chapter 25- 911

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pov: mark

meredith and i are in O.R. 3 working on a firefighter. he burned his hand and fell resulting in major abdominal injuries and severe burns on his arms. we've been in here for about an hour and we had many more to go. "dr. sloan, dr. grey, you're getting paged," the nurse informed us.
"by who?" meredith asked.
"it's lexie grey, 911 in fetal," she replied. we looked at each other.
"page dr. bailey and dr. avery!" i yelled.

we sat and worked for about five minutes before they came in and scrubbbed. "do you guys need extra hands or what?" bailey asked. meredith sniffled.
"we got paged 911 to fetal... for lexie," she sniffled again.
"oh well you guys go, we've got this," jackson motioned to the door. meredith and i looked at one another and made a run for it.

we ran through the O.R. hall and to the elevator. it was filled completely with visitors and doctors.
"get out! everyone get out of the damn elevator!" meredith yelled. they all emptied out and we ran in. quickly, we pressed the 4, which will take us to the fetal medicine wing.
"god she better not be dead when we get there. she can't die," i mumbled.
"she's not gonna die. she can't die," meredith reassured me.

the elevator opened and we ran to the nurse's station. "where's lexie grey?!" i asked the nurse. she pointed to exam room 3. as we busted through the door lexie was lying on the table and arizona was pointing the screen. "what the hell happened?!" i yelled.

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