Chapter 9

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A/N : I am so sorry for late updates..... I have been so very busy... I hope you guys enjoy this chapter... Keep the comments and voting coming... Muah... -Sally -


Chapter 9


I woke up the next morning with me still lying next to Nate with the same dress I wore last night. I must have dosed off while thinking how I'm going to confront Skye. I looked at my watch and it showed 6.00 in morning. Knowing that I definitely cannot go back to sleep, I got up and decided to go out for a jog instead.

Half an hour later, I finally got ready to go out for a jog. I opened the front door and was surprised to see Skye standing next to his car in his jogging gear as well. He looked up when he saw me and it's too late for me to avoid him.

"You're early," I pretended to casually greet him as I saw he's walking towards me. Inside, my heart was beating fast and my palm was sweating. I didn't expect to see him so early in the morning but I'm sure, he just can't sleep like me.

"Can't sleep and I think you know why," he smirked. I bit my lips, don't know what to say. After a short silence, he asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going for a jog," I told him.

"I was thinking of doing the same thing too but instead, I drove my car here. I just have to talk to you," he said looking directly into my eyes. I tore my eyes away from him as I didn't dare to look at him. I felt nervous and my heart is beating so fast as if I'm just run a million miles. I could feel my hands shaking too due to my nervousness.

As if he could feel it, he touched my hands and stopped it from shaking, "Let's go for a drink," he said pulling me towards his car without waiting for my response. He opened the door and without argued, I got into his car. I know that he has the right to know and I just can't keep it from him any longer. Since he already could know of the truth, I might get over with it.

He drove the car in silence and I didn't ask where he's taking me. He finally stopped when we reached a coffee shop.

"Do you want to go out and have a drink or your want to have it in the car, so that we could talk privately," he asked.

I thought for a while and then shook my head, "I don't feel like drinking or eating anything."

"I don't have the appetite either," he said to me and started to drive again and finally stopped at an empty car park. "Ok, let's talk here."

"I......" I stumbled with my words as I turned towards him. I didn't really know what to say to him.

"Who else know about Nate?" he asked.

"I only told my family a month after I left. Rika found out once she's engaged to AJ and Jess found out recently when I meet her," I informed him; not daring to look at him but looking at my fingers.

"AJ and you parents knew about this? They didn't say anything?" he asked again.

"They are angry of course. AJ wanted to tell you but I've stopped him. I gave him my reason why I didn't want you to know," I told him still looking at my fingers.

"And what are that reasons?" he queried. I could feel his angry. I just bit my lips, suddenly didn't know how to explain to him. I'm scared if I told him the truth, he might be angrier. I remained quiet instead.

Seeing me quiet, Skye voiced out, "You know last night make me wonder, how long you actually intended to keep it from me."

"I.... didn't mean to....." I stumbled.

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