~ Chapter One ~

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{ Author's Note} : Hello, I just wanted to add this quite quick. This story is based in the events of Captain America: The First Avenger, or more commonly known as the first movie in teh storyline of Captain America. Enjoy the story!


I walked around the bend of the hallway alongside Dr. Erskine. My eyes travel the room, acouring the new recruits. I nearly bump into the doctor when his steps come to a slow. He seems to be eaves-dropping on the conversation of a scrawny boy and a soldier. 

"I know it's a war."

"Why are you so keen to fight? There are so many important jobs."

"What do you want me to do? Collect scrap metal in my little red wagon?" 

"Yes! Why not?"

I stand in confusion. The soldier himself is rather dashing but the other one.. Well.. He has spirit. 

"I'm not going to sit in a factory, Bucky."

"Bucky, come one. There are men laying down their lives. I got no right to do any less than them." 

I can't help but smile at his courage. 

"That's what you don't understand. This isn't about me." 

I notice Dr. Erskine's expression change as the two men part. Something about the little guy intrigues more than any other. His eyes follow him as he passes us by. I swivel around in front of him. He looks at me with raised eyebrows perhaps saying, 'This one?' almost hopefully. I sigh slightly, allowing a chuckle to escape my lips as I gesture for him to follow me after the man. 

A nurse goes in to tell the doctor we have arrived. We here few words of an 'Excuse me.' before the doctor and the nurse reappear. One of the soldiers we had tag along waits in the opening of the curtain for Dr. Erskine to collect his papers. Dr. Erskine excuses the soldier as he enters. I hear the opening questions, not as subtle as I would have put it. 

"So, you want to go overseas. Kill some Nazis." His approach is unorthadox but I know better than to question his methods. If something intrigued him he would pursue it, no matter what stood in his way. With the utmost safety, of course. 

The two intrduce themselves. "Dr. Abraham Erskine. I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve." I peep through the curtain to see them shaking hands. "Steve Rogers." The man, Steve, is quite small but dare I admit it, kind of.. cute? Dr. Erskine continues to question Mr. Rogers about his home, which from the five enlistement forms he turned in all from a different place was a mystery to five unsuspecting evaluators. 

I tune back into conversation inside to hear a persistent question from Dr. Erskine, "Do you want to kill Nazis?" Mr. Rogers inhales deeply, "Is this a test?" The doctor nods his head approvingly of the assumption. "I don't want to kill anybody. I don't like bullies. I don't care where they are from." An answer I would not have expected but by the subtle nods from Dr. Erskine, he approves of it. But his interogation seems to have come to an end quite yet. 

"Well, there are already so many big men fighting this war. Maybe what we need now is a little guy, huh?" He swings open the curtain, I dodge him gracefully as he walks out. "I can offer you a chance. Only a chance." He says, walking over to an empty enlistment form. 

"I'll take it." Mr. Rogers seems quite surprised, but he pushes it away as his dedication is givin' into. "Good. So, where is the little guy from? Actually." Mr. Rogers gives him a small smile before answering, "Brooklyn." Dr. Erskine stamps the form an dhands the folder to Mr. Rogers. "Congratulations, Soldier." I follow him out of the room.  

Love On Ice {Steve Rogers x Female Reader}Where stories live. Discover now