Chapter 5

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***Destiny's P.O.V ***

"The brand ambassador for the new cosmetics brand has been finalized, secured the ten percent shares in Shumiura's company, the investment in MUSiK MOD is on the run, the tech team is ready with the Mace-Tech"

With a white bandage wrapped around his hands, Boss is busy checking out the things on the agenda. It didn't even cross my mind what's wrong with his hands because my eyes are glued to something else. The dark purple jacket that he is wearing. It its the jacket that Pilot has given me after the incident with our ex-employee. I could still see the faint coffee stains on it. 

After that night, when I saw Pilot behaving obscenely with that girl, I came back home angry. Let alone return back his jacket I never wanted to see his face again. So I just ordered my assistant to find his workplace and deliver it there. How come the boss got that jacket? 

I was brought to this world with a click of fingers by Mr. Weissman "Are you following me?" 

"Yes..yes boss" 

"Pick a gift for Gavin's girlfriend's party"

"What kind.." I mumbled though I know his answer. 

"Erm... I don't know, just pick what you think is good, the more expensive the better, everybody likes expensive things" he concludes. 

I pretended to take notes of what he's saying but in reality, my mind is still thinking about the jacket and Gavin's engagement news only added salt to the wounds. 

"And...arrange for a call with Miss Mace," he says carefreely. 

I don't know how boss and Winona can see each other's faces like it's nothing. I couldn't even think of Pilot without feeling betrayed or disgusted.

With my nod, he bids farewell for tonight, "Alright, we will discuss the other things later". As I was about to leave the room I hear Mr.Weissman calling me back "Arrange for this jacket to be washed properly and hand it back to me tomorrow" he says. 

"Yes..yes boss" I hesitantly accepted the jacket which has some white powder besides the coffee stains. 

The night I couldn't sleep at all looking at the perfectly dry washed and cleaned-up purple jacket in my room. Why did he do that? I cannot believe he is that kind of person even though I saw it with my own eyes...

Just cuz I am sad, the sun doesn't stop rising and the work doesn't stop piling up. After finishing the shit tons of things at the office, I accompanied Mr.Weissman to Gavin Star's party. There are all sorts of big shots at the party and it is star-studded I must say. Gavin proposed to his long-term girlfriend Stella. There are people who cheered genuinely and there are people who have twisted expressions out of jealousy. I think I do not need to say the latter are in the majority. 

I am no exception as well. I felt a little envious for sure not because Gavin is marrying someone but more like I couldn't even get a date for a party. 

Just like that, I have zoned out that in my own thoughts a familiar face which I haven't seen in a while appeared in front of me. 

**** Pilot's Destiny****

I have zoned out again at the hub and caught by Howard. Luckily Freya saved my ass once again. 

"Pi, you are quite absent-minded these days, is there anything that you need help with? tell me I will see what I can do for you" says Freya concerned. 

"He is just being a love-sick puppy, when the phase passes, he will be okay" Rita grinned lightening the mood. 

Don't know if it is a phase or not but I couldn't forget Destiny at all. She didn't visit my gig that night at the forest road and later just sent some assistant to deliver my jacket to me. I wish I could meet her one more time but going to her office is a bit too much and making her uncomfortable is not the right way...anyways what is in the past is in the past I must start preparing for the Japanese finals, this time I shall make it. Determination takes over me from the clutches of despair. 

"In that case, can I ask you for help?" Freya says bashfully. 

"Sure, anything" I replied. 

"I am going to a friend's party tonight, can you..can you be my date tonight?" 

"Not a big deal" I played it cool while Rita mouthed the words "Not a big deal" making fun of me. 

After finishing the work I changed my clothes and drove to the address according to Freya's directions. 

Wow! For sure Freya said it's her friend's party but all I see is the faces on the Forbes and billboards. Fuck! Isn't that Gavin Star?

Freya's friend introduced us to Gavin Star, apparently, Freya's friend is her boyfriend. He is quite friendly unlike what you expect from a billionaire model. But not everyone is like that there are people who are not decent enough to even offer a handshake. 

I felt a little out of the place with all the bling and flashy atmosphere around me. Taking the chance Freya talking to some other people I went out to catch some fresh air. There I saw a familiar face I haven't seen in a while. 


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