~ Chapter Two ~

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Peggy and I approach the men lined up swiftly. They are engaged in side conversations or are looking around the base at other working members. "Recruits!" I call. "Attention." Peggy takes there attention as I convinced her to do the opening. "Gentlemen I am Agent Carter." She takes not a moments before she gestures to me beside her, "The is Agent {Your lastname]. We supervise all operations for this division." We stop side by side standing tall and authoritatively. 

"What's with the accent, Queen Victoria?" A soldier interjects. I assume a position in front of him. "I thought I was signing up for the U.S. Army?" His face shows flickers of humor. "What's your name, soldier?" I hear Peggy ask behind me. "Gilmore Hodge, Your Majesty." His face seems to be much more devoid of humor now. "Step forward, Hodge." I command, he obeys stepping closer to me. "Put you right foot forward." I order, keeping my face serious. "Mm, We gonna wrassle?" He asks, becoming his angrovatingly humourous self once again. "Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like." He winks making my blood boil. I take no time in colliding my fist with his face, sending him down into the dust on the ground. 

"Agent [Your lastname]!" I hear a familiar firm voice behind me. Peggy and myself salute and greet him in unison, "Colonel Phillips." We go back to an 'at ease' position. "I can see that you are breaking in the candidates. That's good!" He stops walking, looking down at the man I just punched. "Get your ass up out of that dirt and stand in that line at attention till somebody comes tells you what to do." He commands. "Yes, sir!" Hodge obeys. 

"General Patton has said that wars are fought with weapons, but they are won by men. We are going to win this war because we have the best.." He trails off looking at Mr. Rogers. "Men.." He shoots Dr. Erskine a glance that makes me smile. "And because they are going to get better." He continues. "Much, better." Mr. Rogers stays in position despite the comment, showing no emotion come over his face. 


Over the past weeks Peggy and I have been supervising the progress of the soldiers. Especially Rogers. The other men have been making his life a living. Hell. Though without the power to change that I have had to sit and watch it. 

"Pick up the pace, ladies!" We hear behind us. We turn in our car seats to see the soldiers approaching the half way point. "Let's go, Let's go! Double time!" We hear the offcier aggresively encourage them. Peggy takes her pen out of her mouth prepared to take some notes as they come closer. "Come on! Faster, faster!" More yelling. "Move! Move!" And then, they stop. "Squad, halt! That flag means we are only at the half way point! First man to bring it to me gets a ride back with Agents Carter and {Your lastname]." The officer says. 

The men scramble around the pole trying to climb it. "Nobody's gotten that flag in 17 years!" The officer calls triumphantly. He allows a few more men to attempt to climb the pole beofre yelling for them to 'fall in'. Though, Mr. Rogers walks up to the pole slowly. He looks it up and down before.. pulling out the bolts. It comes crashing down a few feet infront of him. He walks forth, snatching the flag from ontop of it. He jumps into the car beside me thanking the driver. He tips his hat and smiles. I turn my head away smiling, covering my blush with one hand. Peggy turns to smile at me knowingly. We drive off back towards the base. 

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