The four years that were somehow erased

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Lizzie's POV: I let out a soft moan as I heard heard people murmuring around me. Opening my eyes, I winced at the harsh light as I peered around the room to see dad and Hope on either side of me. "I lost everything that day! You, mom, my friends...", I heard someone say, causing my eyes to look toward the door to see Stacy and-

My breath hitched as I looked between the four of them helplessly. I didn't know what to do to stop the screaming. I could only stare at the sister I thought I lost. The sister I thought I had killed. I couldn't grasp that Josie was here in front of me.


My eyes stung with fresh tears. I didn't know it was possible. How I could cry again after earlier in dad's office. How was Josie here?

It seems like just minutes ago that dad had told me that I won the merge. A part of me wondered if I had somehow imagine the whole thing. If I was imagining this, because nothing they were saying was making any sense.

How do I know that this is real? That any second now, I would be brought back to reality, and Josie will disappear again, but the seconds came and went. The screaming match continued on, causing me to hold my hands over my ears tearfully. Why are they fighting? They never fight like this. I gasped as pain ghosted over my body, causing my eyes to clench shut as tears ran down my face. 

Josie's pain. 

I can't take this. I don't care if this is some hallucination. "Jo", I whispered tearfully, causing the room to fall silent.

"Lizzie", Josie breathed in disbelief as she got to her feet, and looked over me hopefully. "You're awake", she choked out as Hope stepped in front of her as if to protect me...from her. 

"Oh, thank God", dad said before I was crushed in a hug. "You're okay", he laughed shakily. 

"T-that's great and all...but I kinda need to breath to k...keep breathing", I managed to get out as he pulled away sheepishly. "Dad, w-what's going on...", I got out before another set off arms wrapped around me as my ribs presses against my lungs. "G-get off me, Mikaelson. Are you trying to kill me", I gasped as she immediately pulled away. 

"I'm so sorry. I just missed you so much", she sniffed as I looked between the two in confusion.

"M-mi-missed me", I frowned, looking between Josie and Stacy for answers. "B-but I ju...just...", I trailed off, shutting my eyes in frustration. 

What is wrong with me? 

"Can we be alone", Josie spoke up.

"No. No way", dad said, shaking his head mistrustfully, causing Hope to quietly place a hand on his shoulder, and leading him out of the room.

"Thank you", Josie nodded.

"I didn't do it for you", Hope glared as everyone left the room, leaving Josie standing at the foot of my bed. 

I wanted to ask how bad it was. If there was anyone else that got hurt, but all I could do was stare at my sister as she paced the room, muttering to herself under her breath.

The next few minutes is a blur as Josie tried to explain to me what actually happened as I frowned in confusion. "Lizzie", Josie said quietly as if I would somehow scream at her. "Are you okay", she asked.

No, I'm not okay. 

My mind felt split. 

Did I just imagine the whole thing? The episodes? Malivore? The monsters? No. That's not possible. I couldn't have dreamed up nearly five years of my life right?

What is this? Some kind of messed up time travel? Another universe perhaps? Is that even possible?

Maybe this is my second chance. A dream I would never wake up from. Or maybe it's a nightmare where my sister would just be dead again by the end of it. "Lizzie, I'm so sorry", Josie sniffed, sitting down on the edge of the bed and taking my hands in hers. They're warm. "I never meant for any of this to happen", she sniffed before moving closer and wrapping her arms around me tearfully, causing me to gasp.

I closed my eyes, trying to engrave every feeling to memory, just in case I do somehow wake up from this bizarre dream. To remember the way my heart melted. The way the heat of Josie's body made me feel safe as if nothing bad could ever happen again.

How long has it been since I actually hugged my sister? Since the the black magic stripped away everything, and attempted to kill me?

Too long.

"I'm so sorry, Lizzie. Please...please forgive me. Please...", she begged as her tears soaked though the thin gown on my body.

I pulled away from her, shifting uncomfortably as more tears seemed to stream down her face. I wanted to pull her closer, and never let her go. To protect her from the outside world, but I can't. All I can think about is the last four years. The four years that were somehow erased. 

What does all this mean? 

Are Hope and I still friends? Are everyone else just a member of my imagination? I don't know what's real and what isn't anymore. 

"I-I'm sorry...", Josie choked out before getting up from the bed. "I understand. You need time. I know this is a lot to process", she said, attempting to smile but the dark, tearful look in her eyes was unnerving. They were far more haunting than they were before. Almost as if years of pain were somehow locked inside of them.

"N-no, Josie. I d-d...I don't...", I trailed off as angry tears built up in my eyes. 

"I'd just be in the way", she said, grabbing her bag off the floor and heading for the door.

"D-don't", I exclaimed, causing her to pause. "Please. D-don't go away again", I pleaded. 

"It's worse when I'm here", she whispered before disappearing out the door as tear slipped down my face.

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