~ Chapter Six ~

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The rain poured down around as we ran to Colonel Phillips' tent. "Come on!" I hurried along behind him. Accompanied by Peggy whom we picked up on the way. 

"Colonely Phillips." Steve says, urgency strung into his voice. "Well, if it isn't the Star-Spangled Man With A Plan. What is your plan today?" Phillips says upon seeing Steve. 

"I need to casualty list from Azzano." 

"You don't get to give me orders, son." 

"I just need one name, Sergeant James Barnes from the 107th."

Something about the name seemed famil- oh.. It was his friend, the one we saw at the enlistment building... 

"You and I are going to have a conversation later that you won't enjoy." He says, pointing to me with his pen. 

"Please tell me he is alive, sir. B-A-R-" Colonel Phillips cuts him off. 

"Ii can spell. I have signed more of these condolence letters today then I care would to count,  but, the name does sound familiar. I'm sorry." Steve's face droops as he finishes.

"What about the others? Are you planning a rescue mission?" He continues, pushing his emotions deep down. 

"Yeah, it's called winning the war." 

"But if you know where they are why no at least-" 

"There 30 miles behind the lines through some of the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. We'd lose more men than we'd save. I don't expect you to understand that because you're a chorus girl."

"I think I understand just fine." 

"Well, then understand it somewhere else. If I read the posters correctly you go someplace to be in thrity minutes." Colonel Phillips gets back to his work leaving Steve staring at the map. 

"Yes, sir. I d

My stomach has a growing tangle in it as he walks off, this won't turn out well.. 

"If you ahve something to say right now is the perfect time to keep it to yourself." The Colonel commands. 


I throw my coat to the side, watching as Steve collects his gear. "What do you plan to do, walk to Austria?" He responds without hesitation, "If that's what it takes." I have a feeling he won't listen to my warnings so I take a different avenue. "You heard the Colonel, you're friend is most likely dead." He continues to pack without meeting my eyes, "You don't know that." 

"Even so the Colonel is devising a strategy if he detects-" 

"By the time he's done that it could be too late." He grabs the last of his gear, his coat, and shield and walks off. 

"Steve!" I call after him. I follow him out to a car, he throws his supplies inside and finally meets my gaze. "You told me you thought I was meant for more than this. Did you mean that?" He asks. I keep myself serious, "Every word." He nods slightly, "Then you gotta let me go." He gets into the drivers seat, strating the vehicle. I grab the windshield, "I can do more than that." 


Tha plan engine runs loud as we travel through the air. "The HYDRA camp is in Krausberg, tucked between these two mountain ranges." I explain, trying to keep busy enough to push away the thought of what Peggy will think of my descision. "It's a factory of some kind." 

"We should be able to drop you right on the doorstep." Stark says, leaning over in his pilot's chair. "Just get me as close as you can." Steve says. "You two are ging to be in a lot of trouble when we land." He turns back to me. "And you won't" I challenge. "Where I'm going if anybody yells at me, I can just shoot them." 

"They will undoubtedly shoot back." A rising concerns seeps into my tone. "Well let's hope it's good for something." He taps his shield a few times. 

"Agent [your lastname]." I turn to face Stark. "If we're not in too much of a hurry I thought we could stop off in Lucerne for a late-night fondue." There is a moment of silence on teh plane before I continue. 

"Stark is teh best civilian pilot I have ever seen. He's mad enough to brave this airspace. We are lucky to have him." Steve nods, finsishing up the last pieces of his gear. "So you two- Do you- Fondue?" I shake my head holding back a slight smile. "This is your transponder activate it when you're ready and the signal will lead us right to you." I tell him. 

"Are you sure this thing works?" Steve asks Stark. "It's been tested more than you, pal." He responds coolly. 

Without warning gunfire begins to hit the sides of the aircraft. Steve gets up and opens the door. "Get back here! We're taking you all the way in!" I snap. "As soon as I'm clear you turn this thing around and get the hell out of here!" He yells over the sound of gunfire. "You can't give me orders!" I say. "The hell I can't! I'm a Captain." He gives me a small smile before launching out of the plane. 

The last I see of him he is falling down, down, down to the ground.. 

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