loud beeping sounded off to my left as I looked around the blurry room wildly. "You need to go", they told someone off to their right.

"What? But...", I heard them say before tuning them out. My lungs burned as I struggled to pull air into my lungs, panicking as I felt something on my face.

"She's panicking", I heard someone say faintly before the world around me faded out once more.

The next time I woke up, I slowly opened my eyes, wincing as they finally adjusted to the lights. I peaked out the window, noticing that it was still night. That's good right? It means that I was only out a couple of hours. 

I huffed when I found myself still unable to move before glancing down, realizing that someone had tucked me into a bed.

A hospital bed. 

I must be at Mystic Falls Hospital, and the voices I heard before must belong to the staff. 

Hearing something to my left, I glanced to my side, noticing a woman looking over some of the machines. 


Looking down at myself, I finally took note of the IV in my left hand, a grey clip attached to my fingers that monitored my heart, and a breathing mask over my mouth and nose. Wow, I must've had a really bad episode for this to happen. I frowned, staring at the white hospital gown. 

Had someone changed my clothes?

"Hi, honey", the woman smiled, leaning over me with kind eyes. I winced at the sound before clenching my eyes shut to try and sooth my headache. "I'm Dr. Stevens, but you can call me Stacy", she said a little quieter. "How are you feeling", she asked.

I opened my mouth, or, at least, I tried to, it was dry like the desert. Licking my lips, I swallowed before trying again. "I...", I got out before my voice completely shut down. Frowning in confusion, I tried again, but nothing came out.

I wanted to ask about Josie, but feared the answer.

"Okay", she nodded, writing something down on her clipboard. "Do you remember what happened", she asked almost eagerly, causing me to frown. Why is she so excited? The nurses at the school has taken care of me thousands of times after a bad episode. Well...not this bad, but still. She shouldn't be this excited. I paused, as another woman entered the room as she changed the drip. Watching her exit the room, I furrowed my eyebrows, blinking my eyes as the room blurred slightly.

What was I thinking about again?

"Mmm...", I groaned, my eyes threatening to flutter shut again. 

I wanted to go back to sleep. 

I felt like I hadn't slept in ages.

"Let's start with your name", Stacy supplied helpfully, her eyebrows furrowed together in concern. "Can you tell me that", she asked.

Oh, yeah. I knew that.

"Eli...Eliz...", I croaked out before clearing my throat. "Elizabeth S-saltzman", I forced out, wincing at how rough my voice sounded, almost as if I haven't used it in years. It must've been a horrible episode if I can hardly speak. 

How much damage did I do? 

Did I hurt anyone?

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief as I shifted uncomfortably, trying to ignore the way she looked me over as if I was someone sort of experiment. I tried sitting up, but that only made my head spin even more. I felt Stacy place a hand on my shoulder to steady me before I gave up, laying back down exhaustedly. "Why don't we try a different question", she offered kindly. "Do you remember how old you were", she asked me carefully, causing me to frown at her choice of words.

"S...s-seventeen", I slurred, causing the doctor to go rigid.

Did I say something wrong? It was seventeen right? Today was my birthday. Or maybe it was no longer today. Maybe the merge happened years ago. I felt tears build up in my eyes again at the thought. I killed my sister on our birthday.

No, I didn't. 

I didn't.

Josie's okay. She has to be.

"I...I j-ju...just t-turned today", I explained nervously. 

Why is she looking at me like that?

"J-jo...Josie did too. D-do you...do y-you know w-where my s-s...sister is", I forced myself to say, annoyed at my slight inability to speak. 

What the hell is going on? 

Did I somehow damage my vocal cords?

"Don't worry, dear, we'll get this sorted out, but, for the time being, you should know that you're fifteen. Now, you just rest", she told me nicely before leaving the room.

W-wait, fifteen? 

That's not possible. 

My eyes dropped before I glared down at the IV in my arm. 'What in the world are these people giving me', I thought, before quickly falling into a restless sleep.

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