~ Chapter Ten ~

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"Agent [your lastname]!" I hear Stark call my name. "Yes?" I turn away from Steve's photograph for a moment. "I need your help." I move my hand in a small circle, urging him to continue. "Colonel Phillipes has granted me one last expedition into the snow-" I stop him there. "Stark, please. Let him be at rest." I tell him, hoping I won't break out into sudden tears. "Y/N! Please... There's a chance." My heart feels like it just repaired only to be torn to bits again. "Fine, Stark!" I give, dropping my head onto my desk. 


Stark leads me through blasting winds and high piling snow drifts. "Y/N?" I hear his faint call. When I look next to me, he's gone. "Stark?" I ask seemingly air as I turn in dizzy-ing circles. I walk around trying to find him or our transport with no avail. Something under my foot gives way dropping me into pitch blackness. I land in a pile of snow, my body numb from the cold. I look around.. I'm in the plane. 

I rush down a hall in the aircraft finding... Steve? My heart feeling as though it is pumping out fo my chest when I see him, though perhaps not alive. I hear a shift in the metal above, holding my breath as the whole place shakes. Pipes and suports begin to give way. But beofre I can get out of the place, something hits me in the head, throwing me into complete darkness.. 

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