Chapter 7

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I would like to take this oportunity to wish my christian friends A MERRY CHRISTMAS.....:-)


Chapter 7


Why did I say yes to him? Damn, stupid me. I wanted to say no but when I looked into his eyes and the way he looked at me, all my defenses were melted.

I was so surprised to see him here and how I wanted to run away from him but something stopped me from doing that. Thank god, AJ has taken Nate somewhere else. If not, one looked at Nate, he will know the answer to all his questions. I know I owe him an explanation but I still not ready to tell him the truth and I know it isn't fair. Everyone is right; Skye has the right to know about everything especially about Nate.

Meeting him again actually feels great. I have to refrained myself from hugging him and tell him how much I've missed him. He looked so dashing as always. His hair is shorter than the last time I meet him and he looks so mature.

I was stunned at first when I saw him attending to nephew. I thought it was his son. The boy looked exactly like him. How relieved I was when I heard him call Skye, "Uncle". I smiled thinking of the way Skye treated his niece and nephew and looking at them, I know Skye would be a great father. Yeah, he will be a good father to Nate.

I wonder if he will be happy when he finds out that he has a son; a son that was produced when we both were intoxicated? Something that we both can't remember how it was? I do wonder until now how it feels. How I reacted when he touched me, kissed me and how he reacted towards my touch. Something I wish I could remember. Something I want to remember and treasury it for the rest of my life. I don't regret loosing my v-card to him. I always wanted to give it to someone I love and I did love him even though I know he didn't love me. BUT I can't stop wondering whether he regret about it.

However, I could feel he's feeling guilty about what happened. The way he asked me just now whether I leave because what happened between us, I could feel the guilt. Was it because of the guilty feelings, he tried to look for me? I don't want him feel guilty about what happen. I think I need to tell him that.

AJ and Rika didn't asked anything when I went to look for them but from AJ face I knew he wanted to know what had transpired between me and Skye.

"I got a date with him tonight," I told him without asking as we watched Nate playing in the pool.

"Really?" he sounded excited. "Did he know already?"

"No, I didn't tell him anything yet," I said to him, "He did ask but I didn't give me my answer."

"So you're going to tell him tonight?" he asked.

"I don't know," I shook my head, "He said me that it will just be a dinner between two old friends. He promised me that he won't ask anything."

"And you not going to tell him?" he asked again looking directly at me.

"I'm scared AJ." I confessed.

"Scared of what?" he asked again, "He's not going to eat you," he joked.

I chuckled, "I know but I'm nervous. I don't know how he would react. I don't want him to feel guilty and responsible for what happen. I don't want him to blame himself for me leaving."

"He already feeling guilty and blaming himself," AJ said to me. "He got a feeling that you're leaving because of him and what happened between both of you."

I heaved loudly, "I really don't want him to feel that way."

"Then you have to tell him," he urged, "Tell him why you actually leave."

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