Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


"Come mummy, we need to pack," Nate pulled my arms excitedly towards the stairs.

I stopped my track making him looked at me, "Don't you like staying here?" I asked him. "It's more fun staying here. We have Uncle AJ, Grandpa, Grandma and Nana with us," I tried to persuade him.

He looked at everyone, "I like here but I want to stay with my daddy," he responded.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because he's my daddy," he replied looked at me as if I'm stupid. "Everyone stays with their daddy and mommy."

"Yeah?" I cast him the same look.

"Yeah," he nodded my head, "All my friends stays with their daddy and mommy."

"He has a point there," said AJ. When I glared at him for interrupting, he just shrugged.

"I agreed with AJ," it was Dad did time. I rolled my eyes at him. "He needs to stay with both his daddy and mommy. He's growing up and he need both of you in his life."

I tried to say something but this time, mom interrupted, "Stop being stubborn and try to be in his shoes this time. In his age, he needs both his mommy and daddy. He needs you both to bring him up."

"He was doing fine before this," I tried to reasons out.

"Are you sure?" asked mom as if she didn't believe me. "He never asked you about his daddy?"

I bite my lips, "He has asked several time," I admitted.

"And you been telling him lies all the while?" it was AJ who asked.

"I just told him that his daddy has to go away," I softly replied.

"And now his daddy with him you still want them to be apart?" AJ asked again.

"If I want to them to be apart, I would never admit Skye his daddy," I scoffed.

"So you tell him about Skye, so that he knows that his daddy really exists?" mom tenderly asked me. I nodded my head.

"Well, then why don't you want to stay with his daddy?" mom asked again.

"I don't see there's any reason for us to stay with him," I said out my point of view, "He can come and see us everyday."

"But that's not how a family should live. To Nate, you all are now a family. From what I see, Nate wants a family and that's why he so happy to know that he actually have one. Doesn't it ever cross you mind that this is what he always wanted? Doesn't it ever cross your mind about how he felt seeing all his other friends doing everything together with their family?" mom looked at me intensely while saying all this. Her words make me think.

"I..... I never really thought about that," I admitted softly.

Mom smiled, "May be now you should start thinking about it before it's too late."

"But don't you think it will like a rush to Skye? He has to change is lifestyle all so sudden?" I tried to reason out.

"Well, he has no choice," said mom.

"That's what I don't want," I sighed, "I don't want to force him into doing something. I don't want to leave him with no choice."

"From what I see, I don't think Skye mind at all. He looks as happy as Nate. He couldn't hide his smile when he heard that you both are going to stay with him tomorrow," dad suddenly said after being in silent listening to our conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2013 ⏰

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