Chapter 3

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*** Destiny's P.O.V***

Did he say cancel the deal??? anger is fuming up inside me as I got on the car.

"Looks like a bad day sweetheart?" Robert greeted me. 

"You know how it is with Mr.Weissman" I sighed deeply.

"He can be a bit irrational sometimes but he's a good kid " Robert smiled.

Irrational my ass, he's the devil's incarnation. Robert always does this. He loves Lucas Weissman and puts up with all his shenanigans. I don't know why or how. I wish it was that simple for me.

I gave my first kiss to a person that I don't even remember the name because of my boss. And now it's all gone in vain.

Robert dropped me at Weissman's place instead of the company. The doors opened automatically recognizing my face. Only a few people could go inside the penthouse like that.

Still, I should have knocked on the door in order to save my eyes from the atrocious sight in front of them. It's my boss making out with some model chick. Well, this is not the first time I'm seeing this but it irks my soul every time I see this.

I cleared my throat purposefully to announce my presence.

Mr. Weissman let go off the model as she went away giving me this glare.

"The deal's off right," he said making his way towards the pool.

"Yes boss," I said controlling my hate for him at the moment.

"Good." He dived into the water leaving his clothes behind except the necessary one.

I stood there like a statue for a minute waiting for his next words.

Then Alexa alerted the presence of a person at the mansion to whom Mr. Weismann granted permission to come inside.

My heart started beating fast at the thought of the person who is going to be with us in a second. He was my first love, crush whatever you say. Then again he's all above to many people. His charms are just hard to escape from. But he's the forbidden apple.

"Luca, you didn't sign the deal right?" a concerned voice came over with its presence near us.

Wait What?? How did he know about the deal?

"Hey, Destiny!" He didn't forget to smile at me along with a short wink as he always does. I wish my boss has at least half of the manners Gavin Star does. Yes, former model, billionaire Gavin Star is my forever crush.

I grew up knowing Mr.Weismann, Gavin Star, Winona Mace as the inseparable trio ever since my childhood, as my father worked for Senior Weismann. Of the three, two have horrible temper and personality while the other was charming and gentle. I don't think I need to mention who is who. 

"No we didn't" Mr. Weismann had a satisfactory smile while he came out of the pool and I handed him over the towel.

"How many times did I tell you not to let beautiful girls do these things for you" Gavin Chuckled.

Did he just call me beautiful? I could feel the rosy red the blush added to my cheeks.

A notification bell from Gavin's phone made him cry like a little boy and jump over.

"See, I told ya the scandal will burst like a balloon in any second" Gavin had a bright grin on his face.

"I know already" Mr.Weissman plumped on to the pool chair inviting Gavin to join the adjacent one.

"The word is Thankyou and you are welcome" Gavin smirked and joined Mr.Weissman.

"You can leave know" Mr.Weissman signed with his finger in a wavy motion.

"Good night Destiny," Gavin said with a small smile.

"Good night Mr. Star, Mr. Weismann," I said leaving the mansion.

As soon as I set my foot outside, a notification bell alerted me about the drug scandal that Ray Harper is involved in. Now I know the reason why things went south. 

After what it seemed to be like a never-ending day ended as I threw the apartment keys aside and jumped on to my bed changing into my comfy pajamas.

I want to kiss Destiny. Destiny's mine get off dude. She's mine she's mine. Oh my it is a dream, right? It must be!!  otherwise why would Mr. Star and the guitar guy is fighting over me. I must say one cannot really choose between the two. One looks like a Greek god and the other a Roman warrior.

A call from my attorney broke my sweet dream. Seems I'm meeting the Greek god today then. Only he's a god but human. A human who might sue me for sexual assault. Uh...I bumped my fists deep into the pillow at my horrible luck.

**** Pilot's P.O.V ****

I'm not really sure what to say when I meet her again. Everything is just vague. I should be angry with Ri for setting up this meeting but somehow my heart is fluttering at the thought of meeting the little blonde from yesterday.

I entered the multistoried law firm gate and there are all kinds of people in business suits, documents, seriousness written on their faces. I feel so out of place. What date Ri was talking about. It's more like a corporate jail. 

I said my name at the reception desk. I asked them if it's okay to proceed with the meeting at the café block which I encountered on my way. The lady at the reception made some phone calls before giving me a smiling nod to wait at the café.

As I am soaking myself in the soft music played on the system in the cafe,  a familiar clank of heels caught my years. It assured me that I still have an excellent ear for things literally.  

"Good evening Mr.Simmers" the blonde in a white dress shirt and black tight pen skirt and heels offered a handshake. 

I expected butterflies will fly all over around when our hands touch. But it is very stiff and proper. It reminded me of my training days when I used to shake hands like that. 

"If you could tell me your terms we can come to an agreement" she placed a bundle of papers in front of me.

What this girl is made of? Is she really thinking that I want to Sue her?

"You have no idea do you" I couldn't help but laugh at her way of thinking. 

"Sorry?" She sounded genuinely confused.

"Erm., What do you do anyway?" I was really curious about what does she do after all that her every word and action is so calculated and formal.

"Excuse me?" She asked as if she's offended straight.

I want to correct my mistake right away by saying sorry but before that something unexpected happened.

A middle-aged man may be in his mid-forties came straight towards our table and poured the water over Destiny's face drenching her white shirt. 

For a second, I was astonished and my brain couldn't process what was happening.

Then the guy lifted up Destiny by her shirt collar.

I felt the blood rushing through my veins. 


Thank so so much for the love you are giving to "Pilot's Destiny" guy. It really makes me wanna write more <3 LK 

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