Chapter 1

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This is a short spin-off series of my previous work "Billionaire's Identity", to understand certain characters and events better I recommend you guys check out that book first. If not, no worries you can still enjoy "Pilot's Destiny". 

Once again thank you, everyone, for supporting Billionaire's Identity!!!!

Happy New Year and Pilot's Destiny is a small gift from my side to you all guys <3 LK 


****** Destiny's P.O.V******

"Here's yours, here's yours here's yours" he is making me do this again.

"If there's a flight to hell I wish you guys get a business class to it"
"I wish cancer on him"
"That arrogant bastard he deserves a dog's death"
"Fu*k Fu"k him and you"
"Thankyou now my family will die starving because of you guys"
"Live long miserable life"

These are the things I get to hear almost every day being the announcer and executer of the bad news. Thanks to my boss Lucas Weissman.

This is already the fourth round of pink slips this month. Mr.Weismann has no mercy whatsoever. Being his secretary I had to do these horrible things. Fire people and settle issues. The thing that I hate more than anything else.  But I had no other choice than to obey his orders. 

Dad worked as a secretary for Lucas Weissman's father and now I'm here to continue the legacy.
Dad knows what it's like to work for the Weissman's and at first, he reprimanded me from doing this job. Then, with what happened in the senior year of my college no company's gonna offer me a job other than the Weissman's. Well, it's their fault so they had to.

The bell rang letting me know that Mr. Weissman needs me.

"Book an appointment with the Mace-Tech CEO tomorrow evening" he ordered fixing his eyes on the laptop.

Did he just say Mace-Tech CEO? This man has some guts. It's not been even a month after their breakup news has wandered the tabloids. Well, that's Lucas Weissman for you. Business is business for him.

"Yes boss. Anything else?"

"Hmm..what do you think of my personality?"

What the heck did he just ask me? His personality? Rich? Arrogant?pain in the ass? "Erm.. very much like a successful businessman boss" I blurted out.

"What do you think is the best way to change me so that no one would notice me"


"I.. don't want anybody to recognize me, what do you think is the best way to do it?"

"Erm.." what the fuck is he talking about now? "Umm... I'm not sure boss"

"Go do some research and let me know tomorrow," he said flipping the pen in between his fingers in a rotating motion.

I couldn't roll my eyes in front of him but I did it a thousand times inside my brain. Research what fucking research? What on earth is he talking about? He wants no one to recognize him? What shenanigans he up to now?

After a long ass day at the office, it's time to meet Ray Harper, the singing sensation. I have to somehow persuade him to promote our new line of cosmetics. I have put on the red lipstick, adjusted my glasses and ponytail and put on the killer heels that I'm dying to take off.

This promotion was so important to Mr.Weissmann that he sent his own driver Robert to drop me off at the Forestroad bar. 

"Hello Mr. Harper", I shook hands with the tattoo filled body in ripped jeans and a leather jacket.

I started explaining the terms to him but all I see is his stares and a charming smile on his face. 

"Will you go on a date with me Miss Hemsworth"? he opened his mouth after ten minutes into our one-sided conversation. 

My jaw almost dropped to middle earth hearing that. Didn't he mean we shall set a date to sign the agreement?

"Miss Hemsworth! I'm asking you if you wanna go on a date with me" he asked again. 

Don't those Rockstars like the skinny models in bikini's and tan or is it a stereotype?

A finger snap by Ray brought me back while I don't know how to answer that question.

"One date and the deal's yours" he smiled again.

Oh my god, what shall I do now? He's a well-known playboy. If I say yes I'm not sure if it will stop with just a date. If I say no and the deal's off Mr.weissman will kill me.

"Erm...I...have a boyfriend" I lied straight staring at his brown eyes.

"Really!" a doubtful expression on his face. 

"Yes, in fact, erm he's playing tomorrow here, Pilot Simmers that's my boyfriend." I just pointed out a name I saw on the list on the corner because I know he won't believe me if I didn't give a name to an imaginary boyfriend.

***** Pilot's P.O.V*****

I messed up the two auditions I had last week. I had to pay three months of rent.  I need to get a new guitar. I wish some miracle would happen. 

"Pi, table 3, spaghetti Bolognese right?" an angelic voice reached my ears if only it has carried good news with it.

"Oh yeah yes Freya" I replied putting a full stop to my daydreaming session.

"You sure you didn't miss anything?" Freya raised a brow.

"Erm..." Shit!!! The guy said he's lactose intolerant and no cheese. "Freya!" I cried in panic.

"Pilot! First of all, it's not Freya, it's Chef! Second How many times did I tell you guys that customers' requests are IMPORTANT" Howard is fuming in anger.

"Yeah..yes Chef, sorry Chef" I straighten my back and made my voice coarse and all my senses alerted as if I'm in the middle of a war.

Howard left with a warning glare while Freya shot a smile and shrugged.

"Rockstar, table 9, Carbonara with garlic bread" Rita stuck the sticky note on top of my shirt carelessly and proceeded to pantry room.

Shit, I became prey for Howard's fuming session today. One of these days I am gonna end up losing this job and drag my sorry ass to father again. That very thought made me throw up. I can't face him without reaching my goal. I can't return as a failure.

I noticed the seven missed calls from Jack during the break and called him back. 

"Pi, I know it's your turn tomorrow but we're short one guitarist tonight, Can you fill in?" Jack spoke anxiously. 

"Sure!! ?" I jumped in merry. Finally a piece of good news on a horrible day.

" Thanks, bro! I'll put up your name then! See you at Forestroad, at 9 pm tonight!" Jack hung up.


Let me know your thoughts guys, I am so excited to know what you think of this chapter. If you like it I will continue writing next chapter <3 LK

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